CGAL 4.9 - Triangulated Surface Mesh Deformation

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺入口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 02:17

Here, I would like to derive the formula (10)


For triangle vjvivm, we have the following three equation which is related to vi


The same as for for triangle vivjvn we have:


Taking derivative of those equations w.r.t vi and sum them up yields formula (10)

Then, let us look into alec jacobson’s matlab code

 function K = spokes_and_rims_linear_block(V,F,d)    % Computes a matrix K such that K * R computes    %  鈭�   -2*(cot(aij) + cot(bij) * (V(i,d)-V(j,d)) * (Ri + Rj) +    %       -2*cot(aij) * (V(i,d)-V(j,d)) * Raij +    %       -2*cot(bij) * (V(i,d)-V(j,d)) * Rbij    % j鈭圢(i)    %     % where:          vj    %              /  |  \    %             /   |   \    %            /    |    \    %           /     |     \    %          aij    |    bij    %           \     |     /    %            \    |    /    %             \fij|gij/    %              \  |  /    %                 vi    %     % Inputs:    %   V  #V by dim list of coordinates    %   F  #F by 3 list of triangle indices into V    %   d  index into columns of V    % Output:    %   K  #V by #F matrix    %    if simplex_size == 3      % triangles      C = cotangent(V,F);      i1 = F(:,1); i2 = F(:,2); i3 = F(:,3);      I = [i1;i2;i2;i3;i3;i1;i1;i2;i3];      J = [i2;i1;i3;i2;i1;i3;i1;i2;i3];      v = [ ...         C(:,3).*(V(i1,d)-V(i2,d)) + C(:,2).*(V(i1,d)-V(i3,d)); ...         -C(:,3).*(V(i1,d)-V(i2,d)) + C(:,1).*(V(i2,d)-V(i3,d)); ...          C(:,1).*(V(i2,d)-V(i3,d)) + C(:,3).*(V(i2,d)-V(i1,d)); ...         -C(:,1).*(V(i2,d)-V(i3,d)) + C(:,2).*(V(i3,d)-V(i1,d)); ...          C(:,2).*(V(i3,d)-V(i1,d)) + C(:,1).*(V(i3,d)-V(i2,d)); ...         -C(:,2).*(V(i3,d)-V(i1,d)) + C(:,3).*(V(i1,d)-V(i2,d)); ...          ... % diagonal        C(:,3).*(V(i1,d)-V(i2,d)) - C(:,2).*(V(i3,d)-V(i1,d)); ...         C(:,1).*(V(i2,d)-V(i3,d)) - C(:,3).*(V(i1,d)-V(i2,d)); ...         C(:,2).*(V(i3,d)-V(i1,d)) - C(:,1).*(V(i2,d)-V(i3,d)); ...         ];      % construct and divide by 3 so laplacian can be used as is      K = sparse(I,J,v,n,n)/3;    elseif simplex_size == 4      % tetrahedra      assert(false)    end  end

The column dimension of matrix k goes through each vertex that edges connect to. Elements on each row of matrix k are the same for linearizing the rotation matrix summation.
For each vertex on each triangle, we sum cot* edge up through edges connected to it.

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