resteasy-spring 3.0.5.Final 配置和项目

来源:互联网 发布:手机vc编程软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 13:40

springmvc-resteasy.xml 内容如下

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--  @author <a href="">Solomn Duskis</a> @version $Revision: 1 $ --><beans xmlns=""       xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:p=""       xsi:schemaLocation="">    <description>        Import this file in a Spring MVC dispatcher XML        environment to get the default implementation of the Spring        MVC/RestEasy integration. You can also use this as a template for more        advanced functionality, such as configuring multiple RestEasy        factories/dispatchers/registries for different scenarios.    </description>    <!-- ========== Resteasy setup ================ -->    <bean id="resteasy.deployment" class="org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ResteasyDeployment" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">        <description>            This bean manages configuring your resteasy runtime.        </description>    </bean>    <bean id="resteasy.registry" factory-bean="resteasy.deployment"          factory-method="getRegistry">        <description>            Expose the dispatcher's registry as a full-blown Spring            bean, so that it can be passed in as a reference.        </description>    </bean>    <bean id="resteasy.dispatcher" factory-bean="resteasy.deployment"          factory-method="getDispatcher">        <description>            Expose the dispatcher's registry as a full-blown Spring            bean, so that it can be passed in as a reference.        </description>    </bean>    <bean id="resteasy.providerFactory" factory-bean="resteasy.deployment"          factory-method="getProviderFactory">        <description>            This bean manages all of the JAX-RS @Providers.            @Providers convert from the inputStream to a java object and from a            Java object to an output stream. The SpringBeanPreprocessor scans            through the context for all @Provider, and adds them to this            instance.        </description>    </bean>    <bean id="resteasy.spring.bean.processor" class="org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.spring.SpringBeanProcessor"          depends-on="resteasy.deployment">        <description>            Add Resources and @Providers to the appropriate places            in Resteasy's infrastructure        </description>        <constructor-arg ref="resteasy.deployment"/>    </bean>    <!-- ========== Resteasy Spring MVC setup ================ -->    <bean abstract="true" class="org.jboss.resteasy.springmvc.ResteasyHandlerMapping"          id="abstract.resteasy.handlerMapping" depends-on="resteasy.deployment">        <description>            Tap into the RestEasy registry to find out if any of it's            Resources handle a specific URL.            This abstract bean has default settings. You can optimize settings for            this handler mappings by overriding the "resteasy.handlerMapping" bean            and customizing the following:            1) setting a list of interceptors into the "interceptors" property.            This is useful when you want to do things like use the OpenSessionInViewInterceptor            2) set order and/or throwNotFound=true which will return the HTTP status            codes that core RESTEasy recommends back to the client. It works in conjunction            with the "resteasy.exception.handler"        </description>        <constructor-arg ref="resteasy.deployment"/>        <property name="interceptors">            <description>                Look for a list/array bean named "resteasy.dispatcher.interceptors"                which is composed of HandlerInterceptors to apply to this handler adapter.            </description>            <bean class="org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.spring.OptionalValueBeanFactory"                  p:beanName="resteasy.dispatcher.interceptors"/>        </property>    </bean>    <bean id="resteasy.handlerMapping" parent="abstract.resteasy.handlerMapping"/>    <bean id="resteasy.handlerAdapter" class="org.jboss.resteasy.springmvc.ResteasyHandlerAdapter" depends-on="resteasy.deployment">        <description>            This HandlerAdapter knows how to forward requests to            Resteasy for the handling of the service functionality, but not the            rendering, which is handled by a ResteasyView.        </description>        <constructor-arg ref="resteasy.deployment"/>    </bean>    <bean id="resteasy.exception.handler"          class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleMappingExceptionResolver"          p:exceptionMappings=""          p:exceptionAttribute="exception">        <description>            This will be invoked if an end user overrides resteasy.handlerMapping with throwNotFound=true        </description>    </bean>    <bean id=""          class="org.jboss.resteasy.springmvc.ResteasyNoResourceFoundView"          p:deployment-ref="resteasy.deployment"/>    <bean id="reateasy.error.view.resolver"          class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.BeanNameViewResolver"/>    </beans>

参考文章链接 pager link

reasteasy docs

how to integrate spring and reasteasy

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