来源:互联网 发布:hp软件安装 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 03:31

Github主页: --no-check-certificatewget --no-check-certificatechmod +x doDBA下载下来就可以直接使用,不依赖于任何环境。使用帮助:./doDBA -helpUsage: doDBA [OPTIONS]  -help        Display this help.  -c string        configuration file. (default "doDBA.conf")  -h string        Connect to host/IP.  -sys        Print system info.  -myall        Print system and mysql info.  -mysql        Print mysql info.  -innodb        Print innodb info.  -mytop        Print mysql prcesslist info , like top.  -i duration        refresh interval in seconds. (default 1s)  -t int        mysql doing on Threads_running. (default 50)  -hP string        Connect host port. (default "22")  -hp string        Connect host password.  -hu string        Connect host user. (default current user)  -mP string        Connect mysql port. (default "3306")  -mp string        Connect mysql password.  -mu string        Connect mysql user.  -rds        Ignore system info.  -log        Print to file by day.  -nocolor        Print to nocolor.ConfigurationdoDBA.conf{    "Host":"",    "Huser": "root",    "Hport": "22",    "Hpwd":  "",    "Muser": "dodba",    "Mpwd":  "dodba",    "Mport":"3306"}For example:./doDBA -c=doDBA.conf


./doDBA -h  -sys./doDBA -h  -myall./doDBA -h  -mysql./doDBA -h  -innodb./doDBA -h  -sysfangyali@'s password: DoDBA tools on host     |   1m    5m   10m| usr  sys  iow  ide|  si  so| recv  send|   r/s   w/s  rb/s  wb/s---------+-----------------+-------------------+--------+-----------+------------------------18:01:33 | 0.17  0.16  0.11| 0.6  0.7  0.8 97.9|   0   0|  12K   43K|     0   179    0K  3.7M18:01:34 | 0.16  0.16  0.11| 0.5  0.7  0.0 98.8|   0   0|  14K   61K|     1    15    4K   96K18:01:35 | 0.16  0.16  0.11| 0.5  0.8  0.2 98.6|   0   0|  39K  130K|     0    12    0K  116K18:01:36 | 0.16  0.16  0.11| 0.5  0.7  0.1 98.7|   0   0|  13K   43K|     1    17    4K  144K./doDBA -h  -myallfangyali@'s password: DoDBA tools on host     |   1m    5m   10m| usr  sys  iow  ide|  si  so| recv  send|   QPS  TPS  ins  upd  del| sql run  con| recv  send---------+-----------------+-------------------+--------+-----------+--------------------------+-------------+-----------17:59:20 | 0.17  0.13  0.10| 0.5  0.8  0.0 98.6|   0   0|  14K    8K|     0    4    4    0    0|   0   1   94|   3K    3K17:59:21 | 0.17  0.13  0.10| 0.5  0.8  0.1 98.6|   0   0|  19K   72K|     0    8    8    0    0|   0   1   94|   4K    3K17:59:22 | 0.17  0.13  0.10| 0.5  0.7  0.1 98.7|   0   0|  18K   46K|     0    9    8    0    1|   0   1   94|   5K    3K17:59:23 | 0.17  0.13  0.10| 0.4  0.8  0.1 98.7|   0   0|  18K   46K|     0   11   11    0    0|   0   1   94|   7K    3K17:59:24 | 0.15  0.13  0.10| 0.5  0.8  0.0 98.7|   0   0|  19K   46K|    65    6    6    0    0|   0   1   94|  14K   42K17:59:25 | 0.15  0.13  0.10| 0.5  0.7  0.1 98.7|   0   0|  30K   89K|     0    7    7    0    0|   0   1   94|   4K    3K17:59:26 | 0.15  0.13  0.10| 0.5  0.6  0.1 98.7|   0   0|  16K   46K|     0    3    3    0    0|   0   1   94|   2K    3K17:59:27 | 0.15  0.13  0.10| 0.5  0.8  0.0 98.7|   0   0|  17K   46K|     1    4    2    2    0|   0   1   94|   2K  150K./doDBA -h  -mysqlDoDBA tools on host     |   QPS  TPS  ins  upd  del| run  con cre cac| sql  tmp Dtmp| recv  send| lockI lockW openT openF---------+--------------------------+-----------------+--------------+-----------+------------------------17:59:58 |     0    5    3    2    0|   1   94   0 234|   0    1    0|   3K    3K|     5     0  2030   15817:59:59 |     2    6    3    3    0|   1   94   0 234|   0    1    0|   4K    4K|     8     0  2030   15818:00:00 |     3    7    6    1    0|   1   94   0 234|   0    2    0|  45K    4K|    12     0  2030   15818:00:01 |     1    7    7    0    0|   1   94   0 234|   0    1    0|   5K    5K|     7     0  2030   158 ./doDBA -h  -innodbDoDBA tools on host     |    read  ins  upd  del|    data    free   dirty flush|reads writes  read written|fsyncs written---------+-----------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------18:00:50 |       0    4    0    0| 1551153       1      70     0|    0      5    0K      3K|     1      3K18:00:51 |       2    2    1    0| 1551153       1       7    73|    0     74    0K    2.3M|     3      4K18:00:52 |       0    0    0    0| 1551153       1       7     0|    0      1    0K      0K|     1      0K18:00:53 |       0    2    0    0| 1551153       1      12     0|    0      3    0K      2K|     1      2K

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