
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝买精密管会查吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 05:11
这里所说的Transition是在API 19开始加入的,其作用在Material design的引入之后越来越大


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"    xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent"    android:paddingBottom="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin"    android:paddingLeft="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin"    android:paddingRight="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin"    android:paddingTop="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin"    tools:context="com.saber.transition.MainActivity"><FrameLayout    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="wrap_content"    android:id="@+id/rootview"    android:layout_centerVertical="true"    android:layout_alignParentStart="true">    <include layout="@layout/scene1"></include></FrameLayout>    <Button        android:layout_width="match_parent"        android:layout_height="50dp"        android:text="start"        android:textSize="24sp"        android:id="@+id/button"        android:gravity="center"        android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"        android:layout_alignParentStart="true"        android:layout_marginBottom="43dp" /></RelativeLayout>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"    android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent">    <ImageView        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:id="@+id/pic1"        android:src="@mipmap/ic_launcher"        android:layout_centerVertical="true"        android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"        android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" /></LinearLayout>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"    android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent">    <ImageView        android:layout_width="190dp"        android:layout_height="190dp"        android:id="@+id/pic1"        android:src="@mipmap/ic_launcher"        android:layout_centerVertical="true"        android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"        android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" /></LinearLayout>


package com.saber.transition;import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;import android.os.Bundle;import android.transition.ChangeBounds;import android.transition.Scene;import android.transition.TransitionManager;import android.view.View;import android.widget.Button;import android.widget.FrameLayout;public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {    private Button button;    private FrameLayout rootview;    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        button= (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);                //初始化button        rootview= (FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.rootview);   //初始化FrameLayout        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {    //监听button的点击事件            @Override            public void onClick(View view) {                Scene scene2=Scene.getSceneForLayout(rootview,R.layout.scene2,MainActivity.this); //构造场景2,参数分别是根布局,场景2的布局id,以及上下文                TransitionManager.go(scene2,new ChangeBounds());   //在这里调用TransitionManager的go方法,注意的是第二个参数,这个是表示动画的方式            }        });    }}


/** * A scene represents the collection of values that various properties in the * View hierarchy(层次) will have when the scene is applied. A Scene can be * configured to automatically run a Transition when it is applied, which will * animate the various property changes that take place during the * scene change. */
public final class Scene {    private Context mContext;//上下文    private int mLayoutId = -1;//布局id    private ViewGroup mSceneRoot;//根布局(包含View的ViewGroup)    private View mLayout; // alternative to layoutId (由id选择的layout)    Runnable mEnterAction, mExitAction;  //进入和退出的动作(多线程Runnable)    /**     * Returns a Scene described by the resource file associated with the given     * <code>layoutId</code> parameter. If such a Scene has already been created for     * the given <code>sceneRoot</code>, that same Scene will be returned.     * This caching of layoutId-based scenes enables sharing of common scenes     * between those created in code and those referenced by {@link TransitionManager}     * XML resource files.     *     * @param sceneRoot The root of the hierarchy in which scene changes     * and transitions will take place.(这个就是我所说的transition必须在一个根布局中发生change)     * @param layoutId The id of a standard layout resource file.     * @param context The context used in the process of inflating     * the layout resource.     * @return The scene for the given root and layout id     */    public static Scene getSceneForLayout(ViewGroup sceneRoot, int layoutId, Context context) {        SparseArray<Scene> scenes = (SparseArray<Scene>) sceneRoot.getTag(    //看了一下源码对于SparseArray的介绍,是一种比hashmap高效率的可以map Integers to Objects的Array,核心是折半搜寻函数                com.android.internal.R.id.scene_layoutid_cache);        if (scenes == null) {            scenes = new SparseArray<Scene>();                                //从这可以看出scenes就是一个Map Integers to Scenne的Array             sceneRoot.setTagInternal(com.android.internal.R.id.scene_layoutid_cache, scenes);        }        Scene scene = scenes.get(layoutId);  //通过layoutId从Array中得到一个scene        if (scene != null) {            return scene;        } else {            scene = new Scene(sceneRoot, layoutId, context);            scenes.put(layoutId, scene);            return scene;        }                            //最后返回一个Scene的对象
    }       //(可以定义一个scene,不用定义view是怎么改变的,只需要一个根scene)    public Scene(ViewGroup sceneRoot) {        mSceneRoot = sceneRoot;    }    /**     * Constructs a Scene which, when entered, will remove any (当进入的时候会remove掉根scene所有子对象)     * children from the sceneRoot container and will inflate and add     * the hierarchy specified by the layoutId resource file.     *     * <p>This method is hidden because layoutId-based scenes should be     * created by the caching factory method {@link Scene#getCurrentScene(View)}.</p>     *     * @param sceneRoot The root of the hierarchy in which scene changes     * and transitions will take place.     * @param layoutId The id of a resource file that defines the view     * hierarchy of this scene.     * @param context The context used in the process of inflating     * the layout resource.     */
    private Scene(ViewGroup sceneRoot, int layoutId, Context context) {        mContext = context;        mSceneRoot = sceneRoot;        mLayoutId = layoutId;    }    /**     * Constructs a Scene which, when entered, will remove any     * children from the sceneRoot container and add the layout     * object as a new child of that container.     *     * @param sceneRoot The root of the hierarchy in which scene changes     * and transitions will take place.     * @param layout The view hierarchy of this scene, added as a child     * of sceneRoot when this scene is entered.     */    public Scene(ViewGroup sceneRoot, View layout) {        mSceneRoot = sceneRoot;        mLayout = layout;    }    /**     * @deprecated use {@link #Scene(ViewGroup, View)}.     */    @Deprecated    public Scene(ViewGroup sceneRoot, ViewGroup layout) {        mSceneRoot = sceneRoot;        mLayout = layout;    }    /**     * Gets the root of the scene, which is the root of the view hierarchy     * affected by changes due to this scene, and which will be animated     * when this scene is entered.     *     * @return The root of the view hierarchy affected by this scene.     */
   //得到根Scene     public ViewGroup getSceneRoot() {        return mSceneRoot;    }    /**     * Exits this scene, if it is the current scene     * on the scene's {@link #getSceneRoot() scene root}. The current scene is     * set when {@link #enter() entering} a scene.     * Exiting a scene runs the {@link #setExitAction(Runnable) exit action}     * if there is one.     */
    //退出的方法    public void exit() {        if (getCurrentScene(mSceneRoot) == this) {            if (mExitAction != null) {                mExitAction.run();            }        }    }    /**     * Enters this scene, which entails changing all values that     * are specified by this scene. These may be values associated     * with a layout view group or layout resource file which will     * now be added to the scene root, or it may be values changed by     * an {@link #setEnterAction(Runnable)} enter action}, or a     * combination of the these. No transition will be run when the     * scene is entered. To get transition behavior in scene changes,     * use one of the methods in {@link TransitionManager} instead.     */
    //进入的方法    public void enter() {        // Apply layout change, if any        if (mLayoutId > 0 || mLayout != null) {            // empty out parent container before adding to it(这一句说明进入的时候会remove掉所有的子View)            getSceneRoot().removeAllViews();            if (mLayoutId > 0) {                LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(mLayoutId, mSceneRoot);            } else {                mSceneRoot.addView(mLayout);            }        }        // Notify next scene that it is entering. Subclasses may override to configure scene.        if (mEnterAction != null) {            mEnterAction.run();        }        setCurrentScene(mSceneRoot, this);    }    /**     * Set the scene that the given view is in. The current scene is set only     * on the root view of a scene, not for every view in that hierarchy. This     * information is used by Scene to determine whether there is a previous     * scene which should be exited before the new scene is entered.     *     * @param view The view on which the current scene is being set     */
    //设置当前场景    static void setCurrentScene(View view, Scene scene) {        view.setTagInternal(com.android.internal.R.id.current_scene, scene);    }    /**     * Gets the current {@link Scene} set on the given view. A scene is set on a view     * only if that view is the scene root.     *     * @return The current Scene set on this view. A value of null indicates that     * no Scene is currently set.     */
        //获取当前场景    static Scene getCurrentScene(View view) {        return (Scene) view.getTag(com.android.internal.R.id.current_scene);    }    /**     * Scenes that are not defined with layout resources or     * hierarchies, or which need to perform additional steps     * after those hierarchies are changed to, should set an enter     * action, and possibly an exit action as well. An enter action     * will cause Scene to call back into application code to do     * anything else the application needs after transitions have     * captured pre-change values and after any other scene changes     * have been applied, such as the layout (if any) being added to     * the view hierarchy. After this method is called, Transitions will     * be played.     *     * @param action The runnable whose {@link Runnable#run() run()} method will     * be called when this scene is entered     * @see #setExitAction(Runnable)     * @see Scene#Scene(ViewGroup, int, Context)     * @see Scene#Scene(ViewGroup, ViewGroup)     */
    //设置进入的动作    public void setEnterAction(Runnable action) {        mEnterAction = action;    }    /**     * Scenes that are not defined with layout resources or     * hierarchies, or which need to perform additional steps     * after those hierarchies are changed to, should set an enter     * action, and possibly an exit action as well. An exit action     * will cause Scene to call back into application code to do     * anything the application needs to do after applicable transitions have     * captured pre-change values, but before any other scene changes     * have been applied, such as the new layout (if any) being added to     * the view hierarchy. After this method is called, the next scene     * will be entered, including a call to {@link #setEnterAction(Runnable)}     * if an enter action is set.     *     * @see #setEnterAction(Runnable)     * @see Scene#Scene(ViewGroup, int, Context)     * @see Scene#Scene(ViewGroup, ViewGroup)     */
        //设置退出动作    public void setExitAction(Runnable action) {        mExitAction = action;    }    /**     * Returns whether this Scene was created by a layout resource file, determined     * by the layoutId passed into     * {@link #getSceneForLayout(android.view.ViewGroup, int, android.content.Context)}.     * This is called by TransitionManager to determine whether it is safe for views from     * this scene to be removed from their parents when the scene is exited, which is     * used by {@link Fade} to fade these views out (the views must be removed from     * their parent in order to add them to the overlay for fading purposes). If a     * Scene is not based on a resource file, then the impact of removing views     * arbitrarily is unknown and should be avoided.     */
   //返回是否创建了一个布局文件为源的Scene    boolean isCreatedFromLayoutResource() {        return (mLayoutId > 0);    }}
    /**     * Convenience method to simply change to the given scene using     * the given transition.     *     * <p>Passing in <code>null</code> for the transition parameter will     * result in the scene changing without any transition running, and is     * equivalent to calling {@link Scene#exit()} on the scene root's     * current scene, followed by {@link Scene#enter()} on the scene     * specified by the <code>scene</code> parameter.</p>     *     * @param scene The Scene to change to     * @param transition The transition to use for this scene change. A     * value of null causes the scene change to happen with no transition.     */    public static void go(Scene scene, Transition transition) {
changeScene(scene, sDefaultTransition); //调用了changeScene方法,参数为scene和一个transition }
    private static void changeScene(Scene scene, Transition transition) {        final ViewGroup sceneRoot = scene.getSceneRoot(); //获取根场景        Transition transitionClone = null;        if (transition != null) {            transitionClone = transition.clone();            transitionClone.setSceneRoot(sceneRoot);        }        Scene oldScene = Scene.getCurrentScene(sceneRoot);        if (oldScene != null && transitionClone != null &&                oldScene.isCreatedFromLayoutResource()) {            transitionClone.setCanRemoveViews(true);        }        sceneChangeSetup(sceneRoot, transitionClone);        scene.enter();//进入方法调用        sceneChangeRunTransition(sceneRoot, transitionClone);//调用sceneChangeRunTransition的方法 }
    private static void sceneChangeRunTransition(final ViewGroup sceneRoot,            final Transition transition) {        if (transition != null && sceneRoot != null) {            MultiListener listener = new MultiListener(transition, sceneRoot);            sceneRoot.addOnAttachStateChangeListener(listener);            sceneRoot.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(listener);        }    }
    private static void sceneChangeSetup(ViewGroup sceneRoot, Transition transition) {        // Capture current values        ArrayList<Transition> runningTransitions = getRunningTransitions().get(sceneRoot);        if (runningTransitions != null && runningTransitions.size() > 0) {            for (Transition runningTransition : runningTransitions) {                runningTransition.pause(sceneRoot);            }        }        if (transition != null) {            transition.captureValues(sceneRoot, true);        }        // Notify previous scene that it is being exited        Scene previousScene = Scene.getCurrentScene(sceneRoot);        if (previousScene != null) {            previousScene.exit();        }    }
        public boolean onPreDraw() {            removeListeners();            sPendingTransitions.remove(mSceneRoot);            // Add to running list, handle end to remove it            final ArrayMap<ViewGroup, ArrayList<Transition>> runningTransitions =                    getRunningTransitions();            ArrayList<Transition> currentTransitions = runningTransitions.get(mSceneRoot);            ArrayList<Transition> previousRunningTransitions = null;            if (currentTransitions == null) {                currentTransitions = new ArrayList<Transition>();                runningTransitions.put(mSceneRoot, currentTransitions);            } else if (currentTransitions.size() > 0) {                previousRunningTransitions = new ArrayList<Transition>(currentTransitions);            }            currentTransitions.add(mTransition);            mTransition.addListener(new Transition.TransitionListenerAdapter() {                @Override                public void onTransitionEnd(Transition transition) {                    ArrayList<Transition> currentTransitions =                            runningTransitions.get(mSceneRoot);                    currentTransitions.remove(transition);                }            });            mTransition.captureValues(mSceneRoot, false);            if (previousRunningTransitions != null) {                for (Transition runningTransition : previousRunningTransitions) {                    runningTransition.resume(mSceneRoot);                }            }            mTransition.playTransition(mSceneRoot);            return true;        }    };
    /**     * Called by TransitionManager to play the transition. This calls     * createAnimators() to set things up and create all of the animations and then     * runAnimations() to actually start the animations.     */    void playTransition(ViewGroup sceneRoot) {        mStartValuesList = new ArrayList<TransitionValues>();        mEndValuesList = new ArrayList<TransitionValues>();        matchStartAndEnd(mStartValues, mEndValues);        ArrayMap<Animator, AnimationInfo> runningAnimators = getRunningAnimators();        int numOldAnims = runningAnimators.size();        WindowId windowId = sceneRoot.getWindowId();        for (int i = numOldAnims - 1; i >= 0; i--) {            Animator anim = runningAnimators.keyAt(i);            if (anim != null) {                AnimationInfo oldInfo = runningAnimators.get(anim);                if (oldInfo != null && oldInfo.view != null && oldInfo.windowId == windowId) {                    TransitionValues oldValues = oldInfo.values;                    View oldView = oldInfo.view;                    TransitionValues startValues = getTransitionValues(oldView, true);                    TransitionValues endValues = getMatchedTransitionValues(oldView, true);                    boolean cancel = (startValues != null || endValues != null) &&                            oldInfo.transition.areValuesChanged(oldValues, endValues);                    if (cancel) {                        if (anim.isRunning() || anim.isStarted()) {                            if (DBG) {                                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Canceling anim " + anim);                            }                            anim.cancel();                        } else {                            if (DBG) {                                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "removing anim from info list: " + anim);                            }                            runningAnimators.remove(anim);                        }                    }                }            }        }        createAnimators(sceneRoot, mStartValues, mEndValues, mStartValuesList, mEndValuesList);        runAnimators();    }
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