liferay5.1.1 theme开发

来源:互联网 发布:mac双色修容粉多少钱 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 00:22

liferay升级到5.1之后 开发主题怎么都没有反应 修改自带的主题页面也无变化.
当然 清空ie缓存  重新启动tomcat都不管用
后来查看文档发现在portal.properties中有个属性的默认值发生了变化. 默认的是true  修改成false就好了
修改之后就能像以前一样 开发主题了.
Change in Theme CSS Fast Load
In 5.0.1, the default setting for was false which means that when you edited the deployed css files, the changes would take effect immediately on the next page load. Now, for the sake of better out of the box performance, the default in 5.1 has been changed to true. Of course this means that when you edit the deployed css files directly, you would NOT see the changes take effect immediately on the next page load, but rather you would have to make the change in the pre-deployed theme and run the deploy process on the theme for the changes to be bundled and packed into the everything_packed.css file.
This of course might make it harder for theme developers to do real-time testing. So, the solution to get the old behavior is simply to revert to false and restart the portal.