
来源:互联网 发布:百度贴吧查ip软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 06:27



        针对上述问题,我们可以将所有的AIDL放在同一个Service中去管理。在这种模式下,整个工作机制是这样的:每个业务模块创建自己的AIDL接口并实现此接口,这个时候不同业务模块之间是不能有耦合的,所有实现细节要单独开来,然后向服务端提供自己的唯一标识和其对应的Binder对象;对于服务端来说,只需要一个Service就可以了,服务端提供一个queryBinder接口,这个接口能够根据业务模块的特征来返回相应的Binder对象给它们,不同的业务模块拿到所需的Binder对象后就可以进行远程方法调用(Remote Procedure Call)了。由此可见,Binder连接池的主要作用就是将每个业务模块的Binder请求同意转发到远程Service中去执行,从而避免了重复创建Service的过程。


interface ISecurityCenter {    String encrypt(String content);    String decrypt(String password);}

interface ICompute {    int add(int a, int b);}

public class SecurityCenterImpl extends ISecurityCenter.Stub {    private static final char SECRET_CODE = '^';    @Override    public String encrypt(String content) throws RemoteException {        char[] chars = content.toCharArray();        for(int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {            chars[i] ^= SECRET_CODE;        }        return new String(chars);    }    @Override    public String decrypt(String password) throws RemoteException {        return encrypt(password);    }}
public class ComputeImpl extends ICompute.Stub {    @Override    public int add(int a, int b) throws RemoteException {        return a + b;    }}

interface IBinderPool {    // @param binderCode, the unique token of specific Binder    // @return specific Binder who's token is binderCode.    IBinder queryBinder(int binderCode);}

 @Override        public IBinder queryBinder(int binderCode) throws RemoteException {            IBinder binder = null;            switch (binderCode) {                case BINDER_SECURITY_CENTER:                    binder = new SecurityCenterImpl();                    break;                case BINDER_COMPUTE:                    binder = new ComputeImpl();                    break;                default:                    break;            }            return binder;        }

public class BinderPoolService extends Service {    private static final String TAG = "BinderPoolService";    private Binder mBinderPool = new BinderPool.BinderPoolImpl();    @Override    public void onCreate() {        super.onCreate();    }    @Override    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {        Log.d(TAG, "onBind");        return mBinderPool;    }    @Override    public void onDestroy() {        super.onDestroy();    }}

public class BinderPool {    private static final String TAG = "BinderPool";    public static final int BINDER_NONE = -1;    public static final int BINDER_COMPUTE = 0;    public static final int BINDER_SECURITY_CENTER = 1;    private IBinderPool mBinderPool;    private static volatile BinderPool sInstance;    private Context mContext;    private CountDownLatch mConnectBinderPoolCountDownLatch;    public BinderPool(Context context) {        mContext = context.getApplicationContext();        connectBinderPoolService();    }    public static BinderPool getInstance(Context context) {        if(sInstance == null) {            synchronized (BinderPool.class) {                if(sInstance == null) {                    sInstance = new BinderPool(context);                }            }        }        return sInstance;    }    private synchronized void connectBinderPoolService() {        mConnectBinderPoolCountDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);        Intent service = new Intent(mContext, BinderPoolService.class);        mContext.bindService(service, mBinderPoolConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);        try {            mConnectBinderPoolCountDownLatch.await();        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    /**     * query binder by binderCode from binder pool     * @param binderCode the unique token of binder     * @return binder who's token is binderCode     *          return null when not found or BinderPoolService died.     */    public IBinder queryBinder(int binderCode) {        IBinder binder = null;        if(mBinderPool != null) {            try {                binder = mBinderPool.queryBinder(binderCode);            } catch (RemoteException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return binder;    }    private ServiceConnection mBinderPoolConnection = new ServiceConnection() {        @Override        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {            mBinderPool = IBinderPool.Stub.asInterface(service);            try {                mBinderPool.asBinder().linkToDeath(mBinderPoolDeathRecipient, 0);            } catch (RemoteException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }            mConnectBinderPoolCountDownLatch.countDown();        }        @Override        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {        }    };    private IBinder.DeathRecipient mBinderPoolDeathRecipient = new IBinder.DeathRecipient() {        @Override        public void binderDied() {            Log.w(TAG, "binder died.");            mBinderPool.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(mBinderPoolDeathRecipient, 0);            mBinderPool = null;            connectBinderPoolService();        }    };    public static class BinderPoolImpl extends IBinderPool.Stub {        public BinderPoolImpl() {            super();        }        @Override        public IBinder queryBinder(int binderCode) throws RemoteException {            IBinder binder = null;            switch (binderCode) {                case BINDER_SECURITY_CENTER:                    binder = new SecurityCenterImpl();                    break;                case BINDER_COMPUTE:                    binder = new ComputeImpl();                    break;                default:                    break;            }            return binder;        }    }}

public class BinderPoolActivity extends AppCompatActivity {    private static final String TAG = "BinderPoolActivity";    private ISecurityCenter mSecurityCenter;    private ICompute mCompute;    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        new Thread(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                doWork();            }        }).start();    }    private void doWork() {        BinderPool binderPool = BinderPool.getInstance(BinderPoolActivity.this);        IBinder securityBinder = binderPool.queryBinder(BinderPool.BINDER_SECURITY_CENTER);        mSecurityCenter = SecurityCenterImpl.asInterface(securityBinder);        Log.d(TAG, "visit ISecurityCenter");        String msg = "hello Android";        System.out.println("content: " + msg);        try {            String password = mSecurityCenter.encrypt(msg);            System.out.println("encrypt: " + password);            System.out.println("decrypt: " + mSecurityCenter.decrypt(password));        } catch (RemoteException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        Log.d(TAG, "visit ICompute");        IBinder computeBinder = binderPool.queryBinder(BinderPool.BINDER_COMPUTE);        mCompute = ComputeImpl.asInterface(computeBinder);        try {            System.out.println("3 + 5 = " + mCompute.add(3, 5));        } catch (RemoteException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}


        有了BinderPool可以大大方便日常开发工作,比如如果有一个新的业务模块需要添加新的AIDL,那么在它实现了自己的AIDL之后,只需要修改BinderPoolImpl中 的queryBinder方法,给自己添加一个新的binderCode并返回对应的Binder对象即可不需要其他修改,也不需要创建新Service。因此,BinderPool能极大提高AIDL的开发效率,避免大量Service的创建。

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