C++ 数据结构链表的实现代码

来源:互联网 发布:宝鸡国企再造新矩阵 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 22:51

C++ 链表




class Node {public:    int data;    Node *next;    Node(int da = 0, Node *p = NULL) {        this->data = da;        this->next = p;    }};



class List{private:  Node *head,*tail;  int position;public:  List(){head=tail=NULL;};  ~List(){delete head;delete tail;};  void print();  void Insert(int da=0);  void Delete(int da=0);  void Search(int da=0);};


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Node {public:    int data;    Node *next;    Node(int da = 0, Node *p = NULL) {        this->data = da;        this->next = p;    }};class List {private:    Node *head, *tail;    int position;public:    List() { head = tail = NULL; };    ~List() {        delete head;        delete tail;    };    void print();    void Insert(int da = 0);    void Delete(int da = 0);    void Search(int da = 0);    int getValueAt(int position);    void setValueAt(int position, int da);};int List::getValueAt(int position) {    Node *p = head;    if (p == NULL) {        cout << "The List is Empty!" << endl;    } else {        int posi = 0;        while (p != NULL && posi != position) {            posi++;            p = p->next;        }        if (p == NULL) {            cout << "There is no value of this position in this List!" << endl;        } else {            cout << "In this Position,the value is" << p->data << endl;        }    }    return p->data;}void List::setValueAt(int position, int da) {    Node *p = head;    if (p == NULL) {        cout << "The List is Empty!" << endl;    } else {        int posi = 0;        while (p != NULL && posi != position) {            posi++;            p = p->next;        }        if (p == NULL) {            cout << "There is No Position in this List!" << endl;        } else {            p->data = da;            cout << "The Value in this position has been Updated!" << endl;        }    }}void List::Search(int da) {    Node *p = head;    if (p == NULL) {        cout << "Sorry, The List is Empty!" << endl;        return;    }    int count = 0;    while (p != NULL && p->data != da) {        p = p->next;        count++;    }    cout << "the value you want to search is at position %d" << count << endl;}void List::Delete(int da) {    Node *p = head, *q = head;    if (p == NULL) {        cout << "Sorry, The List is Empty!" << endl;        return;    }    while (p != NULL && p->data != da) {        q = p;        p = p->next;    }    q->next = p->next;    cout << "The Deletion Operation had been finished!" << endl;}void List::Insert(int da) {    if (head == NULL) {        head = tail = new Node(da);        head->next = NULL;        tail->next = NULL;    } else {        Node *p = new Node(da);        tail->next = p;        tail = p;        tail->next = NULL;    }}void List::print() {    Node *p = head;    while (p != NULL) {        cout << p->data << " \a";        p = p->next;    }    cout << endl;}int main() {    cout << "Hello World!" << endl;    List l1;    l1.Insert(1);    l1.Insert(2);    l1.Insert(3);    l1.Insert(4);    l1.Insert(5);    l1.Insert(6);    l1.Insert(7);    l1.print();    l1.Search(4);    l1.Delete(6);    l1.print();    l1.getValueAt(3);    l1.setValueAt(3, 9);    l1.print();    cout << "The End!" << endl;    return 0;}



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