Caffe源码解析9: Caffe模型

来源:互联网 发布:通用编程器报价 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 12:42

一个完整的深度学习系统最核心的两个方面是数据模型。 一个深度学习模型通常由三部分参数组成:

  • 可学习参数(Learnable Parameter),又称可训练参数、神经网络权重系数、权重,其数值由模型初始化参数、误差反向传播过程控制,一般不可人工干预。
  • 结构参数(Archetecture Parameter),包括卷积层/全连接层/下采样层数目、卷积核数目、卷积核大小等描述网络结构的参数,一旦设定好,在网络训练阶段不可更改。
  • 训练超参数(Hyper-Parameter),用来控制网络训练收敛的参数,训练阶段可自动或手动调节以获得更好的效果,预测阶段不需要该参数。


  • 可学习参数在内存中使用Blob对象保持,必要时以二进制ProtoBuffer文件(*.caffemodel)形态序列化并存储于磁盘上,便于进一步微调(finetune)、共享(例如参数服务器Parameter Server,PS)、性能评估(benchmark)。
  • 结构参数使用protoBuffer的文件格式(*.prototxt)描述,网络初始化时通过该描述文件构建Net对象、Layer对象形成有向无环图结构,在Layer与Layer之间、Net输入源和输出间均为持有数据和中间结果的Blob对象。
  • 训练超参数同样使用ProtoBuffer文本格式(*.prototxt)描述,训练阶段利用该描述文件构建求解器Solver对象,该对象按照一定规则在训练网络时自动调节这些超参数值。


name: "LeNet"layer {  name: "mnist"  type: "Data"  top: "data"  top: "label"  include {    phase: TRAIN  }  transform_param {    scale: 0.00390625  }  data_param {    source: "./examples/mnist/mnist_train_lmdb"    batch_size: 64    backend: LMDB  }}layer {  name: "mnist"  type: "Data"  top: "data"  top: "label"  include {    phase: TEST  }  transform_param {    scale: 0.00390625  }  data_param {    source: "./examples/mnist/mnist_test_lmdb"    batch_size: 100    backend: LMDB  }}layer {  name: "ip"  type: "InnerProduct"  bottom: "data"  top: "ip"  param {    lr_mult: 1  }  param {    lr_mult: 2  }  inner_product_param {    num_output: 10    weight_filler {      type: "xavier"    }    bias_filler {      type: "constant"    }  }}layer {  name: "accuracy"  type: "Accuracy"  bottom: "ip"  bottom: "label"  top: "accuracy"  include {    phase: TEST  }}layer {  name: "loss"  type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"  bottom: "ip"  bottom: "label"  top: "loss"}


# The train/test net protocol buffer definitionnet: "examples/mnist/lenet_lr.prototxt"# test_iter specifies how many forward passes the test should carry out.# In the case of MNIST, we have test batch size 100 and 100 test iterations,# covering the full 10,000 testing images.test_iter: 100# Carry out testing every 500 training iterations.test_interval: 500# The base learning rate, momentum and the weight decay of the network.base_lr: 0.01momentum: 0.9weight_decay: 0.0005# The learning rate policylr_policy: "inv"gamma: 0.0001power: 0.75# Display every 100 iterationsdisplay: 100# The maximum number of iterationsmax_iter: 10000# snapshot intermediate resultssnapshot: 5000snapshot_prefix: "examples/mnist/lenet"# solver mode: CPU or GPUsolver_mode: CPU

使用以下命令D:\VS2012\Projects\caffe-windows>D:\VS2012\Projects\caffe-windows\Build\x64\Release\caffe train --solver=D:\VS2012\Projects\caffe-windows\examples\mnist\lenet_lr_solver.prototxt >log\lenet_lr_train.log 2>&1 可在log目录下查看到具体日志lenet_lr_train.log信息。

I0103 16:31:52.100195  7080 solver.cpp:91] Creating training net from net file: examples/mnist/lenet_lr.prototxtI0103 16:31:52.100195  7080 net.cpp:322] The NetState phase (0) differed from the phase (1) specified by a rule in layer mnistI0103 16:31:52.100195  7080 net.cpp:322] The NetState phase (0) differed from the phase (1) specified by a rule in layer accuracyI0103 16:31:52.100195  7080 net.cpp:58] Initializing net from parameters: 


if (param_.has_net()) {    LOG_IF(INFO, Caffe::root_solver())        << "Creating training net from net file: " <<;    ReadNetParamsFromTextFileOrDie(, &net_param);  }


I0103 16:31:55.859853  7080 solver.cpp:454] Snapshotting to binary proto file examples/mnist/lenet_iter_5000.caffemodelI0103 16:31:55.861356  7080 sgd_solver.cpp:273] Snapshotting solver state to binary proto file examples/mnist/lenet_iter_5000.solverstate



template <typename Dtype>
string Solver<Dtype>::SnapshotToBinaryProto() {  string model_filename = SnapshotFilename(".caffemodel");  //得到模型文件名  LOG(INFO) << "Snapshotting to binary proto file " << model_filename;  NetParameter net_param;  net_->ToProto(&net_param, param_.snapshot_diff()); //将net_转换为NetParameter  WriteProtoToBinaryFile(net_param, model_filename); //写入ProtoBuffer二进制文件,这里是lenet_iter_5000.caffemodel  return model_filename;}


template <typename Dtype>void SGDSolver<Dtype>::SnapshotSolverStateToBinaryProto(    const string& model_filename) {  SolverState state;  // 创建一个序列化对象  state.set_iter(this->iter_);  //记录当前迭代次数  state.set_learned_net(model_filename);  //记录网络描述文件  state.set_current_step(this->current_step_);  //记录当前步进值  state.clear_history();   //清空容器,准备接纳新内容  for (int i = 0; i < history_.size(); ++i) {    // Add history 记录权值的历史信息    BlobProto* history_blob = state.add_history();    history_[i]->ToProto(history_blob);  }  string snapshot_filename = Solver<Dtype>::SnapshotFilename(".solverstate");  LOG(INFO)    << "Snapshotting solver state to binary proto file " << snapshot_filename;  WriteProtoToBinaryFile(state, snapshot_filename.c_str());}
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