iOS/Android SQLite 全文检索——FTS (Full Text Search)

来源:互联网 发布:扫街销售知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 03:55




  1. 概述

  2. 工作原理

  3. 分类

    • 按字检索

    • 按词检索




For example, if each of the 517430 documents in the “Enron E-Mail Dataset” is inserted into both an FTS table and an ordinary SQLite table created using the following SQL script:

CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE enrondata1 USING fts3(content TEXT);     /* FTS3 table */CREATE TABLE enrondata2(content TEXT);                        /* Ordinary table */

Then either of the two queries below may be executed to find the number of documents in the database that contain the word “linux” (351). Using one desktop PC hardware configuration, the query on the FTS3 table returns in approximately 0.03 seconds, versus 22.5 for querying the ordinary table.

SELECT count(*) FROM enrondata1 WHERE content MATCH 'linux';  /* 0.03 seconds */SELECT count(*) FROM enrondata2 WHERE content LIKE '%linux%'; /* 22.5 seconds */

Of course, the two queries above are not entirely equivalent. For example the LIKE query matches rows that contain terms such as “linuxophobe” or “EnterpriseLinux” (as it happens, the Enron E-Mail Dataset does not actually contain any such terms), whereas the MATCH query on the FTS3 table selects only those rows that contain “linux” as a discrete token. Both searches are case-insensitive. The FTS3 table consumes around 2006 MB on disk compared to just 1453 MB for the ordinary table. Using the same hardware configuration used to perform the SELECT queries above, the FTS3 table took just under 31 minutes to populate, versus 25 for the ordinary table.

在相同的设备环境下,包含 517430条 记录的SQLite数据库中,使用全文检索FTS3创建的数据库 MATCH 查询耗时0.03秒没有使用全文检索的数据库,使用 LIKE 查询耗时22.5秒


SQLite提供的FTS(Full Text Search)模块,就是用来支持全文检索的。


通常情况下使用最新的版本一般性能上会有最好的优化,这样看FTS5似乎是最好的选择。但是由于FT5需要SQLite 3.9.0以上支持,iOS 9内置的SQLite版本还是3.8.8,而且FTS5暂时没有对中文支持比较好的分词器,所以简单起见可以考虑FTS4或者FTS3FTS3/FTS4是比较常用的版本,性能上,50W条记录搜索耗时0.03秒,对移动端来说效率已经能满足用户的体验需求。


pod 'sqlite3/fts5'


FTS3FTS4 提供四种系统分词器,除了系统分词器外,也可以自定义分词器,这里主要介绍系统分词器。

类型 是否支持中文 特性 注意 simple 否 连续的合法字符(unicode大于等于128)和数字组词 全都会转换为小写字母 porter 否 同上,支持生成原语义词(如一个语义的动词、名词、形容词会生成统一的原始词汇) 同上 icu 是 多语言,需要指明本地化语言,根据语义进行分词(如“北京欢迎你”,可以分为“北”、“北京”、“欢迎”、“欢迎你”等词汇) 可以自定义分词规则 unicode61 是 特殊字符分词,(unicode的空格+字符,如“:”、“-”等) 只能处理ASCII字符,需要SQLite 3.7.13及以上



默认分词-- Create an FTS table named "pages" with three columns:CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE pages USING fts4(title, keywords, body);指定分词-- Create an FTS table with a single column - "content" - that uses-- the "porter" tokenizer.CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE data USING fts4(tokenize= porter);


// 插入一条记录INSERT INTO pages(docid, keywords, title, body) VALUES(53, ‘Home Page’ 'Home Page', 'SQLite is a software...');// 更新一条记录UPDATE pages SET title = 'Download SQLite' WHERE rowid = 54;// 删除所有记录DELETE FROM pages;


// 全表匹配SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pages MATCH ‘sqlite’;// 按列匹配SELECT * FROM pages WHERE title MATCH 'sqlite';SELECT * FROM pages WHERE keywords MATCH ‘sqlite';SELECT * FROM pages WHERE body MATCH 'sqlite';      


FTSMATCH右侧的表达式支持 AND/OR/NEAR/NOT 等运算,注意,需要区分大小写,小写不不可以的。

  • AND

    AND 用来连接两个想要匹配的关键词,所查询到的结果必须同时包含 AND 连接的两个关键词。

// 搜索pages表body列中同时包含红和蓝的数据SELECT * FROM pages WHERE body MATCH 'blue AND red';   
  • OR

    AND 类似,它也连接两个想要匹配的关键词,不同的是,结果只要包含二者之一即可。

    // 搜索pages表body列中同时包含白或绿的数据SELECT * FROM pages WHERE body MATCH 'white OR green';   
  • NOT

    NOT 也连接两个想要匹配的关键词,它匹配的结果包含前一个关键词、且不包含第二个关键词。

    // 搜索pages表body列中同时包含白,但是不包含绿的数据SELECT * FROM pages WHERE body MATCH 'white NOT green';


    // 错误写法:搜索pages表body列中所有不包含绿的数据SELECT * FROM pages WHERE body MATCH 'NOT green';   
  • NEAR

    NEAR 也连接两个想要匹配的关键词,它匹配的结果同时包含两个关键词,但是结果里面的这两个关键词中间默认必须不多余10个根据分词器分出的词。另外 NEAR 可以指定最小的间隔数量, NEAR/5 即指定间隔数最大为5。

    // 搜索t_guides_terms表所有列中同时包含“科”和“南”的记录,他们中间不多于一个分词结果。select * from t_guides_terms where t_guides_terms match '科 NEAR/1 南';;


  • simple分词

    --simple tokenizecreate VIRTUAL TABLE t_pages USING fts4(title, body);--insertinsert into t_pages(title, body) VALUES ('Hello world', 'Hello world! It is a good day!');insert into t_pages(title, body) VALUES ('Hello world2', 'Hello world2! It is a good day too!');insert into t_pages(title, body) VALUES ('Hello world-h', 'Hello world-j! It is a good day!');insert into t_pages(title, body) VALUES ('How are you', 'The dog is interesting');update t_pages set title = 'What is that' where title = 'Hello world2';--all table columns match--前文提到连续的合法字符被分词,helle所有字符都合法,它与下个词world有空格,空格不是合法字符,会以空格分开分词——“hello”和“world”select * from t_pages where t_pages match 'hello';--*字符可以做模糊匹配的通配符,类似like的%select * from t_pages where t_pages match 'hell*';--hell不会被分词,所以没有结果select * from t_pages where t_pages match 'hell';select * from t_pages where t_pages match 'day*';select * from t_pages where t_pages match 'day';SELECT * FROM t_pages WHERE t_pages MATCH 'world';SELECT * FROM t_pages WHERE t_pages MATCH 'world2';--termsSELECT * FROM t_pages WHERE t_pages MATCH 'hello world';--这里有结果SELECT * FROM t_pages WHERE t_pages MATCH 'world-h hello';--这里没结果,因为使用“"”包括的字符不进行分词,所以没有结果SELECT * FROM t_pages WHERE t_pages MATCH '"world-h hello"';--column matchselect * from t_pages where title match 'hello';select * from t_pages where title match 'what';--match vs like--match可以任意交换关键字顺序,不影响搜索结果,like会没有结果--macth可以简单的做全表匹配,而like需要指定对应的列select * from t_pages where t_pages match 'that what';select * from t_pages where title like '%what%that%';select * from t_pages where title like '%that%what%';--OR AND NEAR NOTSELECT title, body FROM t_pages WHERE t_pages MATCH 'hello AND world';--AND和直接搜两个关键词结果一致SELECT title, body FROM t_pages WHERE t_pages MATCH 'hello world';SELECT title, body FROM t_pages WHERE t_pages MATCH '(hello NEAR world) OR (program AND language)';SELECT title, body FROM t_pages WHERE t_pages MATCH 'It NEAR is';--包含hello但不包含world2的SELECT title, body FROM t_pages WHERE t_pages MATCH 'hello NOT world2';
  • porter分词

    --porter tokenizecreate virtual table t_books using fts4(title, description, content, tokenize=porter);insert into t_books(title, description, content) values ('Who can who up', 'No can no bibi', 'To be No1');insert into t_books(title, description, content) values ('How are you', 'I''am fine', 'The dog is interesting');--all table columns matchselect * from t_books where t_books match 'who';select * from t_books where t_books match 'bibi*';select * from t_books where t_books match 'dog';select * from t_books where t_books match 'is';--column matchselect * from t_books where title match 'how';select * from t_books where content match 'how';--simple vs porter--无结果select * from t_pages where t_pages match 'interested';--有结果,porter分词会将interesting转换为原词interest做索引存储,搜索interest和interested都有结果select * from t_books where t_books match 'interest';select * from t_books where t_books match 'interested';
  • unicode-61分词

    --unicode61,不分词CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t_guides USING fts4(title, content, tokenize=unicode61)insert into t_guides(title, content) VALUES ('医学指南', '我是一篇指南');--no terms--有结果,因为匹配全表select * from t_guides where t_guides match '医学指南';--无结果select * from t_guides where content match '医学指南';select * from t_guides where content match '我是一篇指南';--无结果,前文讲到,以空格个特殊字符分词,插入的记录没有空格和特殊字符,所以字段内容整个做分词select * from t_guides where content match '我是一篇';--模糊匹配有结果select * from t_guides where content match '我是一篇*';--unicode61,文字间加特殊字符,用以分词CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t_guides_terms USING fts4(title, content, tokenize=unicode61)insert into t_guides_terms(title, content) VALUES ('医 学 指 南', '我 是 一 篇 指 南');insert into t_guides_terms(title, content) VALUES ('骨|科|指|南', '第|二|篇|指|南');insert into t_guides_terms(title, content) VALUES ('专|科|指|南', '专|二|篇|指|南');--terms--无结果,因为关键词没有空格或者特殊字符隔开,无法分词select * from t_guides_terms where t_guides_terms match '医学指南';--有结果,空格可以分词select * from t_guides_terms where t_guides_terms match '医 学 指';select * from t_guides_terms where content match '一 篇';select * from t_guides_terms where content match '一 南';select * from t_guides_terms where content match '"一 南"';select * from t_guides_terms where content match '"一 篇"';select * from t_guides_terms where content match '一';--区分大小写,无结果select * from t_guides_terms where t_guides_terms match '科 and 骨';-- 有结果,包含科和骨select * from t_guides_terms where t_guides_terms match '科 NOT 骨';--有结果select * from t_guides_terms where t_guides_terms match '科 NEAR/6 南';--无结果,科和南中间隔了一个字符select * from t_guides_terms where t_guides_terms match '科 NEAR/0 南';
  • icu分词(中文)

    --icuCREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t_school USING fts4(name, content, tokenize=icu zh_CN);--drop table t_school;insert into t_school(name, content) VALUES ('北京第一实验小学', '我是北京第一实验小学');insert into t_school(name, content) VALUES ('河北京东', '我是河北京东');--有结果,icu按语义分词,“北京”是一个有语义的词select * from t_school where t_school match '北京';--无结果(猜测是词库不够全,可以自定义分词来解决)select * from t_school where t_school match '京东';select * from t_school where t_school match '河';--有结果,icu按语义分词,“第一实验小学”是一个有语义的词select * from t_school where t_school match '第一实验小学';select * from t_school where t_school match '实验小学';select * from t_school where t_school match '北京第';select * from t_school where t_school match '北京第一';select * from t_school where t_school match '第一实';


SQLite FTS3 and FTS4 Extensions


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