LeetCode278 find the first bad version

来源:互联网 发布:mac电脑打不开照片权限 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 22:51

You are a product manager and currently leading a team to develop a new product. Unfortunately, the latest version of your product fails the quality check. Since each version is developed based on the previous version, all the versions after a bad version are also bad.

Suppose you have n versions [1, 2, …, n] and you want to find out the first bad one, which causes all the following ones to be bad.

You are given an API bool isBadVersion(version) which will return whether version is bad. Implement a function to find the first bad version. You should minimize the number of calls to the API

使用binary search的方法进行处理

/** * public class SVNRepo { *     public static boolean isBadVersion(int k); * } * you can use SVNRepo.isBadVersion(k) to judge whether  * the kth code version is bad or not.*/class Solution {    /**     * @param n: An integers.     * @return: An integer which is the first bad version.     */    public int findFirstBadVersion(int n) {        // write your code here        if (n == 0) {            return 0;        }        int start = 1;        int end = n;        while (start + 1 < end) {            int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;            if (SVNRepo.isBadVersion(mid)) {                end = mid;            } else {                start = mid;            }        }        if (SVNRepo.isBadVersion(start)) {            return start;        }        if (SVNRepo.isBadVersion(end)) {            return end;        }        return -1;    }}
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