
来源:互联网 发布:国内论文数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 12:45


// Created by LJF on 2017/01/14// Reference "data structure and algorithm with javascript"function list() {this.listSize = 0;this.pos = 0;this.dataStore = [];this.clear = clear;this.find = find;this.toString = toString;this.insert = insert;this.append = append;this.remove = remove;this.front = front;this.end = end;this.prev = prev; = next;this.length =length;this.currPos = currPos;this.moveTo = moveTo;this.getElement = getElement;this.length = length;this.contains = contains;}function append(element) {this.dataStore[this.listSize++] = element;}function find(element) {for(var i = 0; i < this.dataStore.length; ++i){if(this.dataStore[i] == element){return i;}return -1; }}function remove(element) {var foundAt = this.find(element);if(foundAt > -1){this.dataStore.splice(foundAt, 1);--this.listSize;return true;}return false;}function length() {return this.listSize;}function toString() {return this.dataStore;}function insert(element, after) {var insertPos = this.find(after)if(insertPos > -1){this.dataStore.splice(insertPos+1, 0, element);++this.listSize;return true;}return false;}function clear() {delete this.dataStore;this.dataStore = [];this.listSize = this.pos = 0;}function contains(element) {for(var i = 0; i < this.dataStore.length; ++i){if(this.dataStore[i] == element){return true;}}return false;}function front() {  this.pos = 0;  }  function end() {  this.pos = this.listSize-1;  }  function prev() {      if (this.pos > 0){          --this.pos;      }  }  function next() {      if (this.pos < this.listSize-1){          ++this.pos;      }}  function currPos() {  return this.pos;  }  function moveTo(position) {  this.pos = position;  }function getElement() {return this.dataStore[this.pos];}// Extract the data from the file and then save the data in an arrayfunction createArr(file) {var arr = read(file).split("\n");for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {arr[i] = arr[i].trim();}return arr;}// Define the displayList functionfunction displayList(list) {for(list.front(); list.currPos() < list.length;{if(list.getElement() instanceof Customer){console.log(list.getElement()["name"] + "," + list.getElement()["movie"]);}else{console.log(list.getElement());}}}// This function used to check out moviesfunction checkOut(name, movie, filmList, customerList) {if(movieList.contains(movie)){var c = new Customer(name, movie);customerList.append(c);filmList.remove(movie);}else{console.log(movie + "is not available.");}}

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