CTS 认证abc

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么申请买保健品 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 08:47
1.  语言设置为English(United States), Settings > Language & input > Language > English

2.  输入法设置为Android keyboard, Settings > Language & input > Default > English (US) Android keyboard

3.  开启“USB调试“,USB debugging connected > Developer  options > USB debugging,勾选

5.  保持唤醒,Developer options > Stay Awake,勾选

6.  设置屏幕超时为最长时间30分钟  Settings > Display > Sleep > 30 minutes(or the largest value)

7.  设置永不锁屏,Settings > Security > Screen lock > none

8.  连接wifi,连qiku (Make sure the AP is usability and connectedly)

9.  打开蓝牙,不用连接

10. 安装CtsDeviceAdmin.apk,并在Settings > Security > Device  Administrators勾选android.deviceadmin.cts.CtsDeviceAdmin前两个(一共三个),
11. 将test视频目录放到手机内置存储路径 /sdcard/test/(进入android-cts-media-1.2目录下在终端中执行:sudo ./copy_media.sh )

12. 设置时区 Date&time,关掉Automatic time zone自动获取时区,然后在Select time zone选择Pacific Daylight Time,时区为GMT-07:00(实测选择 Denver)

13. 设置24时制,Date&time中 Use 24-hour format打开

14. 打开位置开关:Location->on

15. 消除浏览器的提示框,adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d http://www.google.cn/,拉起浏览器,如果遇到弹框,全部选择Allow。

1  使用联通卡测试(联通卡写有本机号码)-->Setup "My phone number"(The phone number will display on the testResult.xml)

2  插入TF卡(大于等于4G),格式化清空

3  Write "IMEI"(SIM1和SIM2保持一致,111111111111119,注意imei号的规则否则会测试不通过。(写完IMEI号后重启一下手机) )
   通过如下check IMEI:Settings > About phone > Status > IMEI information > IMEI
4  Enable Data Connection:Settings > SIM management > Enable Data Connection

5  手机链接VPN网络(找一个vpn可以连接到美国去才行,香港台湾都不行)
6  未知来源和验证应用两项取消勾选:Settings > Security >

7. 打开USB调试,勾选允许模拟位置:USB debugging connected > Developer  options >

8  No Google account or other account add(settings > Accounts)

9  Before start CTS, device at the home screen  

10 While a device is running tests, it must not be used for any other tasks

11 Do not press any keys on the device while CTS is running

12 Make sure USB cable is stability

13 保证重启后adb能自动连接上.
   run "adb devices" can show device, not show "devices offline"
1. adb devices查看手机是否连接上
2. source ~/.bashrc,加载系统环境变量(已配置好)
3. 进入~/CTS/android-cts/tools目录,执行./cts-tradefed
4. 此时进入了cts测试命令行环境下,可以输入cts命令了,cts命令列举如下:
1) run cts --plan CTS     //cts全用例测试
2) run cts -p android.telecom//测试单个模块,比如:telecom
3) run cts --class android.telephony.cts.TelephonyManagerTest //测试单个类
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