C# Programmer's Handbook

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝卖家寄寿衣犯法吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 15:45
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C# Programmers Handbook is a complete description of the C# language as used in .NET development for both the current version of .NET (version 1.1) and the version of .NET due out in late 2004 (version 2.0). This is the only book that will include full coverage of C# 2.0 features such as generics for the foreseeable future (next 6 months). MacBeth is a Microsoft insider who has been working with the Whidbey release internally since its conception. Addressed to experienced programmers, this book will remain extremely useful to current users of .NET 1.1 even if they have only limited curiosity about .NET 2.0.