Fall Into Fire

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n5md只准备家电出黑胶,今年最悲惨新生活闻之一。   我生活踏马也还是买了...生活说Dag Rosen购物Dag Rosenqvist这个名字估计你也想不起来,但说Jasper TX的话那就没什么问题了,毕竟是这个大圈子里少数几个能把自己的音乐做到distinguishable的 (Tim Hecker啊, Adam Wiltzie啊等等)。      然后呢众所周知,Jasper TX已经死了,原因也比较中二,Dag自己是说他已经把Jasper TX这个project当成自己身心的一个实体部分了,然后呢,在那张燃烧到极致的之后,是时候分手了,you know, a natural end point, 就这样。      然后就有了这一张名义上的个人debut。      然后你们自己感受一下这个:      When I made this music I was in a really bad state. On the summer of 2012 my wife left me and throughout fall and winter I was drinking too much, I was depressed and on medication. Since we were selling the flat we used to share, I had no home anymore, so I lived on a mattress in my niece’s room for a few months while everything I owned was in storage – save for a few records, some books and some clothes. I started working on the foundations for this album before my wife left me, but when she did it took another direction and I can honestly say that this record helped me stay alive. It was my way of dealing and not dealing with the fact that my life had been taken away from me in an instant. I buried myself in the making of this music, I poured everything into it. I poured love, rage, sorrow, hatred, anxiety and self-loathing into it. It is by far the most personal thing I have ever done and it’s also the one thing I wish I never had to make. It’s very hard for me to listen to this album (if not impossible) but I’m very proud of it and I can honestly say that I think it’s the best thing I have ever done. It’s also one of the few ‘good’ things to come out of one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to endure.      嘛,很明白了,可以自己想像这张debut里面都是些什么东西。自然有些Jasper TX式的招牌声响,那种类似在充斥着破铜烂铁的废弃垃圾场里的回响,包含着各种绝望,无助,各种充斥着愤怒而飞逝的瞬间,还有无数条不安的暗流。      所以,一切都很简单,我也懒得一首一首分析,你如果想知道"Dag Rosenqvist式" 的"无耻型"声音艺术是什么样子,那就直接:      Dag Rosenqvist - [Fall Into Fire #05] THE PROCESSION - become the end      反正只管戴上耳机,管什么入耳还是头套,只管把音量开到最大就好了。真的,必须最大,也只是刮你7分钟左右的皮而已。甚至就在这无止尽的白噪音里,Dag依然在后半段固执地加入各种节奏,调性的变化。极尽原始,极尽肮脏,就像把你在地上拖行,然后拿刀把你身上的肉一块一块割下来,然后噪音消失,你的血跟着那绝望的鼓声慢慢流干。      还是AOTY吧,反正对我来说没有半点疑问。      Sometimes there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but on Dag's mattress, end is end
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