
来源:互联网 发布:公司淘宝店注册流程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 19:01

接上一篇总结了ansible的基本用法,这一次通过部署一个博客站点的例子来进行ansible实战。分为四个部分,第一部分是手动部署一个mezzanine站点;第二部分是通过ansible来部署mezzanine;第三部分是使用角色来重写第二部分的代码;第四部分则是ansible与docker一起使用的效果。(注: mezzanine是一个基于django的CMS系统,有点类似wordpress,官网地址在这里 ,不过我们的重点是ansible来部署它,而不是去深究它自身的运行机制)。


1 手动搭建mezzanine


  • 先安装一下virtualenv。

    pip install virtualenv
  • 接着创建一个环境venv并激活,然后安装mezzanine模块,接着创建工程,初始化数据库和工程。输入管理员用户名密码以及邮箱等信息,运行runserver命令就会默认监听在本地的8000端口了,打开浏览器输入http://即可访问了。

    $ virtualenv venv$ source venv/bin/activate$ pip install mezzanine$ mezzanine-project myproject $ cd myproject$ python manage.py createdb $ python manage.py runserver      _d^^^^^^^^^b_   .d''           ``b. .p'                `q..d'                   `b..d'                     `b.   * Mezzanine 4.2.2::                       ::   * Django 1.10.3::    M E Z Z A N I N E    ::  * Python 2.7.10::                       ::   * SQLite 3.14.0`p.                     .q'   * Darwin 16.3.0`p.                   .q' `b.                 .d'   `q..          ..p'      ^q........p^          ''''Performing system checks...System check identified no issues (0 silenced).November 26, 2016 - 13:00:00Django version 1.10.3, using settings 'myproj.settings'Starting development server at the server with CONTROL-C.


图1 mezzanine最简单架构


  • mezzanine默认使用的是sqlite数据库,在正式环境我们希望是一个功能更完善的数据库,比如postgresql或者mysql。
  • 同时开发者模式并没有单独的web服务器,对于静态文件和动态内容都是通过django自带的http server来访问,在正式环境我们更希望通过分离静态动态内容,静态内容通过nginx直接访问,而动态内容通过一个http WSGI服务器如gunicorn或者uwsgi来实现访问。此外,正式环境可能还需要部署好https。
  • 我们希望WSGI进程以守护进程的方式运行,同时能够很方便的控制启动,停止和重启等。使用一个服务管理工具是很方便的,在接下来的实例中我们采用supervisor作为服务管理工具。

2 ansible部署mezzanine


图2 采用nginx+gunicorn部署mezzanine

2.1 搭建测试环境


  • 先下载virtualbox安装。下载地址,当然,如果你用的虚拟机软件是parallel desktop,那么就不需要下载virtualbox了。
  • 再下载vagrant。下载地址
  • 然后下载一个vagrant支持的虚拟机文件xxx.box(注意你如果你的虚拟机软件用的是virtualbox,才跟我这里一样,否则请下载parallel desktop对应的虚拟机文件),本来是可以直接通过vagrant命令下载的,不过速度较慢,我用的是 ubuntu/trusty64(14.04),下载地址在这里,用迅雷下载速度还不错,我下载后放置的目录为 ~/Downloads/virtualbox.box


  • 1) vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64 ~/Downloads/virtualbox.box
  • 2) vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
    在原来的Vagrantfile里面增加一行private ip配置,这里的ip设置为192.168.56.18是因为我的virtualbox那个网段为这个,你的virtualbox的网段如果不同设置为你自己的即可,注意这里如果设置错了可就没法访问了。最终除去注释后的Vagrantfile如下所示:

    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|  config.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64"  config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""end
  • 3)vagrant up

    ssj@ssj-mbp ~/mezzanine-example/raw/playbooks [master*] $ vagrant ssh-configHost defaultHostName vagrantPort 2222UserKnownHostsFile /dev/nullStrictHostKeyChecking noPasswordAuthentication noIdentityFile /Users/ssj/mezzanine-example/raw/playbooks/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_keyIdentitiesOnly yesLogLevel FATAL

    可以看到虚拟机的ssh端口为2222,私钥文件是当前创建目录下的 .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key,虚拟机的名字和密钥都是vagrant默认配置好的。后面可以看到自己去编写Vagrantfile,可以指定创建虚拟机的ip以及是否创建私钥。如果设置config.ssh.insert_key = false,则不会在.vagrant目录创建一个单独的私钥,而是用我们的用户目录下面 ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key这个默认私钥。

  • 4) 接下来可以连接虚拟机看看了。在当前目录执行 vagrant ssh,如无意外,你应该已经登录到虚拟机了。登录后默认用户名是vagrant,同时,虚拟机的vagrant用户已经被设置了可以无密码sudo(这都是vagrant的功劳)。

2.2 ansible部署


[defaults]hostfile = hostsremote_user = vagrantprivate_key_file = .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_keyhost_key_checking = False


web ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=2222

接下来可以看下用来部署的playbook文件了,代码如下,只要运行 ansible-playbook mezzanine.yml就可以部署好一个mezzanine,数据库用的postgresql,web服务器用的nginx,WSGI用的是gunicorn,另外采用supervisor管理gunicorn进程。运行成功后,打开 即可访问。

---- name: Deploy mezzanine  hosts: web  ###定义变量###  vars:    user: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"    proj_name: mezzanine-example    venv_home: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}"    venv_path: "{{ venv_home }}/{{ proj_name }}"    proj_dirname: project    proj_path: "{{ venv_path }}/{{ proj_dirname }}"    reqs_path: requirements.txt    manage: "{{ python }} {{ proj_path }}/manage.py"    live_hostname:    domains:      -      - www.    repo_url: https://github.com/shishujuan/mezzanine-example.git    gunicorn_port: 8000    locale: en_US.UTF-8    conf_path: /etc/nginx/conf    tls_enabled: True    python: "{{ venv_path }}/bin/python"    database_name: "{{ proj_name }}"    database_user: "{{ proj_name }}"    database_host: localhost    database_port: 5432    gunicorn_proc_name: mezzanine  vars_files:    - secrets.yml  tasks:    ##使用template模块替换sources.list文件,以加速安装软件包和python第三方模块,这是我添加的。####    - name: set the apt source      template: src=templates/sources.list.j2 dest=/etc/apt/sources.list      become: True    ##使用apt模块安装必要的软件包###    - name: install apt packages      apt: pkg={{ item }} update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600      become: True      with_items:        - git        - libjpeg-dev        - libpq-dev        - memcached        - nginx        - postgresql        - python-dev        - python-pip        - python-psycopg2        - python-setuptools        - python-virtualenv        - supervisor    ##启动supervisor##    - name: ensure supervisord is running      become: True      service:        name: supervisor        state: running        enabled: yes    ##拉取mezzanine代码,这是我fork的书中的代码,pip安装的模块整合到了requirements.txt中,去除了pip部分。    - name: check out the repository on the host      git: repo={{ repo_url }} dest={{ proj_path }} accept_hostkey=yes    ##pip安装requirements.txt中的python第三方模块##    - name: install requirements.txt      pip: requirements={{ proj_path }}/{{ reqs_path }} virtualenv={{ venv_path }}    ##创建postgresql用户##    - name: create a user      postgresql_user:        name: "{{ database_user }}"        password: "{{ db_pass }}"      become: True      become_user: postgres    - name: create the database      postgresql_db:        name: "{{ database_name }}"        owner: "{{ database_user }}"        encoding: UTF8        lc_ctype: "{{ locale }}"        lc_collate: "{{ locale }}"        template: template0      become: True      become_user: postgres    ##生成local_settings.py文件    - name: generate the settings file      template: src=templates/local_settings.py.j2 dest={{ proj_path }}/local_settings.py    ##使用django_manage模块同步迁移django应用数据##    - name: sync the database, apply migrations, collect static content      django_manage:        command: "{{ item }}"        app_path: "{{ proj_path }}"        virtualenv: "{{ venv_path }}"      with_items:        - syncdb        - migrate        - collectstatic    ##使用script模块跑python代码设置站点和管理员密码。    - name: set the site id      script: scripts/setsite.py      environment:        PATH: "{{ venv_path }}/bin"        PROJECT_DIR: "{{ proj_path }}"        WEBSITE_DOMAIN: "{{ live_hostname }}"    - name: set the admin password      script: scripts/setadmin.py      environment:        PATH: "{{ venv_path }}/bin"        PROJECT_DIR: "{{ proj_path }}"        ADMIN_PASSWORD: "{{ admin_pass }}"    ##使用template模块设置gunicorn配置文件    - name: set the gunicorn config file      template: src=templates/gunicorn.conf.py.j2 dest={{ proj_path }}/gunicorn.conf.py    ##设置supervisor配置文件##    - name: set the supervisor config file      template: src=templates/supervisor.conf.j2 dest=/etc/supervisor/conf.d/mezzanine.conf      become: True      notify: restart supervisor    ##设置nginx配置文件并notify后面的handler重启nginx##    - name: set the nginx config file      template: src=templates/nginx.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/sites-available/mezzanine.conf      notify: restart nginx      become: True    ##添加mezzanine.conf链接,并notify后面的handler重启nginx。##    - name: enable the nginx config file      file:        src: /etc/nginx/sites-available/mezzanine.conf        dest: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mezzanine.conf        state: link      notify: restart nginx      become: True    ##使用file模块移除nginx默认配置文件。##    - name: remove the default nginx config file      file: path=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default state=absent      notify: restart nginx      become: True    ##添加ssl证书和key    - name: ensure config path exists      file: path={{ conf_path }} state=directory      become: True      when: tls_enabled    - name: create ssl certificates      command: >        openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out {{ proj_name }}.crt        -keyout {{ proj_name }}.key -subj '/CN={{ domains[0] }}' -days 3650        chdir={{ conf_path }}        creates={{ conf_path }}/{{ proj_name }}.crt      become: True      when: tls_enabled      notify: restart nginx    ##安装poll twitter    - name: install poll twitter cron job      cron: name="poll twitter" minute="*/5" user={{ user }} job="{{ manage }} poll_twitter"  ##重启nginx和重启supervisor的handlers##  handlers:    - name: restart nginx      service: name=nginx state=restarted      become: True    - name: restart supervisor      supervisorctl: name=gunicorn_mezzanine state=restarted      become: True

用到的ansible模块由file,template,django_manage,supervisorctl, command, postgresql_db等,模块的参数详解可以见 http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/modules_by_category.html。

3 使用roles重写playbook

上一节是所有的功能都写到了一个playbook,这一节采用标准的role结构来实现相同功能,同时将db和web机器分开部署到两台虚拟机中。与上一节不同的是分开了db和web的play,另外将handler放到了role里面的handlers目录,代码内容基本一致。代码地址: https://github.com/shishujuan/ansible-practice/tree/master/roles。


# -*- mode: ruby -*-# vi: set ft=ruby :# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2"Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|  # Use the same key for each machine  config.ssh.insert_key = false  config.vm.define 'db' do |db|    # Every Vagrant virtual environment requires a box to build off of.    db.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64"    # Create a private network, which allows host-only access to the machine    # using a specific IP.    db.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""    # If true, then any SSH connections made will enable agent forwarding.    db.ssh.forward_agent = true    db.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|      # Use VBoxManage to customize the VM. For example to change memory:      vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "512"]    end  end  config.vm.define 'web' do |web|    # Every Vagrant virtual environment requires a box to build off of.    web.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64"    # Create a private network, which allows host-only access to the machine    # using a specific IP.    web.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""    # If true, then any SSH connections made will enable agent forwarding.    web.ssh.forward_agent = true    web.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|      # Use VBoxManage to customize the VM. For example to change memory:      vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "512"]    end  endend

然后更改了ansible.cfg的配置,设置了private key为我的用户目录下面的那个公用的key。roles的目录结果如下,一共3个role,其中aptsource是我自己加的,看名字也知道就是为了更改sources.list加快安装软件和python模块的速度。创建角色的目录层次结构可以用ansible-galaxy工具,非常方便。具体文件内容参见代码,应该不用过多注解了。

├── aptsource│   ├── README.md│   ├── defaults│   │   └── main.yml│   ├── files│   │   └── sources.list│   ├── handlers│   │   └── main.yml│   ├── meta│   │   └── main.yml│   ├── tasks│   │   └── main.yml│   ├── templates│   ├── tests│   │   ├── inventory│   │   └── test.yml│   └── vars│       └── main.yml├── database│   ├── defaults│   │   └── main.yml│   ├── files│   │   ├── pg_hba.conf│   │   └── postgresql.conf│   ├── handlers│   │   └── main.yml│   └── tasks│       └── main.yml└── mezzanine    ├── defaults    │   └── main.yml    ├── handlers    │   └── main.yml    ├── tasks    │   ├── django.yml    │   ├── main.yml    │   └── nginx.yml    ├── templates    │   ├── gunicorn.conf.py.j2    │   ├── local_settings.py.filters.j2    │   ├── local_settings.py.j2    │   ├── nginx.conf.j2    │   └── supervisor.conf.j2    └── vars        └── main.yml

4 ansible部署docker

由于docker只能在linux上运行,如果在mac上跑,需要另外安装一个linux的虚拟机。因此,我直接用第一节中的vagrant创建的ubuntu/trusty64(14.04的64位版本)做测试,需要安装的环境包括docker.io, python-dev, ansible。ansible版本为2.2.0,docker的版本为1.18。注意docker-py的版本,我这里安装的是1.2.1,其他的版本会跟docker API版本不兼容。另外我这里没有用书中自带代码中的作者自己写的docker模块,而是用的ansible自带的docker模块,有些语法点有所不同,我已经做了修改适配。如果你的系统不是ubuntu14.04,安装的docker版本不一样,那么需要安装的docker-py可能也会不一样。


apt-get install docker.io python-dev python-pip libffi-dev
pip install jinja2 ansible docker-py==1.2.1
#查看docker版本root@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~# docker versionClient version: 1.6.2Client API version: 1.18Go version (client): go1.2.1Git commit (client): 7c8fca2OS/Arch (client): linux/amd64Server version: 1.6.2Server API version: 1.18Go version (server): go1.2.1Git commit (server): 7c8fca2OS/Arch (server): linux/amd64

完整的代码地址在这里: https://github.com/shishujuan/ansible-practice/tree/master/docker。分为两个目录,dockerfiles和playbooks。其中dockerfiles中的是Dockerfile,包括四个目录,用来创建镜像文件,启动容器在playbook中执行。进入对应的目录,运行make image即可创建好对应的镜像文件,运行docker images可以看到镜像文件。

ssj@ssj-mbp ~/mezzanine-example/docker/dockerfiles [master*] $ tree.├── certs│   ├── Dockerfile│   ├── Makefile│   └── sources.list├── memcached│   ├── Dockerfile│   ├── Makefile│   └── sources.list├── mezzanine│   ├── Dockerfile│   ├── Makefile│   └── ansible│       ├── files│       │   ├── gunicorn.conf.py│       │   ├── local_settings.py│       │   ├── scripts│       │   │   ├── setadmin.py│       │   │   └── setsite.py│       │   └── sources.list│       └── mezzanine-container.yml└── nginx    ├── Dockerfile    ├── Makefile    └── nginx.conf


---- name: run mezzanine from containers  hosts: localhost  vars_files:    - secrets.yml  vars:    # The postgres container uses the same name for the database    # and the user    database_name: mezzanine    database_user: mezzanine    database_port: 5432    gunicorn_port: 8000    docker_host: "{{ lookup('env', 'DOCKER_HOST') | regex_replace('^tcp://(.*):\\d+$', '\\\\1') | default('localhost', true) }}"    project_dir: /srv/project    website_domain: "{{ docker_host }}.xip.io"    mezzanine_env:      SECRET_KEY: "{{ secret_key }}"      NEVERCACHE_KEY: "{{ nevercache_key }}"      ALLOWED_HOSTS: "*"      DATABASE_NAME: "{{ database_name }}"      DATABASE_USER: "{{ database_user }}"      DATABASE_PASSWORD: "{{ database_password }}"      DATABASE_HOST: "{{ database_host }}"      DATABASE_PORT: "{{ database_port }}"      GUNICORN_PORT: "{{ gunicorn_port }}"    setadmin_env:      PROJECT_DIR: "{{ project_dir }}"      ADMIN_PASSWORD: "{{ admin_password }}"    setsite_env:      PROJECT_DIR: "{{ project_dir }}"      WEBSITE_DOMAIN: "{{ website_domain }}"  tasks:    - name: start the postgres container      docker:        image: postgres:9.4        name: postgres        publish_all_ports: True        env:          POSTGRES_USER: "{{ database_user }}"          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "{{ database_password }}"    - name: capture database ip address and mapped port      set_fact:        database_host: "{{ docker_containers[0].NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}"        mapped_database_port: "{{ docker_containers[0].NetworkSettings.Ports['5432/tcp'][0].HostPort}}"    - name: wait for database to come up      wait_for: host={{ database_host }} port=5432    - name: initialize database      docker:        image: lorin/mezzanine:latest        command: python manage.py {{ item }} --noinput        env: "{{ mezzanine_env }}"        detach: False      with_items:        - syncdb        - migrate      register: django    - name: debug manage result      debug: msg="ret={{ django }}"    - name: set the site id      docker:        image: lorin/mezzanine:latest        command: /srv/scripts/setsite.py        env: "{{ setsite_env.update(mezzanine_env) }}{{ setsite_env }}"        detach: False    - name: set the admin password      docker:        image: lorin/mezzanine:latest        command: /srv/scripts/setadmin.py        env: "{{ setadmin_env.update(mezzanine_env) }}{{ setadmin_env }}"        detach: False    - name: start the memcached container      docker:        image: lorin/memcached:latest        name: memcached    - name: start the mezzanine container      docker:        image: lorin/mezzanine:latest        name: mezzanine        env: "{{ mezzanine_env }}"        links: memcached    - name: start the mezzanine cron job      docker:        image: lorin/mezzanine:latest        name: mezzanine        env: "{{ mezzanine_env }}"        command: cron -f        detach: False    - name: start the cert container      docker:        image: lorin/certs:latest        name: certs    - name: run nginx      docker:        image: lorin/nginx-mezzanine:latest        ports:          - 80:80          - 443:443        name: nginx        volumes_from:          - mezzanine          - certs        links: mezzanine


  • 1)这里用到的docker模块主要是启动容器以及运行容器的一些初始化命令。如果要设置docker容器的端口映射,可以用ports参数,如nginx容器。
  • 2)挂载数据卷可以直接用 volumes_from 指定数据卷的名字即可。
  • 3) 要关联各个容器,可以用links参数。使用了links参数后,会在对应容器的/etc/hosts文件中加入一条ip和域名对应的记录,比如mezzanine这样。
  • 4)有几个容器带有command的必须设置detach=False,因为detach参数默认为True,这样会导致容器在后台运行,这个时候去运行command里面的命令是会出错的。
  • 5)postgres容器用到了publish_all_ports: True,而mezzanine并没有使用这个参数,是因为我们在mezzanine的Dockerfile里面已经有EXPOSE 8000指定了暴露的端口为8000,而postgres用的是一个官方的镜像,我们并没有设置端口,所以用了publish_all_ports去允许容器中的任意端口暴露。

要测试的话,先是在dockerfiles目录下面创建这几个镜像文件,然后运行 ansible-playbook run-mezzanine.yml即可启动容器和跑起来各个服务。查看容器的命令是 docker ps,进入容器的命令是 docker exec -it xxx /bin/bash,xxx是容器ID或者容器名。更多容器的基本操作请参考 https://yeasy.gitbooks.io/docker_practice/content/。

5 参考资料

  • 《Ansible_Up-And-Running》
  • Ansible Modules
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