CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION -- Deep Learning Book Reading notes

来源:互联网 发布:艾普网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 17:49

1. AI system -> Deep learning

  • Background: programmable computer -> artifical intelligence
  • Problem: Abstract and formal problem(easy) -> Informal and intuitive problem(hard)
  • Projects:
    1. Rely on knowledge from human: hard-code knowledge in formal language (unwieldy)
    2. Gain knowledge from raw data: machine learning
      • Rely on representation of data
      • Representation learning:
        • Simple: Auto-encoder
        • Sophisticated, high-level, abstract feartures: Deep learning
    3. Deep learning
      • Bulid complex concepts
      • how to measure the depth of the network
        1. the number of sequential instructions (depth of computational graph)
        2. deep probabilistic model (depth of related concepts)
  • A Venn diagram showing the relation of Deep learning, Representation learning, Machine learning and AI.
  • Flowcharts showing how AI system relate to each other.

Three historical waves of artifical neural nets research

model Training Cybernetics (parallel distributed processing) single neuron Connectionism neural network (only 1 or 2 hidden layers) Deep learning deep network

The figure of three historical waves of artifical neural nets research shows as follow:

Increasing Dataset Sizes & Model Sizes & Accuracy, Complexity and Real-Word Impact


Supervised learning
Unsupervised learning
Reinforcement learning

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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 键盘语言更改后进不去系统怎么办 高尔夫旅行款 被锁在车内怎么办 在天猫买东西垫付的运费不退怎么办 天猫店一口价定价定低了怎么办 服务器开机账号改了密码忘了怎么办 小米儿童电话手表开不开机怎么办? 上海拍牌超过5次违章怎么办 拍拍贷不能更新还不了款怎么办 起诉网贷平台不知道地址怎么办 网贷不知道在哪个平台借的怎么办 车过户后出现问题车主不承认怎么办 卖了车买家一直不过户怎么办 我的车卖了但是买家不过户怎么办 如果买家拍了赠品但联系不上怎么办 淘宝产品处罚下架顾客退货怎么办 生源地贷款续贷密码忘了怎么办 助学贷款续贷密码忘了怎么办 京东上回收东西如果是坏的怎么办 58.同城找的工作被骗了怎么办 京东第三方买了二手机怎么办 手机无法显示百度视频的视频怎么办 如果微信被盗号朋友钱被骗怎么办 绑定银行卡的电话号码换了怎么办办 银行卡绑定的手机号空号了怎么办 微信提示绑定银行卡次数超限怎么办 手机卡太久没用被注销了怎么办 电信宽带欠费缴费后上不了网怎么办 电信宽带欠费后缴费连不上网怎么办 电脑开不了机屏亮但不开机怎么办 手机信息探探链接点开了怎么办 买的钻戒的票丢掉了怎么办 如果我过户了原来的积分怎么办? 英雄联盟安装到了一半卡住了怎么办 微信登录不上怎么办一直在转圈 lol老是忘了放装备技能怎么办 英雄联盟屏幕出现红框锁定了怎么办 钢三开局修改对电脑有用怎么办 我的世界为什么一直黑屏闪退怎么办 苹果6plus玩游戏闪退怎么办 电脑重置开机黑屏了怎么办才好? 龟头有一小块和鱼鳞一样脱皮怎么办