
来源:互联网 发布:类似知乎的网站 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 03:01


        ThreadStart这个委托定义为void ThreadStart(),也就是说,所执行的方法不能有参数。

ThreadStart threadStart=new ThreadStart(Calculate);Thread thread=new Thread(threadStart);thread.Start();public void Calculate(){ double Diameter=0.5; Console.Write("The Area Of Circle with a Diameter of {0} is {1}"Diameter,Diameter*Math.PI);}

        定义了一个ThreadStart类型的委托,这个委托制定了线程需要执行的方法: Calculate,在这个方法里计算了一个直径为0.5的圆的周长,并输出.这就构成了最简单的多线程的例子。


        ParameterThreadStart的定义为void ParameterizedThreadStart(object state),使用这个这个委托定义的线程的启动函数可以接受一个输入参数,具体例子如下 :

ParameterizedThreadStart threadStart=new ParameterizedThreadStart(Calculate)Thread thread=new Thread() ;thread.Start(0.9);public void Calculate(object arg){double Diameter=double(arg);Console.Write("The Area Of Circle with a Diameter of {0} is {1}"Diameter,Diameter*Math.PI);}


class AddParams{    public int a, b;    public AddParams(int numb1, int numb2)    {      a = numb1;      b = numb2;    }}#endregionclass Program{    static void Main(string[] args)    {      Console.WriteLine("***** Adding with Thread objects *****");      Console.WriteLine("ID of thread in Main(): {0}",        Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);      AddParams ap = new AddParams(10, 10);      Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Add));      t.Start(ap);      Console.ReadLine();    }    #region Add method    static void Add(object data)    {      if (data is AddParams)      {        Console.WriteLine("ID of thread in Main(): {0}",          Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);        AddParams ap = (AddParams)data;        Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} is {2}",          ap.a, ap.b, ap.a + ap.b);      }    }    #endregion}}


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