motan学习笔记 六 opentracing Brave+zipkin实现

来源:互联网 发布:手机淘宝天猫客服 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 09:16

motan学习笔记 一 微博轻量级RPC框架Motan

motan学习笔记 二 motan架构分析

motan学习笔记 三 motan Demo 分析

motan学习笔记 四 motan Demo 之yar 分析

motan学习笔记 五 opentracing学习入门

motan学习笔记 六 opentracing Brave+zipkin实现


本文来学习motan用filter 来拦截请求,并用brace来实现,上报数据到zipkin


本文主要讲brace 如何实现opentracing的api定义,结合motan来上传跟踪数据,并在zipkin,可以展示。



zipkin 依赖jdk1.8 所以先下载jdk

接着下载 zipkin  

wget -O zipkin.jar ''


nohup java -jar zipkin.jar & 


motan filter opentracing

接着来看看 motan如何搞的? 


filter 方法来拦截,之前写过motan的调用ProtocolFilterDecorator。

获取trace ->  trace.buildSpan ->SpanBuilder.start-> span.log ->span.finish

/* * Copyright 2009-2016 Weibo, Inc. *  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *  * *  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */package;import io.opentracing.NoopTracer;import io.opentracing.Span;import io.opentracing.SpanContext;import io.opentracing.Tracer;import io.opentracing.Tracer.SpanBuilder;import io.opentracing.propagation.Format;import io.opentracing.propagation.TextMap;import io.opentracing.propagation.TextMapExtractAdapter;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.Map.Entry;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;/** *  * @Description This filter enables distributed tracing in Motan clients and servers via @see <a *              href="">The OpenTracing Project </a> : a set of consistent, *              expressive, vendor-neutral APIs for distributed tracing and context propagation. * @author zhanglei * @date Dec 8, 2016 * */@SpiMeta(name = "opentracing")@Activation(sequence = 30)public class OpenTracingFilter implements Filter {    @Override    public Response filter(Caller<?> caller, Request request) {        Tracer tracer = getTracer();        if (tracer == null || tracer instanceof NoopTracer) {            return;        }        if (caller instanceof Provider) { // server end            return processProviderTrace(tracer, caller, request);        } else { // client end            return processRefererTrace(tracer, caller, request);        }    }        protected Tracer getTracer(){        return OpenTracingContext.getTracer();    }    /**     * process trace in client end     *      * @param caller     * @param request     * @return     */    protected Response processRefererTrace(Tracer tracer, Caller<?> caller, Request request) {        String operationName = buildOperationName(request);        SpanBuilder spanBuilder = tracer.buildSpan(operationName);        Span activeSpan = OpenTracingContext.getActiveSpan();        if (activeSpan != null) {            spanBuilder.asChildOf(activeSpan);        }        Span span = spanBuilder.start();        span.setTag("requestId", request.getRequestId());        attachTraceInfo(tracer, span, request);        return process(caller, request, span);    }    protected Response process(Caller<?> caller, Request request, Span span) {        Exception ex = null;        boolean exception = true;        try {            Response response =;            if (response.getException() != null) {                ex = response.getException();            } else {                exception = false;            }            return response;        } catch (RuntimeException e) {            ex = e;            throw e;        } finally {            try {                if (exception) {                    span.log("request fail." + (ex == null ? "unknown exception" : ex.getMessage()));                } else {                    span.log("request success.");                }                span.finish();            } catch (Exception e) {                LoggerUtil.error("opentracing span finish error!", e);            }        }    }    protected String buildOperationName(Request request) {        return "Motan_" + MotanFrameworkUtil.getGroupMethodString(request);    }    protected void attachTraceInfo(Tracer tracer, Span span, final Request request) {        tracer.inject(span.context(), Format.Builtin.TEXT_MAP, new TextMap() {            @Override            public void put(String key, String value) {                request.setAttachment(key, value);            }            @Override            public Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iterator() {                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TextMapInjectAdapter should only be used with Tracer.inject()");            }        });    }    /**     * process trace in server end     *      * @param caller     * @param request     * @return     */    protected Response processProviderTrace(Tracer tracer, Caller<?> caller, Request request) {        Span span = extractTraceInfo(request, tracer);        span.setTag("requestId", request.getRequestId());        OpenTracingContext.setActiveSpan(span);        return process(caller, request, span);    }    protected Span extractTraceInfo(Request request, Tracer tracer) {        String operationName = buildOperationName(request);        SpanBuilder span = tracer.buildSpan(operationName);        try {            SpanContext spanContext = tracer.extract(Format.Builtin.TEXT_MAP, new TextMapExtractAdapter(request.getAttachments()));            if (spanContext != null) {                span.asChildOf(spanContext);            }        } catch (Exception e) {            span.withTag("Error", "extract from request fail, error msg:" + e.getMessage());        }        return span.start();    }}

Brave 如何上报到zipkin

在motan中定义了 TracerFacoty   实现 Tracer getTracer();   方法即可

public class MyTracerFactory implements TracerFactory {    // any tracer implementation    final Tracer mockTracer = new MockTracer();        HttpSpanCollector.Config spanConfig = HttpSpanCollector.Config.builder().compressionEnabled(false)//默认false,span在transport之前是否会被gzipped。    .connectTimeout(5000)//5s,默认10s    .flushInterval(1)//1s    .readTimeout(6000)//5s,默认60s    .build();    final Tracer braveTracer = new BraveTracer((new Brave.Builder("service1"))    .spanCollector(HttpSpanCollector    .create("", spanConfig,new EmptySpanCollectorMetricsHandler())));    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")@Override    public Tracer getTracer() {//        return mockTracer;        return braveTracer;    }}

然后查看 zipkin,哈哈,有数据了,需要注意的 JDK 一定要用1.8的

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