Android 6.0 动态权限实战(二 - 终结章 - 高手必看!)------ 关于动态权限的正确使用与理解

来源:互联网 发布:程序员电脑桌面壁纸 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 01:27

关于上一章节提到的 23.06ADT和6.0的SDK 资源,现在马上贴出来

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在本篇开篇前先大致了解一下 6.0 动态权限的大致过程,废话不多说,linux打开源码,开始探究


我这里以 EasyPermissions 的跳转设置为例

dialogBuilder.setPositiveButton(positiveButtonText, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {// Create app settings intentIntent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS);Uri uri = Uri.fromParts("package", context.getPackageName(), null);intent.setData(uri);// Start for resultstartForResult(activityOrFragment, intent, settingsRequestCode);}});
其中 Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS 来自 Settings 的一个静态的字符串类型,这个就不多说了,可以看到该行的下一行是将自己的包名打包通过uri以Intent的形式发送出去了,那到底谁注册了 Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS 这个action呢?我们接着往下看




5.InstalledAppDetails extends AppInfoBase,AppInfoBase extends SettingsPreferenceFragment,SettingsPreferenceFragment extends InstrumentedPreferenceFragment , InstrumentedFragment extends PreferenceFragment 

PreferenceFragment 来自 frameworks\base\core\java\android\preference 目录

abstract class PreferenceFragment extends Fragment implements PreferenceManager.OnPreferenceTreeClickListener 是一个抽象类

6.查看 InstalledAppDetails 

    public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState);        if (mFinishing) {            return;        }        handleHeader();        mNotificationPreference = findPreference(KEY_NOTIFICATION);        mNotificationPreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(this);        mStoragePreference = findPreference(KEY_STORAGE);        mStoragePreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(this);// 在这里添加对应的 PermissionsPreference         mPermissionsPreference = findPreference(KEY_PERMISSION);// 在这里添加对应的 Preference 点击事件        mPermissionsPreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(this);        mDataPreference = findPreference(KEY_DATA);        if (mDataPreference != null) {            mDataPreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(this);        }        mBatteryPreference = findPreference(KEY_BATTERY);        mBatteryPreference.setEnabled(false);        mBatteryPreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(this);        mMemoryPreference = findPreference(KEY_MEMORY);        mMemoryPreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(this);        mLaunchPreference = findPreference(KEY_LAUNCH);        if (mAppEntry != null && != null) {            if (( == 0 ||                    ! {                mLaunchPreference.setEnabled(false);            } else {                mLaunchPreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(this);            }        } else {            mLaunchPreference.setEnabled(false);        }    }

7.PermissionsPreference 点击事件的响应

    @Override    public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) {        if (preference == mStoragePreference) {            startAppInfoFragment(AppStorageSettings.class, mStoragePreference.getTitle());        } else if (preference == mNotificationPreference) {            startAppInfoFragment(AppNotificationSettings.class,                    getString(R.string.app_notifications_title));// 这里为点击权限 Preference 的响应        } else if (preference == mPermissionsPreference) {            startManagePermissionsActivity();        } else if (preference == mLaunchPreference) {            startAppInfoFragment(AppLaunchSettings.class, mLaunchPreference.getTitle());        } else if (preference == mMemoryPreference) {            ProcessStatsBase.launchMemoryDetail((SettingsActivity) getActivity(),                    mStatsManager.getMemInfo(), mStats);        } else if (preference == mDataPreference) {            Bundle args = new Bundle();            args.putString(DataUsageSummary.EXTRA_SHOW_APP_IMMEDIATE_PKG,          ;            SettingsActivity sa = (SettingsActivity) getActivity();            sa.startPreferencePanel(DataUsageSummary.class.getName(), args, -1,                    getString(R.string.app_data_usage), this, SUB_INFO_FRAGMENT);        } else if (preference == mBatteryPreference) {            BatteryEntry entry = new BatteryEntry(getActivity(), null, mUserManager, mSipper);            PowerUsageDetail.startBatteryDetailPage((SettingsActivity) getActivity(),                    mBatteryHelper, BatteryStats.STATS_SINCE_CHARGED, entry, true);        } else {            return false;        }        return true;    }

8.PermissionsPreference 点击事件响应的执行方法

    private void startManagePermissionsActivity() {        // start new activity to manage app permissions        Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MANAGE_APP_PERMISSIONS);        intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME,;        intent.putExtra(AppInfoWithHeader.EXTRA_HIDE_INFO_BUTTON, true);        try {            startActivity(intent);        } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "No app can handle android.intent.action.MANAGE_APP_PERMISSIONS");        }    }

由上述代码可知,该函数将包名打包到intent中发送给了另一个页面处理,所有权限开关操作实际上 settings 只是充当了一个代理

8.查看接收包名的 action 

9.查看 action 的注册


/** Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at**** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and* limitations under the License.*/package;import;import android.content.Intent;import android.os.Bundle;import android.util.Log;public final class ManagePermissionsActivity extends OverlayTouchActivity {    private static final String LOG_TAG = "ManagePermissionsActivity";    @Override    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        if (savedInstanceState != null) {            return;        }// 这里定义一个 Fragment 对象        Fragment fragment;// 接收intent的action        String action = getIntent().getAction();// 根据action进行fragment的实例化        switch (action) {            case Intent.ACTION_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS: {                fragment = ManagePermissionsFragment.newInstance();            } break;// 此处为我们要找的逻辑            case Intent.ACTION_MANAGE_APP_PERMISSIONS: {                String packageName = getIntent().getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME);                if (packageName == null) {                    Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Missing mandatory argument EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME");                    finish();                    return;                }                fragment = AppPermissionsFragment.newInstance(packageName);            } break;            case Intent.ACTION_MANAGE_PERMISSION_APPS: {                String permissionName = getIntent().getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PERMISSION_NAME);                if (permissionName == null) {                    Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Missing mandatory argument EXTRA_PERMISSION_NAME");                    finish();                    return;                }                fragment = PermissionAppsFragment.newInstance(permissionName);            } break;            default: {                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Unrecognized action " + action);                finish();                return;            }        }        getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, fragment).commit();    }}

11.查看 AppPermissionsFragment 的静态函数newInstance

    public static AppPermissionsFragment newInstance(String packageName) {        return setPackageName(new AppPermissionsFragment(), packageName);    }    private static <T extends Fragment> T setPackageName(T fragment, String packageName) {        Bundle arguments = new Bundle();        arguments.putString(Intent.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME, packageName);// 将包名以 Bundle String 键值对存储,并调用setArguments        fragment.setArguments(arguments);        return fragment;    }@Override    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setLoading(true /* loading */, false /* animate */);        setHasOptionsMenu(true);        final ActionBar ab = getActivity().getActionBar();        if (ab != null) {            ab.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);        }// getArguments() 从setArguments 函数取出 Bundle String 的包名键值对        String packageName = getArguments().getString(Intent.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME);        Activity activity = getActivity();// 根据包名获取 PackageInfo        PackageInfo packageInfo = getPackageInfo(activity, packageName);        if (packageInfo == null) {            Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.app_not_found_dlg_title, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();            activity.finish();            return;        }// 传入 PackageInfo 进行权限相关操作        mAppPermissions = new AppPermissions(activity, packageInfo, null, true, new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                getActivity().finish();            }        });// 初始化GUI        loadPreferences();    }

12.AppPermissions 构造函数

    // AppPermissions 构造函数public AppPermissions(Context context, PackageInfo packageInfo, String[] permissions,            boolean sortGroups, Runnable onErrorCallback) {        mContext = context;        mPackageInfo = packageInfo;        mFilterPermissions = permissions;// 加载 app 的lable 也就是你的app在桌面的名字        mAppLabel = loadEllipsizedAppLabel(context, packageInfo);        mSortGroups = sortGroups;        mOnErrorCallback = onErrorCallback;// 加载权限组        loadPermissionGroups();    }// 加载权限组private void loadPermissionGroups() {// 当前对象初次调用实例化,清空 ArrayList<AppPermissionGroup> mGroups 对象的数据        mGroups.clear();// 当 PackageInfo 为 null 不再往下执行        if (mPackageInfo.requestedPermissions == null) {            return;        }// mFilterPermissions 在本地对象第一次实例化,是默认为 null的,因为参数来自 AppPermissions 且 null,所以会走 else 的逻辑        if (mFilterPermissions != null) {            for (String filterPermission : mFilterPermissions) {                for (String requestedPerm : mPackageInfo.requestedPermissions) {                    if (!filterPermission.equals(requestedPerm)) {                        continue;                    }                    if (hasGroupForPermission(requestedPerm)) {                        break;                    }                    AppPermissionGroup group = AppPermissionGroup.create(mContext,                            mPackageInfo, requestedPerm);                    if (group == null) {                        break;                    }                    mGroups.add(group);                    break;                }            }        } else {// 遍历 app 的请求权限列表            for (String requestedPerm : mPackageInfo.requestedPermissions) {// 如果 ArrayList<AppPermissionGroup> mGroups 对象已存在该权限,不添加,继续下一个                if (hasGroupForPermission(requestedPerm)) {                    continue;                }                AppPermissionGroup group = AppPermissionGroup.create(mContext,                        mPackageInfo, requestedPerm);// 若 group 为 null ,继续下一个                if (group == null) {                    continue;                }                mGroups.add(group);            }        }// 默认权限排序        if (mSortGroups) {            Collections.sort(mGroups);        }// 清空权限组的 键值名称,如:电话或存储空间        mNameToGroupMap.clear();// 变量新的app所有的请求权限组,新增至 mNameToGroupMap        for (AppPermissionGroup group : mGroups) {            mNameToGroupMap.put(group.getName(), group);        }    }    private boolean hasGroupForPermission(String permission) {        for (AppPermissionGroup group : mGroups) {            if (group.hasPermission(permission)) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }

13.AppPermissionsFragment 的UI初始化

   @Override    public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);        if (mAppPermissions != null) {            bindUi(this, mAppPermissions.getPackageInfo());        }    }    private static void bindUi(SettingsWithHeader fragment, PackageInfo packageInfo) {        Activity activity = fragment.getActivity();        PackageManager pm = activity.getPackageManager();        ApplicationInfo appInfo = packageInfo.applicationInfo;        Intent infoIntent = null;        if (!activity.getIntent().getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_HIDE_INFO_BUTTON, false)) {            infoIntent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS)                    .setData(Uri.fromParts("package", packageInfo.packageName, null));        }// 图标        Drawable icon = appInfo.loadIcon(pm);// app label        CharSequence label = appInfo.loadLabel(pm);        fragment.setHeader(icon, label, infoIntent);        ActionBar ab = activity.getActionBar();        if (ab != null) {            ab.setTitle(R.string.app_permissions);        }        ViewGroup rootView = (ViewGroup) fragment.getView();        ImageView iconView = (ImageView) rootView.findViewById(;        if (iconView != null) {            iconView.setImageDrawable(icon);        }        TextView titleView = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(;        if (titleView != null) {            titleView.setText(R.string.app_permissions);        }        TextView breadcrumbView = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(;        if (breadcrumbView != null) {            breadcrumbView.setText(label);        }    }


    @Override    public boolean onPreferenceChange(final Preference preference, Object newValue) {    // 当 Preference change 也就是权限被用户手动改变时回调的对应的 Preference         String groupName = preference.getKey();// 将 key 去AppPermissionGroup中取出        final AppPermissionGroup group = mAppPermissions.getPermissionGroup(groupName);// 当group为null默认关        if (group == null) {            return false;        }// 取出宿主 OverlayTouchActivity        OverlayTouchActivity activity = (OverlayTouchActivity) getActivity();// 监听当前权限界面是否被覆盖和叠加        if (activity.isObscuredTouch()) {// 弹出一个警告框,检测到屏幕叠加层,会弹出此框,并提示 要更改此权限设置,您必须首先在“设置”>“应用”中关闭屏幕叠加层"            activity.showOverlayDialog();            return false;        }// 添加一个新的权限 group 到Togglelist中        addToggledGroup(group);// 检测是否添加了Manifest.permission_group.LOCATION 权限组并且该应用为系统应用,包名 equals(ILocationManager.Stub.asInterface(                ServiceManager.getService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE)).getNetworkProviderPackage())        if (LocationUtils.isLocationGroupAndProvider(group.getName(), group.getApp().packageName)) {// 弹出一个警告,提示:是此设备的一个位置信息服务提供程序。您可以在位置信息设置中修改位置信息使用权            LocationUtils.showLocationDialog(getContext(), mAppPermissions.getAppLabel());            return false;        }// Object newValue == true,用户赋予权限        if (newValue == Boolean.TRUE) {/**** 此处由AppPermissionGroup间接调用抽象类PackageManager的grantRuntimePermissions函数后面会细说**/            group.grantRuntimePermissions(false);        } else {// grantedByDefault为false 提示:此应用专为旧版 Android 打造。拒绝权限可能会导致其无法正常运行// grantedByDefault为true 提示:如果您拒绝此权限,您设备的基本功能可能会无法正常使用            final boolean grantedByDefault = group.hasGrantedByDefaultPermission();// grantedByDefault || 当前app targetSdkVersion > Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1 && 是否为旧版(即SDK<23),默认 false            if (grantedByDefault || (!group.hasRuntimePermission() && !mHasConfirmedRevoke)) {                new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext())                        .setMessage(grantedByDefault ? R.string.system_warning                                : R.string.old_sdk_deny_warning)                        .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null)                        .setPositiveButton(R.string.grant_dialog_button_deny,                                new OnClickListener() {                            @Override                            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {// 更新权限开关                                ((SwitchPreference) preference).setChecked(false);// 关闭权限/**** 此处由AppPermissionGroup间接调用抽象类PackageManager的revokeRuntimePermissions函数后面会细说**/                                group.revokeRuntimePermissions(false);// 倘若是旧版,mHasConfirmedRevoke = true                                if (!grantedByDefault) {                                    mHasConfirmedRevoke = true;                                }                            }                        })                        .show();                return false;            } else {                group.revokeRuntimePermissions(false);            }        }        return true;    }

15.AppPermissionGroup grantRuntimePermissions() revokeRuntimePermissions() 函数具体实现

    public boolean grantRuntimePermissions(boolean fixedByTheUser) {        final boolean isSharedUser = mPackageInfo.sharedUserId != null;        final int uid = mPackageInfo.applicationInfo.uid;        // We toggle permissions only to apps that support runtime        // permissions, otherwise we toggle the app op corresponding        // to the permission if the permission is granted to the app.        for (Permission permission : mPermissions.values()) {// 具备运行时权限的 app            if (mAppSupportsRuntimePermissions) {                // Do not touch permissions fixed by the system.                if (permission.isSystemFixed()) {                    return false;                }                // Ensure the permission app op enabled before the permission grant.                if (permission.hasAppOp() && !permission.isAppOpAllowed()) {                    permission.setAppOpAllowed(true);                    mAppOps.setUidMode(permission.getAppOp(), uid, AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED);                }                // Grant the permission if needed.// 如果没有授权,授予权限// mPackageManager 来自 Context.getPackageManager(),而 Context 是一个抽象类,具体方法实现由其子类 ContextImpl 实现// ContextImpl 下 getPackageManager() 函数调用 ActivityThread.getPackageManager() 函数得到 IPackageManager 实例,倘若这个实例不为 null ,函数返回new ApplicationPackageManager(this, pm)// ApplicationPackageManager 对象,但是ApplicationPackageManager也继承自 PackageManager 且间接调用  IPackageManager ,而 IPackageManager 最终是以aidl的形式通过 IBinder 传递,由 PackageManagerService 继承// 抽象方法在该类实现                if (!permission.isGranted()) {                    permission.setGranted(true);                    mPackageManager.grantRuntimePermission(mPackageInfo.packageName,                            permission.getName(), mUserHandle);                }                // Update the permission flags.                if (!fixedByTheUser) {                    // Now the apps can ask for the permission as the user                    // no longer has it fixed in a denied state.                    if (permission.isUserFixed() || permission.isUserSet()) {                        permission.setUserFixed(false);                        permission.setUserSet(true);                        mPackageManager.updatePermissionFlags(permission.getName(),                                mPackageInfo.packageName,                                PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_USER_FIXED                                        | PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_USER_SET,                                0, mUserHandle);                    }                }            } else {                // Legacy apps cannot have a not granted permission but just in case.                // Also if the permissions has no corresponding app op, then it is a                // third-party one and we do not offer toggling of such permissions.                if (!permission.isGranted() || !permission.hasAppOp()) {                    continue;                }                if (!permission.isAppOpAllowed()) {                    permission.setAppOpAllowed(true);                    // It this is a shared user we want to enable the app op for all                    // packages in the shared user to match the behavior of this                    // shared user having a runtime permission.                    if (isSharedUser) {                        // Enable the app op.                        String[] packageNames = mPackageManager.getPackagesForUid(uid);                        for (String packageName : packageNames) {                            mAppOps.setUidMode(permission.getAppOp(), uid,                                    AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED);                        }                    } else {                        // Enable the app op.                        mAppOps.setUidMode(permission.getAppOp(), uid, AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED);                    }                    // Mark that the permission should not be be granted on upgrade                    // when the app begins supporting runtime permissions.                    if (permission.shouldRevokeOnUpgrade()) {                        permission.setRevokeOnUpgrade(false);                        mPackageManager.updatePermissionFlags(permission.getName(),                                mPackageInfo.packageName,                                PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVOKE_ON_UPGRADE,                                0, mUserHandle);                    }                    // Legacy apps do not know that they have to retry access to a                    // resource due to changes in runtime permissions (app ops in this                    // case). Therefore, we restart them on app op change, so they                    // can pick up the change.                    mActivityManager.killUid(uid, KILL_REASON_APP_OP_CHANGE);                }            }        }        return true;    }    public boolean revokeRuntimePermissions(boolean fixedByTheUser) {        final boolean isSharedUser = mPackageInfo.sharedUserId != null;        final int uid = mPackageInfo.applicationInfo.uid;        // We toggle permissions only to apps that support runtime        // permissions, otherwise we toggle the app op corresponding        // to the permission if the permission is granted to the app.        for (Permission permission : mPermissions.values()) {// 具备运行时权限的 app            if (mAppSupportsRuntimePermissions) {                // Do not touch permissions fixed by the system.                if (permission.isSystemFixed()) {                    return false;                }                // Revoke the permission if needed.// 如果有授权,取消授予权限// mPackageManager 来自 Context.getPackageManager(),而 Context 是一个抽象类,具体方法实现由其子类 ContextImpl 实现// ContextImpl 下 getPackageManager() 函数调用 ActivityThread.getPackageManager() 函数得到 IPackageManager 实例,倘若这个实例不为 null ,函数返回new ApplicationPackageManager(this, pm)// ApplicationPackageManager 对象,但是ApplicationPackageManager也继承自 PackageManager 且间接调用  IPackageManager ,而 IPackageManager 最终是以aidl的形式通过 IBinder 传递,由 PackageManagerService 继承// 抽象方法在该类实现                if (permission.isGranted()) {                    permission.setGranted(false);                    mPackageManager.revokeRuntimePermission(mPackageInfo.packageName,                            permission.getName(), mUserHandle);                }                // Update the permission flags.                if (fixedByTheUser) {                    // Take a note that the user fixed the permission.                    if (permission.isUserSet() || !permission.isUserFixed()) {                        permission.setUserSet(false);                        permission.setUserFixed(true);                        mPackageManager.updatePermissionFlags(permission.getName(),                                mPackageInfo.packageName,                                PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_USER_SET                                        | PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_USER_FIXED,                                PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_USER_FIXED,                                mUserHandle);                    }                } else {                    if (!permission.isUserSet()) {                        permission.setUserSet(true);                        // Take a note that the user already chose once.                        mPackageManager.updatePermissionFlags(permission.getName(),                                mPackageInfo.packageName,                                PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_USER_SET,                                PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_USER_SET,                                mUserHandle);                    }                }            } else {                // Legacy apps cannot have a non-granted permission but just in case.                // Also if the permission has no corresponding app op, then it is a                // third-party one and we do not offer toggling of such permissions.                if (!permission.isGranted() || !permission.hasAppOp()) {                    continue;                }                if (permission.isAppOpAllowed()) {                    permission.setAppOpAllowed(false);                    // It this is a shared user we want to enable the app op for all                    // packages the the shared user to match the behavior of this                    // shared user having a runtime permission.                    if (isSharedUser) {                        String[] packageNames = mPackageManager.getPackagesForUid(uid);                        for (String packageName : packageNames) {                            // Disable the app op.                            mAppOps.setUidMode(permission.getAppOp(), uid,                                    AppOpsManager.MODE_IGNORED);                        }                    } else {                        // Disable the app op.                        mAppOps.setUidMode(permission.getAppOp(), uid, AppOpsManager.MODE_IGNORED);                    }                    // Mark that the permission should not be granted on upgrade                    // when the app begins supporting runtime permissions.                    if (!permission.shouldRevokeOnUpgrade()) {                        permission.setRevokeOnUpgrade(true);                        mPackageManager.updatePermissionFlags(permission.getName(),                                mPackageInfo.packageName,                                PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVOKE_ON_UPGRADE,                                PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_REVOKE_ON_UPGRADE,                                mUserHandle);                    }                    // Disabling an app op may put the app in a situation in which it                    // has a handle to state it shouldn't have, so we have to kill the                    // app. This matches the revoke runtime permission behavior.                    mActivityManager.killUid(uid, KILL_REASON_APP_OP_CHANGE);                }            }        }        return true;    }

16.PackageManagerService grantRuntimePermissions() revokeRuntimePermissions() 函数的具体实现

    /***    * ApplicationPackageManager    * 在介绍 PackageManagerService grantRuntimePermissions() revokeRuntimePermissions() 函数之前需要介绍如下两个函数* 即继承至 PackageManager 的 ApplicationPackageManager 类,因为抽象类 Context.getPackageManager()函数由其子类ContextImpl实现,并且调用 ActivityThread.getPackageManager() 函数得到 IPackageManager    * 实例,当实例不为 null ,连同 ContextImpl 一起传入构造函数new ApplicationPackageManager(this, pm)得到PackageManager 子类对象 ApplicationPackageManager* this 指 ContextImpl 对象,pm 为 IPackageManager 对象,最后又由 ApplicationPackageManager 对象间接调用和执行IPackageManager的 grantRuntimePermission() revokeRuntimePermission() 函数* 并且取出 UserHandle 对象的一个整型值传入,IPackageManager 的aidl对象类的子类 PackageManagerService ,这就是为什么 PackageManagerService 最后一个函数为什么有泛型UserHandle变成了 int 类型* UserHandle implements Parcelable ,有点类似 Bundle 的作用,只不过 Bundle 用于上层,UserHandle 用于系统层这个样子*/@Override    public void grantRuntimePermission(String packageName, String permissionName,            UserHandle user) {        try {// mPM 为 IPackageManager 对象            mPM.grantRuntimePermission(packageName, permissionName, user.getIdentifier());        } catch (RemoteException e) {            throw new RuntimeException("Package manager has died", e);        }    }    @Override    public void revokeRuntimePermission(String packageName, String permissionName,            UserHandle user) {        try {// mPM 为 IPackageManager 对象            mPM.revokeRuntimePermission(packageName, permissionName, user.getIdentifier());        } catch (RemoteException e) {            throw new RuntimeException("Package manager has died", e);        }    }/** * *     * Returns the userId stored in this UserHandle.     * @hide     */    @SystemApi    public int getIdentifier() {        return mHandle;    }// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 分割线 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++//    public void grantRuntimePermission(String packageName, String name, final int userId) {        if (!sUserManager.exists(userId)) {            Log.e(TAG, "No such user:" + userId);            return;        }        mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(                android.Manifest.permission.GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS,                "grantRuntimePermission");        enforceCrossUserPermission(Binder.getCallingUid(), userId, true, false,                "grantRuntimePermission");        final int uid;        final SettingBase sb;        synchronized (mPackages) {// 检测包             final PackageParser.Package pkg = mPackages.get(packageName);            if (pkg == null) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package: " + packageName);            }// 检测权限            final BasePermission bp = mSettings.mPermissions.get(name);            if (bp == null) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown permission: " + name);            }            enforceDeclaredAsUsedAndRuntimeOrDevelopmentPermission(pkg, bp);            uid = UserHandle.getUid(userId, pkg.applicationInfo.uid);            sb = (SettingBase) pkg.mExtras;            if (sb == null) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package: " + packageName);            }// 权限状态            final PermissionsState permissionsState = sb.getPermissionsState();// 权限状态标识            final int flags = permissionsState.getPermissionFlags(name, userId);// PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_SYSTEM_FIXED 为系统固定权限            if ((flags & PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_SYSTEM_FIXED) != 0) {                throw new SecurityException("Cannot grant system fixed permission: "                        + name + " for package: " + packageName);            }            if (bp.isDevelopment()) {                // Development permissions must be handled specially, since they are not                // normal runtime permissions.  For now they apply to all users.                if (permissionsState.grantInstallPermission(bp) !=                        PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {                    scheduleWriteSettingsLocked();                }                return;            }            final int result = permissionsState.grantRuntimePermission(bp, userId);            switch (result) {// 操作失败                case PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE: {                    return;                }           // 操作成功,根据当前 uid 获取 appid 即包名                 case PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_SUCCESS_GIDS_CHANGED: {                    final int appId = UserHandle.getAppId(pkg.applicationInfo.uid);           Runnable() {                        @Override                        public void run() {   // 将包名,uid,以及操作标志位传递给 killUid 函数,实质这里就是,为什么用户在设置界面取消权限,app 莫名奇妙就挂掉了       // 后面会详细介绍这个 killUid函数                             killUid(appId, userId, KILL_APP_REASON_GIDS_CHANGED);                        }                    });                } break;            }// 权限改变监听回调            mOnPermissionChangeListeners.onPermissionsChanged(uid);            // Not critical if that is lost - app has to request again.            mSettings.writeRuntimePermissionsForUserLPr(userId, false);        }        // Only need to do this if user is initialized. Otherwise it's a new user        // and there are no processes running as the user yet and there's no need        // to make an expensive call to remount processes for the changed permissions.        if (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.equals(name)                || WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.equals(name)) {            final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();            try {                if (sUserManager.isInitialized(userId)) {                    MountServiceInternal mountServiceInternal = LocalServices.getService(                            MountServiceInternal.class);                    mountServiceInternal.onExternalStoragePolicyChanged(uid, packageName);                }            } finally {                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);            }        }    }    @Override    public void revokeRuntimePermission(String packageName, String name, int userId) {        if (!sUserManager.exists(userId)) {            Log.e(TAG, "No such user:" + userId);            return;        }        mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(                android.Manifest.permission.REVOKE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS,                "revokeRuntimePermission");        enforceCrossUserPermission(Binder.getCallingUid(), userId, true, false,                "revokeRuntimePermission");        final int appId;        synchronized (mPackages) {            final PackageParser.Package pkg = mPackages.get(packageName);// 检测包            if (pkg == null) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package: " + packageName);            }            final BasePermission bp = mSettings.mPermissions.get(name);// 检测权限            if (bp == null) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown permission: " + name);            }            enforceDeclaredAsUsedAndRuntimeOrDevelopmentPermission(pkg, bp);            SettingBase sb = (SettingBase) pkg.mExtras;            if (sb == null) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown package: " + packageName);            }// 权限状态            final PermissionsState permissionsState = sb.getPermissionsState();// 权限状态标识            final int flags = permissionsState.getPermissionFlags(name, userId);            if ((flags & PackageManager.FLAG_PERMISSION_SYSTEM_FIXED) != 0) {                throw new SecurityException("Cannot revoke system fixed permission: "                        + name + " for package: " + packageName);            }            if (bp.isDevelopment()) {                // Development permissions must be handled specially, since they are not                // normal runtime permissions.  For now they apply to all users.                if (permissionsState.revokeInstallPermission(bp) !=                        PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {                    scheduleWriteSettingsLocked();                }                return;            }// 失败,return             if (permissionsState.revokeRuntimePermission(bp, userId) ==                    PermissionsState.PERMISSION_OPERATION_FAILURE) {                return;            }// 权限改变监听回调             mOnPermissionChangeListeners.onPermissionsChanged(pkg.applicationInfo.uid);            // Critical, after this call app should never have the permission.            mSettings.writeRuntimePermissionsForUserLPr(userId, true);            appId = UserHandle.getAppId(pkg.applicationInfo.uid);        }// 将包名,uid,以及操作标志位传递给 killUid 函数,实质这里就是,为什么用户在设置界面取消权限,app 莫名奇妙就挂掉了// 后面会详细介绍这个 killUid函数          killUid(appId, userId, KILL_APP_REASON_PERMISSIONS_REVOKED);    }

17 killUid 函数具体实现

    /*** PackageManagerService* 关于这个函数,官方给出的解释如下,若翻译不对,请见谅!* 大意:旧版应用程序不知道由于运行时权限(在此情况下为应用操作)的更改,他们必须重试对资源的访问权限。 因此,我们在应用程序更改时重新启动它们,以便他们可以接受更改*/private void killUid(int appId, int userId, String reason) {        final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();        try {// getDefault() 函数返回 IActivityManager             IActivityManager am = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault();            if (am != null) {                try {// 由其实现类 ActivityManagerProxy killUid() 函数实现,ActivityManagerProxy 为 ActivityManagerNative 的内部类                    am.killUid(appId, userId, reason);                } catch (RemoteException e) {                    /* ignore - same process */                }            }        } finally {            Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity);        }    }/*** ActivityManagerNative 的内部类 ActivityManagerProxy* killUid 函数实现**/    public void killUid(int appId, int userId, String reason) throws RemoteException {        Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();        Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();        data.writeInterfaceToken(IActivityManager.descriptor);        data.writeInt(appId);        data.writeInt(userId);        data.writeString(reason);//  mRemote 为 IBinder ,该 IBinder 来自 ActivityManagerProxy 构造函数,该构造函数由外部类 ActivityManagerNative asInterface(IBinder obj) 调用        mRemote.transact(KILL_UID_TRANSACTION, data, reply, 0);        reply.readException();        data.recycle();        reply.recycle();    }/**** ActivityManagerNative asInterface(IBinder obj) 函数* 该静态函数由 frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/power/* 调用**/    /**     * Cast a Binder object into an activity manager interface, generating     * a proxy if needed.     */    static public IActivityManager asInterface(IBinder obj) {        if (obj == null) {            return null;        }        IActivityManager in =            (IActivityManager)obj.queryLocalInterface(descriptor);        if (in != null) {            return in;        }        return new ActivityManagerProxy(obj);    }/******/// 通过 ServiceManager checkService() 函数传入String值,得到对应的 Service IBinder 实例        final IActivityManager am =            ActivityManagerNative.asInterface(ServiceManager.checkService("activity"));        if (am != null) {            try {                am.shutdown(MAX_BROADCAST_TIME);            } catch (RemoteException e) {            }        }        if (mRebootUpdate) {            sInstance.setRebootProgress(ACTIVITY_MANAGER_STOP_PERCENT, null);        }/******/    /**     * Retrieve an existing service called @a name from the     * service manager.  Non-blocking.     */    public static IBinder checkService(String name) {        try {            IBinder service = sCache.get(name);            if (service != null) {                return service;            } else {// 间接调用 aidl IServiceManager 的函数,而 IServiceManager 由 ServiceManagerNative 实现,ServiceManagerNative 也继承 Binder// ServiceManagerNative 内部类 ServiceManagerProxy 也实现 IServiceManager 类                return getIServiceManager().checkService(name);            }        } catch (RemoteException e) {            Log.e(TAG, "error in checkService", e);            return null;        }    }/** * * ServiceManagerNative checkService() 函数最终调用的系统服务为 类     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a     * {@link} for interacting with the global     * system state.     *     * @see #getSystemService     * @see     */    public static final String ACTIVITY_SERVICE = "activity";


为自定义 application来管理,然后去掉了静态activity的代理管理类ActivityManger类以及该项目下所有的 Fragment ,改为全自定义 view,才把这个问题从根本上






当我们的应用程序在targetSdkVersion>=23的时候就会有很多需要我们考虑的东西,比如一个应用需要在 application 下初始化一个 imageloader 或者百度地图,但

是 google 官方提供的 v4 权限检测的兼容库需要这个权限判断添加在 Activity 或 Fragment ,而整个程序的开始初始化application的时候,界面都还没起来,这时候

该怎么办呢?而逻辑恰好又需要这个操作在application中初始化,这时候我们可以采用 google 官方提供的一个目录进行读写,可以不需要 Storage 权限组,

即 android.content.Context.getExternalCacheDir() 目录,而百度的SDK初始化需要 read_phone_state 这个权限,但这个权限是被动,意思就是说,当我去掉用百度

地图的时候才会用到那个读取电话状态的权限,虽然百度SDK初始化的时候也会调一次,但不会 crash 掉,也是不影响的

还有就是当app已经启动了,用户手动按下 home 键之后,回到桌面,打开设置,进入该 app 的权限管理界面,对该app的权限进行手动取消和给与权限,这时候

应用就会莫名其妙的重启,且不会执行 onDestroy onDestroyView onDetach 类似的函数,但实质 app 已经挂掉了,很奇怪的是 app 不会被crash 掉,且没有任何日

志,这时候如果你去做一些之前初始化的对象的相关操作,比如在 Fragment 中写了一个下拉刷新的操作,这时候就会报空,很不能让人理解!按道理这个对象应


这个问题我也遇到了,而且还去了 segmentfault 求助,发现没有什么卵用,全都没答到点上,一点帮助都没有。。。

地址还在: 就连神奇的 stackoverflow 也没有找到相关的资料,有一个类似的提问,但是回答也不令人满意,最后

还是自己琢磨,把所有可能涉及的问题一个一个的过,首先 Fragment 既然没有随应用一起gc,那我就去掉 Fragment ,于是我把项目所有的 Fragment 全部去掉

了!采用自定义的view来取代 Fragment ,然后去掉了所有不相关的且无关紧要或没有被gc的 static 字段修饰的变量,并且把静态的 ActivityStack 堆栈管理写到了

自定义的 application 下,再次走那样的不正常的流程的时候,我发现问题就已经被我解决掉了!真是坑爹啊!花了2天的时间去研究源码,还是有些作用的!哈哈...

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