《Head First Python》第七章 界面生成模板yate

来源:互联网 发布:最全家庭网络个人投资 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 20:39


from string import Templatedef start_response(resp="text/html"):    return('Content-type: ' + resp + '\n\n')def include_header(the_title):    with open('templates/header.html') as headf:        head_text = headf.read()    header = Template(head_text)    return(header.substitute(title=the_title))def include_footer(the_links):    with open('templates/footer.html') as footf:        foot_text = footf.read()    link_string = ''    for key in the_links:        link_string += '<a href="' + the_links[key] + '">' + key + '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'    footer = Template(foot_text)    return(footer.substitute(links=link_string))def start_form(the_url, form_type="POST"):    return('<form action="' + the_url + '" method="' + form_type + '">')def end_form(submit_msg="Submit"):    return('<p></p><input type=submit value="' + submit_msg + '"></form>')def radio_button(rb_name, rb_value):    return('<input type="radio" name="' + rb_name +                             '" value="' + rb_value + '"> ' + rb_value + '<br />')def u_list(items):    u_string = '<ul>'    for item in items:        u_string += '<li>' + item + '</li>'    u_string += '</ul>'    return(u_string)def header(header_text, header_level=2):    return('<h' + str(header_level) + '>' + header_text +           '</h' + str(header_level) + '>')def para(para_text):    return('<p>' + para_text + '</p>') 
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