
来源:互联网 发布:java开发实战入门pdf 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 16:00

1. cmath头文件提供了能够进行通用数学计算的函数集合。
2. 数据类型
3. 标准库头文件
4. rand函数的原型在中
5. srand()和rand()

srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); /* Display 10 numbers. */ for( i = 0; i < 10;i++ )     printf( " %6d/n", rand() ); }
#include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>#include <ctime>using namespace std;int main(){    srand(time(0));    for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++)    {        if (i > 0 && i % 5 == 0)        {            cout << endl;        }        cout << rand()<<"\t";    }    system("pause");    return 0;}
  1. 递归和迭代
  2. 将指针传递给函数的4种方式:
    (1)指向非常量数据的非常量指针:具有最大的访问权限,如:int *countPtr;
    (2)指向常量数据的非常量指针:可以被修改以指向任何适当类型的其他数据项,但是不能通过该指针来修改它所指向的数据。可以用这种指针为函数接收数组实参,函数处理数组的每个元素,但不允许修改数据。形如:const int *countPtr;从右到左读作“countPtr是指向一个字符常量的指针”
    (3)指向非常量数据的常量指针:始终指向同一个内存位置,通过该指针可以修改这个位置上的数据。这就是数组名的默认情况,数组名是指向这个数组开始处的常量指针。使用数组名和数组下标,可以访问和修改数组中的所有元素。可以用来接收数组作为函数的实参,在函数中用数组下标表示法访问数组元素。声明为const的指针在声明时必须被初始化,如果指针是函数参数,他被传递给函数的指针初始化。形如:int * const ptr = &x;
    (4)指向常量数据的常量指针:具有最小的访问权限。这种指针总是指向内存中相同的位置,并且不能用该指针修改这个内存位置的数据。如果函数接收一个数组做参数,只是用数组下标表示法读取数组而不修改数组,那么应该用这种指针。形如:const int * const ptr = &x;从右大左读作“ptrr是指向一个整数常量的常量指针”。当试图修改ptr指向的数据和存储在该指针变量中的地址时,产生错误信息。注意:当程序试图间接引用ptr,或当程序试图输出ptr所指向的值时,不会发生错误。
  3. 数组名是常量指针,总是指向数组的开头。如:b += 3;将引起错误;
int b[5];int *bPtr;bPtr = b;//等价于bPtr = &b[0];

第三个元素的值: *(b+2)
9. 函数指针

bool (* compare ) (int , int )
bool * compare(int, int )
(*compare)( work[ smallestOrLargest ], work[ index ] )
compare( work[ smallestOrLargest ], work[ index ] )
// Multipurpose sorting program using function pointers.#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;// prototypesvoid selectionSort( int [], const int, bool (*)( int, int ) );void swap( int * const, int * const );   bool ascending( int, int ); // implements ascending orderbool descending( int, int ); // implements descending orderint main(){   const int arraySize = 10;   int order; // 1 = ascending, 2 = descending   int counter; // array index   int a[ arraySize ] = { 2, 6, 4, 8, 10, 12, 89, 68, 45, 37 };   cout << "Enter 1 to sort in ascending order,\n"       << "Enter 2 to sort in descending order: ";   cin >> order;   cout << "\nData items in original order\n";   // output original array   for ( counter = 0; counter < arraySize; counter++ )      cout << setw( 4 ) << a[ counter ];   // sort array in ascending order; pass function ascending    // as an argument to specify ascending sorting order   if ( order == 1 )    {      selectionSort( a, arraySize, ascending );      cout << "\nData items in ascending order\n";   } // end if   // sort array in descending order; pass function descending   // as an argument to specify descending sorting order   else    {      selectionSort( a, arraySize, descending );      cout << "\nData items in descending order\n";   } // end else part of if...else   // output sorted array   for ( counter = 0; counter < arraySize; counter++ )      cout << setw( 4 ) << a[ counter ];   cout << endl;} // end main// multipurpose selection sort; the parameter compare is a pointer to// the comparison function that determines the sorting ordervoid selectionSort( int work[], const int size,                    bool (*compare)( int, int ) ){   int smallestOrLargest; // index of smallest (or largest) element   // loop over size - 1 elements   for ( int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++ )   {      smallestOrLargest = i; // first index of remaining vector      // loop to find index of smallest (or largest) element      for ( int index = i + 1; index < size; index++ )         if ( !(*compare)( work[ smallestOrLargest ], work[ index ] ) )            smallestOrLargest = index;      swap( &work[ smallestOrLargest ], &work[ i ] );   } // end if} // end function selectionSort// swap values at memory locations to which // element1Ptr and element2Ptr pointvoid swap( int * const element1Ptr, int * const element2Ptr ){   int hold = *element1Ptr;   *element1Ptr = *element2Ptr;   *element2Ptr = hold;} // end function swap// determine whether element a is less than // element b for an ascending order sortbool ascending( int a, int b ){   return a < b; // returns true if a is less than b} // end function ascending// determine whether element a is greater than // element b for a descending order sortbool descending( int a, int b ){   return a > b; // returns true if a is greater than b} // end function descending
  1. const
    (1) 对于const对象,不允许进行成员函数的调用,除非成员函数本身也声明为const。这一点非常严格,即使是不修改对象的获取对象函数也不行。
  2. Friend
    (1) 类的friend函数(友元函数)在类的作用域之外定义,却具有访问类的非public(以及public)成员的权限。单独的函数或整个类都已被声明为另一个类的友元。
    (2) 使用friend函数可以提高程序的性能。
    (3) 友元声明可以出现在类的任何地方。
  3. 多种格式输出日期
    June 14, 1992
#ifndef DATE_H#define DATE_H#include <string>using namespace std;class Date {public:   Date(); // default constructor uses <ctime> functions to set date   Date( int, int ); // constructor using ddd yyyy format   Date( int, int, int ); // constructor using dd/mm/yy format   Date( string, int, int ); // constructor using Month dd, yyyy format   void setDay( int ); // set the day   void setMonth( int ); // set the month   void print() const; // print date in month/day/year format   void printDDDYYYY() const; // print date in ddd yyyy format   void printMMDDYY() const; // print date in mm/dd/yy format   void printMonthDDYYYY() const; // print date in Month dd, yyyy format   ~Date(); // provided to confirm destruction orderprivate:   int month; // 1-12 (January-December)   int day; // 1-31 based on month   int year; // any year   // utility functions    int checkDay( int ) const; // check if day is proper for month and year    int daysInMonth( int ) const; // returns number of days in given month   bool isLeapYear() const; // indicates whether date is in a leap year   int convertDDToDDD() const; // get 3-digit day based on month and day   void setMMDDFromDDD( int ); // set month and day based on 3-digit day   string convertMMToMonth( int ) const; // convert mm to month name   void setMMFromMonth( string ); // convert month name to mm    int convertYYYYToYY() const; // get 2-digit year based on 4-digit year   void setYYYYFromYY( int ); // set year based on 2-digit year}; // end class Date#endif
#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>#include <ctime>#include "Date.h" // include Date class definitionusing namespace std;// default constructor that sets date using <ctime> functionsDate::Date(){   // pointer of type struct tm which holds calendar time components   struct tm *ptr;    time_t t = time( 0 ); // determine current calendar time         // convert current calendar time pointed to by t into   // broken down time and assign it to ptr   ptr = localtime( &t );    day = ptr->tm_mday; // broken down day of month   month = 1 + ptr->tm_mon; // broken down month since January   year = ptr->tm_year + 1900; // broken down year since 1900} // end Date constructor// constructor that takes date in ddd yyyy formatDate::Date( int ddd, int yyyy ){   year = yyyy; // could validate   setMMDDFromDDD( ddd ); // set month and day based on ddd} // end Date constructor// constructor that takes date in mm/dd/yy formatDate::Date( int mm, int dd, int yy ){   setYYYYFromYY( yy ); // set 4-digit year based on yy   setMonth( mm ); // validate and set the month   setDay( dd ); // validate and set the day} // end Date constructor// constructor that takes date in Month dd, yyyy formatDate::Date( string monthName, int dd, int yyyy ){    setMMFromMonth( monthName ); // set month based on month name   setDay( dd ); // validate and set the day   year = yyyy; // could validate} // end Date constructor// validate and store the dayvoid Date::setDay( int d ){   day = checkDay( d ); // validate the day} // end function setDay// validate and store the monthvoid Date::setMonth( int m ){   if ( m > 0 && m <= 12 ) // validate the month      month = m;   else    {                           month = 1; // invalid month set to 1      cout << "Invalid month (" << m << ") set to 1.\n";   } // end else} // end function setMonth// print Date object in form: month/day/yearvoid Date::print() const{   cout << month << '/' << day << '/' << year << endl; } // end function print// print Date object in form: ddd yyyyvoid Date::printDDDYYYY() const{   cout << convertDDToDDD() << ' ' << year << endl;} // end function printDDDYYYY// print Date object in form: mm/dd/yyvoid Date::printMMDDYY() const{   cout << setw( 2 ) << setfill( '0' ) << month << '/'       << setw( 2 ) << setfill( '0' ) << day << '/'       << setw( 2 ) << setfill( '0' ) << convertYYYYToYY() << endl;} // end function printMMDDYY// print Date object in form: Month dd, yyyyvoid Date::printMonthDDYYYY() const{   cout << convertMMToMonth( month ) << ' ' << day << ", " << year       << endl;} // end function printMonthDDYYYY// output Date object to show when its destructor is calledDate::~Date(){    cout << "Date object destructor for date ";   print();   cout << endl;} // end ~Date destructor// utility function to confirm proper day value based on // month and year; handles leap years, tooint Date::checkDay( int testDay ) const{   // determine whether testDay is valid for specified month   if ( testDay > 0 && testDay <= daysInMonth( month ) )      return testDay;   // February 29 check for leap year    if ( month == 2 && testDay == 29 && isLeapYear() )      return testDay;   cout << "Invalid day (" << testDay << ") set to 1.\n";   return 1; // leave object in consistent state if bad value} // end function checkDay// return the number of days in a monthint Date::daysInMonth( int m ) const{   if ( isLeapYear() && m == 2 )      return 29;   static const int daysPerMonth[ 13 ] =       { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };   return daysPerMonth[ m ];} // end function daysInMonth// test for a leap yearbool Date::isLeapYear() const{   if ( year % 400 == 0 || ( year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 ) )      return true;   else      return false;} // end function isLeapYear// calculate 3-digit day based on Date object's current month and dayint Date::convertDDToDDD() const{   int ddd = 0;   // for each month that has passed, add days to ddd   for ( int i = 1; i < month; i++ )      ddd += daysInMonth( i );   // add days from current month   ddd += day;   return ddd;} // end function convertDDToDDD// set month and day based on 3-digit dayvoid Date::setMMDDFromDDD( int ddd ){   int dayTotal = 0;   int m;   for ( m = 1; m <= 12 && ( dayTotal + daysInMonth( m ) ) < ddd; m++ )      dayTotal += daysInMonth( m );   setMonth( m );   setDay( ddd - dayTotal );} // end function setMMDDFromDDD// utility function to convert month number to month namestring Date::convertMMToMonth( int mm ) const{   static const string months[] =       { "", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",       "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };   return months[ mm ];} // end function convertMMToMonth// set month number based on month name    void Date::setMMFromMonth( string m ){   bool matchFound = false;   // loop for each month, checking for a match   for ( int i = 1; i <= 12 && !matchFound; i++ )   {      string tempMonth = convertMMToMonth( i );      if ( tempMonth == m )      {         setMonth( i );         matchFound = true;      } // end if   } // end for   if ( !matchFound )   {      cout << "Invalid month name (" << month << "). month set to 1.\n";      setMonth( 1 ); // leave object in consistent state if bad value   } // end if} // end function setMMFromMonth// utility function to convert 4-digit year to 2-digit yearint Date::convertYYYYToYY() const{   // if year is in 2000s, subtract 2000   // else, assume year is in the 1900s and subtract 1900   return ( year >= 2000 ? year - 2000 : year - 1900 );} // end function convertYYYYtoYY// utility function to convert 2-digit year to 4-digit yearvoid Date::setYYYYFromYY( int yy ){   // if yy is less than 7, assume it is in the 2000s   // if yy is greater than or equal to 7, assume it's in the 1900s   year = ( yy < 7 ? yy + 2000 : yy + 1900 );} // end function setYYYYFromYY
#include <iostream> #include "Date.h" // include Date class definitionusing namespace std;int main(){   Date date1( 256, 1999 ); // initialize using ddd yyyy format   Date date2( 3, 25, 04 ); // initialize using mm/dd/yy format   Date date3( "September", 1, 2000 ); // "month" dd, yyyy format   Date date4; // initialize to current date with default constructor   // print Date objects in default format   date1.print();   date2.print();   date3.print();   date4.print();   cout << '\n';   // print Date objects in 'ddd yyyy' format   date1.printDDDYYYY();    date2.printDDDYYYY();   date3.printDDDYYYY();   date4.printDDDYYYY();   cout << '\n';   // print Date objects in 'mm/dd/yy' format   date1.printMMDDYY();    date2.printMMDDYY();   date3.printMMDDYY();   date4.printMMDDYY();   cout << '\n';   // print Date objects in '"month" d, yyyy' format   date1.printMonthDDYYYY();   date2.printMonthDDYYYY();   date3.printMonthDDYYYY();   date4.printMonthDDYYYY();   cout << endl;} // end main
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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 邮箱的储存空间太小怎么办 扣扣邮箱不支持打开文件怎么办 邮箱大师群发不了邮件怎么办 邮政uk密码忘了怎么办 dns配置错误网页打不开怎么办 手机邮箱收不到邮件怎么办 wifi的那个用户密码错了怎么办 天翼校园客户端连不上怎么办 公司不小心外发邮件怎么办 steam账号被盗邮箱被改怎么办 steam被盗绑定邮箱被改怎么办 简历邮件发错了怎么办 发了简历不回复怎么办 发了简历没回复怎么办 发了简历邮件没有回复怎么办 快手绑定的手机号不用了怎么办 绑定银行卡的手机号不用了怎么办 oppo账号密码忘了怎么办 魅族账号密码忘了怎么办 苹果手机账号密码忘了怎么办 oppo手机账号密码忘了怎么办 华为手机账号密码忘了怎么办 vivo手机账号密码忘了怎么办 金立s9密码忘了怎么办 手机密号忘了怎么办 qq号忘了账号怎么办 推特密码忘了怎么办 沃邮箱改密码短信延迟怎么办 被qq好友拉黑了怎么办 网易邮箱字体变小了怎么办 邮箱注册不了全拼怎么办 家用电器接入两相火线后怎么办 手机充电板坏了怎么办 闪电宝商户乱跳怎么办 网易邮箱发错了怎么办 苹果手机邮件无法连接服务器怎么办 好记星平板电脑开不了机怎么办 邮箱里的文件过期了怎么办 小米手机邮件发不了怎么办 有人加我qq邮箱怎么办 文件太大发邮件太慢怎么办