
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝编辑供货商 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 16:11

<?php    require dirname(__FILE__).'/../includes/common.inc.php';    $_html = array();    $_clean['version'] =  '1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14';  //版本号拼接的字符串        //$_clean['version'] =  '1';  //版本号拼接的字符串    $_clean['tag'] =  1; // 0表示第一次  1表示非第一次     if($_clean['tag'] = 0){        //查出下面所有    }elseif($_clean['tag'] = 1){            //截取字符串的数组。        $arr = explode(";",$_clean['version']);        foreach($arr as $k){            $_html['arr'] = $k. "\n";            //echo $_html['arr'] ;                //查出版本总数            $_result1 = _query("SELECT count(version) FROM tb_version");            $_rows1 = _fetch_array($_result1);            $_html1 = array();            $_html1['count'] = $_rows1['count(version)'];                                        if( strlen($v) != strlen($_html1['count'])){                    //查出表里的所有的版本号                    $_result2 = _query("SELECT version,tableName FROM tb_version");                    while ($_rows2 = _fetch_array($_result2)){                    for($y=0;$y<count($_rows2); $y++){                    $_html2 = array();                    $_html2['version'] = $_rows2['version'];                    $_html2['tableName'] = $_rows2['tableName'];                    }                  }                  //打印出来的数组                //echo $_html2['version'] . "\n";                                echo $_html['arr'] ;                if($_html['arr'] == $_html2['version']){                //返回空                    $_info['state'] = 1;                    $_info['info'] = '';                }elseif($_html['arr'] != $_html2['version']){                $a=array($_html['arr']);                $a=array($_html2['version']);                $c=array_diff($a, $b);                                                                                            }                            }elseif( strlen($v) != strlen($_html1['count'])){             //查出下面所有信息         }     }        }    ?><?php         //        $result=explode(";",$_clean['title']);//        for($x=0; $x<count($result); $x++) {//        $result1=$result[$x];//        $result2=explode(",",$result1);//        $dyqId=$result2[0];//        $dyaId=$result2[1];    ?>
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订单支付判断   付款成功与失败

<?php    require dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/common.inc.php';    $_clean = array();    $_clean['payment'] = _check($_POST['payment']);    //支付方式    $_clean['userId'] = _check($_POST['userId']);    $_clean['orderNumber'] = _check($_POST['orderNumber']);    $_clean['theGoodsName'] = _check($_POST['theGoodsName']);    $_clean['theGoodsAddress'] = _check($_POST['theGoodsAddress']);    $_clean['theGoodsPhone'] = _check($_POST['theGoodsPhone']);    $_clean['theGoodsCode'] = _check($_POST['theGoodsCode']);//邮政编码    $_info = array();    $_data = array();    //如果用户名或订单有值    $_now = date('y-m-d H:i:s',time());    if ( $_clean['userId'] > 0 && $_clean['orderNumber'] != '' ) {        $_info['state'] = 0;        $_info['info'] = '';        //查询订单里  返还的积分数   实付现金    实付积分        $_sql = "SELECT returnIntegral,payMoney,payIntegral FROM tb_order WHERE orderNumber = '{$_clean['orderNumber']}' AND userid = '{$_clean['userId']}' AND state = 0";        $_result = _query($_sql);        $_rows = _fetch_array($_result);        if ( !$_rows ) {              //如果查不出来就是没有订单    否则有订单打印出来            $_data['state'] = 1;            $_data['info'] = '该订单不存在!';                        $_info['data'] = $_data;            echo _json($_info);            die;                    } elseif ( !!$_rows ) {                    $_html = array();            $_html['returnIntegral'] = $_rows['returnIntegral'];            $_html['payMoney'] = $_rows['payMoney'];            $_html['payIntegral'] = $_rows['payIntegral'];            $_html = _html($_html);                    }        //查出用户的E币        $_sql9 = "SELECT cash FROM tb_user WHERE id = '{$_clean['userId']}'";        $_result9 = _query($_sql9);        $_rows9 = _fetch_array($_result9);        $_html9 = array();        $_html9['cash'] = $_rows9['cash'];        $_html9 = _html($_html9);        //插入数据信息 商品名   地址 电话  邮编        $_sql5 = "UPDATE tb_order SET theGoodsName = '{$_clean['theGoodsName']}',theGoodsAddress = '{$_clean['theGoodsAddress']}',theGoodsPhone = '{$_clean['theGoodsPhone']}',theGoodsCode = '{$_clean['theGoodsCode']}',payment = '{$_clean['payment']}' WHERE orderNumber = '{$_clean['orderNumber']}' AND userid = '{$_clean['userId']}'";        _query($_sql5);        //查出支付总金额        $_sql8 = "SELECT payMoney FROM tb_order WHERE orderNumber = '{$_clean['orderNumber']}' AND userid = '{$_clean['userId']}'";        $_result8 = _query($_sql8);        $_rows8 = _fetch_array($_result8);        $_html8 = array();        $_html8['payMoney'] = $_rows8['payMoney'];        $_html8 = _html($_html8);                //优品阁账号        if ( $_clean['payment'] == 1 ) {                    if ( $_html8['payMoney'] < $_html9['cash'] && $_html9['cash'] > 0 ) {                        $_sql1 = "UPDATE tb_user SET cash = cash - '{$_html['payMoney']}',integral = integral - '{$_html['payIntegral']}' + '{$_html['returnIntegral']}' WHERE id = '{$_clean['userId']}'";                _query($_sql1);                        } else {                                $_data['state'] = 1;                $_data['info'] = '现金不足!';                $_order['data'] = $_data;                                echo _json($_order);                die;                        }                        if ( _affected_rows() == 1 ) {                            $_data['state'] = 0;                $_data['info'] = '支付成功!';                                $_sql2 = "INSERT INTO tb_cashRecord VALUES (NULL,'{$_clean['userId']}',1,'{$_clean['orderNumber']}',0,'{$_html['payMoney']}','$_now','来自Android',1)";                _query($_sql2);                                if ( $_html['payIntegral'] > 0 ) {                                    $_sql3 = "INSERT INTO tb_integralRecord VALUES (null,'{$_clean['userId']}','{$_clean['orderNumber']}',1,0,'{$_html['preferential']}','$_now','来自Android')";                    _query($_sql3);                                    }                                if ( $_html['returnIntegral'] > 0 ) {                                    $_sql4 = "INSERT INTO tb_integralRecord VALUES (null,'{$_clean['userId']}','{$_clean['orderNumber']}',1,'{$_html['returnIntegral']}',0,'$_now','来自Android')";                    _query($_sql4);                                    }                            } else {                            $_data['state'] = 1;                $_data['info'] = '支付失败!';                            }                    } elseif ( $_clean['payment'] == 4 ) {                        $_data['state'] = 0;            $_data['info'] = '';                    }                $_info['data'] = $_data;            } else {            $_info['state'] = 1;        $_info['info'] = '参数有误!';            }        echo _json($_info);        _free_result($_result);        _close();?>
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<?php    require dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/common.inc.php';    $_clean = array();    $_clean['userId'] = _check($_POST['userId']);    $_clean['preferential'] = _check($_POST['preferential']);    $_clean['distribution'] = _check($_POST['distribution']);//1.快递配送 2.门店自提    $_clean['note'] = _check($_POST['note']);    $_clean['theGoodsName'] = _check($_POST['theGoodsName']);    $_clean['theGoodsAddress'] = _check($_POST['theGoodsAddress']);    $_clean['theGoodsCode'] = _check($_POST['theGoodsCode']);    $_clean['theGoodsPhone'] = _check($_POST['theGoodsPhone']);    $_clean['payment'] = _check($_POST['payment']);    $_order = array();    $_data = array();    if ( $_clean['userId'] > 0 ) {        $_order['state'] = 0;        $_order['info'] = '';                //购物车查找商品id和数目        $_sql = "SELECT GoodsInfoId,number FROM tb_shopCart WHERE userid = '{$_clean['userId']}' AND state = 0";        $_result = _query($_sql);        while ( $_rows = _fetch_array($_result) ) {            $_html = array();            $_html['GoodsInfoId'] = $_rows['GoodsInfoId'];            $_html['number'] = $_rows['number'];                //商品中查找购物车中的商品详细信息            $_sql1 = "SELECT memberPrice,returnIntegral,preferential,postagePrice FROM tb_GoodsInfo WHERE Id = '{$_html['GoodsInfoId']}'";            $_result1 = _query($_sql1);            $_rows1 = _fetch_array($_result1);            $_html['memberPrice'] = $_rows1['memberPrice'];            $_html['returnIntegral'] = $_rows1['returnIntegral'];            $_html['preferential'] = $_rows1['preferential'];            $_html['postagePrice'] = $_rows1['postagePrice'];            $_html = _html($_html);            //快递配送            if ( $_clean['distribution'] == 1 ) {                $_data['postagePrice'] += $_html['number'] * $_html['postagePrice']; //邮费                $_data['memberPrice'] += $_html['memberPrice'] * $_html['number'];//会员价                $_data['totalMoney'] += $_html['memberPrice'] * $_html['number'] + $_html['number'] * $_html['postagePrice'];//总价=总价+会员价*数量  + 数量* 邮费                } elseif ( $_clean['distribution'] == 2 ) {//自提                $_data['memberPrice'] += $_html['memberPrice'] * $_html['number'];//会员价                $_data['totalMoney'] += $_html['memberPrice'] * $_html['number'];//总价            }            //四舍五入            $_data['postagePrice'] = number_format($_data['postagePrice'], 2, '.', '');            $_data['memberPrice'] = number_format($_data['memberPrice'], 2, '.', '');            $_data['totalMoney'] = number_format($_data['totalMoney'], 2, '.', '');            //优惠积分       返还积分数            $_data['preferential'] += $_html['number'] * $_html['preferential'];            $_data['returnIntegral'] += $_html['number'] * $_html['returnIntegral'];        }        //积分    账户        $_sql2 = "SELECT integral,cash FROM tb_user WHERE id = '{$_clean['userId']}'";        $_result2 = _query($_sql2);        $_rows2 = _fetch_array($_result2);        $_html2 = array();        $_html2['integral'] = $_rows2['integral'];        $_html2['cash'] = $_rows2['cash'];        $_html2 = _html($_html2);        $_now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());         //如果优惠积分总积分  大于商品的总积分        if ( $_data['preferential'] > $_html2['integral'] ) {            $_preferential = $_html2['integral'];//查出来的积分                    } elseif ( $_data['preferential'] <= $_html2['integral'] ) {            $_preferential = $_data['preferential'];//商品后总积分            }        //如果传过来的积分大于        if( $_clean['preferential'] > $_preferential ) {            $_data['state'] = 1;            $_data['info'] = '您所传的积分超出最大使用量或者账户总量!';                        $_order['data'] = $_data;            echo _json($_order);            die;        } else {            //总价格            $_data['totalMoney'] = $_data['totalMoney'] - $_clean['preferential'] / 10;                        if ( $_clean['payment'] == 1 ) {                //如果账户金额够                if ( $_data['totalMoney'] < $_html2['cash'] && $_html2['cash'] > 0 ) {                                $year_code = array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z');                    $_data['orderNumber'] = $year_code[intval(date('Y'))-2014].strtoupper(dechex(date('m'))).date('d').substr(time(),-5).substr(microtime(),2,5).sprintf('d',rand(0,99));//生成订单号                    //生成订单                    $_sql3 = "INSERT INTO tb_order VALUES (NULL,'$_now','{$_data['orderNumber']}','{$_clean['userId']}','{$_clean['theGoodsName']}','{$_clean['theGoodsAddress']}','{$_clean['theGoodsCode']}','{$_clean['theGoodsPhone']}','{$_clean['distribution']}','{$_data['returnIntegral']}','{$_clean['payment']}','{$_data['totalMoney']}','{$_clean['preferential']}',0,'{$_clean['note']}')";                    _query($_sql3);                                    } else {                                    $_data['state'] = 1;                    $_data['info'] = '现金不足!';                    $_order['data'] = $_data;                                        echo _json($_order);                    die;                                }                //否则支付宝支付            } elseif ( $_clean['payment'] == 4 ) {            //提交订单                $year_code = array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z');                $_data['orderNumber'] = $year_code[intval(date('Y'))-2014].strtoupper(dechex(date('m'))).date('d').substr(time(),-5).substr(microtime(),2,5).sprintf('d',rand(0,99));//生成订单号                                $_sql3 = "INSERT INTO tb_order VALUES (NULL,'$_now','{$_data['orderNumber']}','{$_clean['userId']}','{$_clean['theGoodsName']}','{$_clean['theGoodsAddress']}','{$_clean['theGoodsCode']}','{$_clean['theGoodsPhone']}','{$_clean['distribution']}','{$_data['returnIntegral']}','{$_clean['payment']}','{$_data['totalMoney']}','{$_clean['preferential']}',0,'{$_clean['note']}')";                _query($_sql3);            }            if ( _affected_rows() == 1 ) {                $_data['state'] = 0;                $_data['info'] = '订单提交成功!';                //在购物车中查找商品id  数量                $_sql5 = "SELECT GoodsInfoId,number FROM tb_shopCart WHERE state = 0 AND userid = '{$_clean['userId']}'";                $_result5 = _query($_sql5);                while ( $_rows5 = _fetch_array($_result5) ) {                    $_html5 = array();                    $_html5['GoodsInfoId'] = $_rows5['GoodsInfoId'];                    $_html5['number'] = $_rows5['number'];                    $_html5 = _html($_html5);                                        //查找商品所有价格信息                    $_sql6 = "SELECT GoodsName,memberPrice,returnIntegral,preferential,postagePrice FROM tb_GoodsInfo WHERE id = '{$_html5['GoodsInfoId']}'";                    $_result6 = _query($_sql6);                    $_rows6 = _fetch_array($_result6);                    $_html6 = array();                    $_html6['title'] = $_rows6['GoodsName'];                    $_html6['memberPrice'] = $_rows6['memberPrice'];                    $_html6['returnIntegral'] = $_rows6['returnIntegral'];                    $_html6['preferential'] = $_rows6['preferential'];                    $_html6['postagePrice'] = $_rows6['postagePrice'];                    $_html6 = _html($_html6);                    //插入订单订单商品表                    $_sql7 = "INSERT INTO tb_orderGoods VALUES (NULL,'$_now','{$_data['orderNumber']}','{$_html5['GoodsInfoId']}','{$_html6['memberPrice']}','{$_html6['returnIntegral']}','{$_html6['preferential']}','{$_html6['postagePrice']}','{$_html5['number']}')";                    _query($_sql7);                }                //更新购物车状态                $_sql4 = "UPDATE tb_shopCart SET state = 1 WHERE userid = '{$_clean['userId']}'";                _query($_sql4);                                $_data['payment'] = $_clean['payment'];                $_data['title'] .= $_html6['title'];                            } else {                $_data['state'] = 1;                $_data['info'] = '订单提交失败!';            }        }        $_order['data'] = $_data;    } else {        $_order['state'] = 1;        $_order['info'] = '参数有误!';    }        echo _json($_order);        _free_result($_result);    _free_result($_result1);    _free_result($_result2);        _close();?>
View Code
<?php    require dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/common.inc.php';    $_now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());    $_clean = array();    $_clean['userId'] = _check($_POST['userId']);    $_clean['orderNumber'] = _check($_POST['orderNumber']);    $_clean['deliveryName'] = _check($_POST['deliveryName']);    $_clean['deliveryAddress'] = _check($_POST['deliveryAddress']);    $_clean['deliveryPhone'] = _check($_POST['deliveryPhone']);    $_clean['deliveryCode'] = _check($_POST['deliveryCode']);    $_clean['orderPayWay'] = _check($_POST['orderPayWay']);    $_orderDetail = array();    $_data = array();    //订单号   支付方式   用户ID    if ( $_clean['orderNumber'] != '' && $_clean['orderPayWay'] != '' && $_clean['userId'] != '' ) {        $_orderDetail['state'] = 0;        $_orderDetail['info'] = '';        //更新数据        _query("UPDATE tb_easyGoodsOrder SET deliveryName = '{$_clean['deliveryName']}',deliveryAddress = '{$_clean['deliveryAddress']}',deliveryPhone = '{$_clean['deliveryPhone']}',deliveryCode = '{$_clean['deliveryCode']}' WHERE orderNumber = '{$_clean['orderNumber']}'");        //查询出订单信息        $_sql2 = "SELECT goodsModule,orderPayMoney,orderPayIntegral,integralPayState FROM tb_easyGoodsOrder WHERE userid = '{$_clean['userId']}' AND orderNumber = '{$_clean['orderNumber']}' AND orderStatus = 0";        $_result2 = _query($_sql2);        $_rows2 = _fetch_array($_result2);                if ( !$_rows2 ) {            _free_result($_result2);            $_data['state'] = 1;            $_data['info'] = '该订单不存在!';            $_orderDetail['data'] = $_data;            echo _json($_orderDetail);            die;        } else {            $_html2 = array();            if ( $_rows2['goodsModule'] == 1 ) {                $_html2['goodsModule'] = "秒杀商品支付";            } elseif ( $_rows2['goodsModule'] == 2 ) {                $_html2['goodsModule'] = "兑换商品支付";            } elseif ( $_rows2['goodsModule'] == 3 ) {                $_html2['goodsModule'] = "特惠购物支付";            } elseif ( $_rows2['goodsModule'] == 4 ) {                $_html2['goodsModule'] = "广告商品领取";            } elseif ( $_rows2['goodsModule'] == 5 ) {                $_html2['goodsModule'] = "抽奖商品领取";            }            $_html2['orderPayMoney'] = $_rows2['orderPayMoney'];            $_html2['orderPayIntegral'] = $_rows2['orderPayIntegral'];            $_html2['integralPayState'] = $_rows2['integralPayState'];            $_html2 = _html($_html2);                        $_sql3 = "SELECT integral_easyhunt,cash_easyhunt FROM tb_user WHERE id = '{$_clean['userId']}'";            $_result3 = _query($_sql3);            $_rows3 = _fetch_array($_result3);            $_html3 = array();            $_html3['integral_easyhunt'] = $_rows3['integral_easyhunt'];            $_html3['cash_easyhunt'] = $_rows3['cash_easyhunt'];            $_html3 = _html($_html3);            //如果是预存款            if ( $_clean['orderPayWay'] == '预存款' ) {                    //如果订单要支付的易币  订单是未付款                if ( $_html2['orderPayIntegral'] > 0 && $_html2['integralPayState'] == 0 ) {                    //如果账户易币小于要支付的易币   易币不足                    if ( $_html3['integral_easyhunt'] < $_html2['orderPayIntegral'] ) {                        $_data['state'] = 2;                        $_data['info'] = '易币不足!';                                                $_orderDetail['data'] = $_data;                        echo _json($_orderDetail);                        die;                        //否则账户小于要支付的账户   存款不足                    } elseif ( $_html3['cash_easyhunt'] < $_html2['orderPayMoney'] ) {                        $_data['state'] = 3;                        $_data['info'] = '预存款不足!';                                                $_orderDetail['data'] = $_data;                        echo _json($_orderDetail);                        die;                    } else {                        mysql_query("BEGIN");                        $flag=0;                        //用户账户变动                        _query("UPDATE tb_user SET cash_easyhunt = cash_easyhunt - '{$_html2['orderPayMoney']}',integral_easyhunt = integral_easyhunt - '{$_html2['orderPayIntegral']}' WHERE id = '{$_clean['userId']}'");                        // 易币账户记录                        _query("INSERT INTO tb_cashAndebLog VALUES (null,1,'{$_clean['userId']}','$_now','来自Android','{$_html2['goodsModule']}','{$_html2['orderPayIntegral']}',0)");                        //现金记录                        _query("INSERT INTO tb_cashAndebLog VALUES (null,2,'{$_clean['userId']}','$_now','来自Android','{$_html2['goodsModule']}','{$_html2['orderPayMoney']}',0)");                        // 支付状态 易币支付状态   支付状态  订单状态和                        _query("UPDATE tb_easyGoodsOrder SET integralPayState = 1,orderPayWay = '预存款支付' orderStatus = 1 WHERE orderNumber = '{$_clean['orderNumber']}'");                                                $flag=1;                        if($flag==1){                            mysql_query("COMMIT");                            $_data['state'] = 0;                            $_data['info'] = '支付成功';                        }else{                            mysql_query("ROLLBACK");                            $_data['state'] = 4;                            $_data['info'] = '支付失败';                        }                    }                } else {                    //如果存款不足                    if ( $_html3['cash_easyhunt'] < $_html2['orderPayMoney'] ) {                        $_data['state'] = 3;                        $_data['info'] = '预存款不足!';                                                $_orderDetail['data'] = $_data;                        echo _json($_orderDetail);                        die;                    } else {                        mysql_query("BEGIN");                        $flag=0;                        ////用户账户变动                        _query("UPDATE tb_user SET cash_easyhunt = cash_easyhunt - '{$_html2['orderPayMoney']}' WHERE id = '{$_clean['userId']}'");                        // 易币账户记录                        _query("INSERT INTO tb_cashAndebLog VALUES (null,2,'{$_clean['userId']}','$_now','来自Android','{$_html2['goodsModule']}','{$_html2['orderPayMoney']}',0)");                            //  态   订单状态和                        _query("UPDATE tb_easyGoodsOrder SET orderPayWay = '预存款支付',orderStatus = 1 WHERE orderNumber = '{$_clean['orderNumber']}'");                                                $flag=1;                        if($flag==1){                            mysql_query("COMMIT");                            $_data['state'] = 0;                            $_data['info'] = '支付成功';                        }else{                            mysql_query("ROLLBACK");                            $_data['state'] = 4;                            $_data['info'] = '支付失败';                        }                    }                }            } elseif ( $_clean['orderPayWay'] == '支付宝' ) {                            }        }                $_orderDetail['data'] = $_data;            } else {        $_orderDetail['state'] = 1;        $_orderDetail['info'] = '参数有误!';    }        echo _json($_orderDetail);        _close();    ?>
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<?php    require dirname(__FILE__).'/../includes/common.inc.php';    $_clean = array();    $_clean['userId'] = _check($_POST['userId']);    $_clean['adInfoId'] = _check($_POST['adInfoId']);    $_now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());    $_info = array();    $_data = array();    if ( $_clean['userId'] > 0 && $_clean['adInfoId'] > 0 ) {        $_info['state'] = 0;        $_info['info'] = '';        $_sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_adInfo WHERE id = '{$_clean['adInfoId']}'";        $_result = _query($_sql);        $_rows = _fetch_array($_result);        $_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM tb_adInfoLog WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM tb_adInfoLog WHERE adInfoId = '{$_clean['adInfoId']}' AND userid = '{$_clean['userId']}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AND DATEDIFF(NOW(),addDates) < '{$_rows['interval']}'";        $_result1 = _query($_sql1);        $_row1 = _num_rows($_result1);        if ( $_row1 > 0 ) {            $_data['state'] = 1;            $_data['info'] = '已验证!';        } else {            $_sql2 = "SELECT advertisingType,rewardType,goodsId,totalReward,oneReward FROM tb_adInfo WHERE id = '{$_clean['adInfoId']}' AND State=1";            $_result2 = _query($_sql2);            $_rows2 = _fetch_array($_result2);            $_html2 = array();            $_html2['advertisingType'] = $_rows2['advertisingType'];            $_html2['rewardType'] = $_rows2['rewardType'];            $_html2['goodsId'] = $_rows2['goodsId'];            $_html2['totalReward'] = $_rows2['totalReward'];            $_html2['oneReward'] = $_rows2['oneReward'];            $_html2 = _html($_html2);                        if($_html2['advertisingType']==1){                $operation="广告浏览";            }elseif($_html2['advertisingType']==2){                $operation="促销活动";            }elseif($_html2['advertisingType']==3){                $operation="商家宣传";            }                        mysql_query("BEGIN");            $flag=0;                        //添加浏览记录            _query("insert into tb_adInfoLog values(null,'{$_clean['userId']}','{$_clean['adInfoId']}',now(),'来自Android')");            if( $_html2['totalReward'] / $_html2['oneReward'] >= 1 ) {                                if ( $_html2['rewardType'] == 1 ) {                    //给会员添加易币奖励                    _query("update tb_user set integral_easyhunt = integral_easyhunt + '{$_html2['oneReward']}' where id = '{$_clean['userId']}'");                    //添加易币增加的变动记录                    _query("insert into tb_cashAndebLog values(null,1,'{$_clean['userId']}',now(),'来自Android','$operation','{$_html2['oneReward']}',1)");                } elseif ( $_html2['rewardType'] == 2 ) {                    //给会员添加现金                    _query("update tb_user set cash_easyhunt = cash_easyhunt + '{$_html2['oneReward']}' where id = '{$_clean['userId']}'");                    //添加现金增加的变动记录                    _query("insert into tb_cashAndebLog values(null,2,'{$_clean['userId']}',now(),'来自Android','$operation','{$_html2['oneReward']}',1)");                } elseif ( $_html2['rewardType'] == 3 ) {                    //实物奖励,查询出奖励的实物,添加实物订单                    $_result3 = _query("select * from tb_goods where goodsId = '{$_html2['goodsId']}'");                    $_rows3 = _fetch_array($_result3);                    $_html3 = array();                    $_html3['company'] = $_rows3["company"];                    $_html3['goodsMoneyPrice'] = $_rows3["goodsMoneyPrice"];                    $_html3['goodsIntegralPrice'] = $_rows3["goodsIntegralPrice"];                    $_html3['goodsPostage'] = $_rows3["goodsPostage"];                                        //添加广告区订单(点击赚和来就赚)                    $year_code = array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z');                    $_orderNumber = $year_code[intval(date('Y'))-2014].strtoupper(dechex(date('m'))).date('d').substr(time(),-5).substr(microtime(),2,5).sprintf('d',rand(0,99));                                        if( $_html3['goodsMoneyPrice'] > 0 or $_html3['goodsIntegralPrice'] > 0 or $_html3['goodsPostage'] > 0 ){                        _query("insert into tb_easyGoodsOrder values(null,4,now(),'来自Android','{$_html3['company']}','{$_clean['userId']}','$_orderNumber','{$_html2['goodsId']}','{$_html3['goodsMoneyPrice']}','{$_html3['goodsIntegralPrice']}','{$_html3['goodsPostage']}',1,'浏览广告奖励',0,0,0,'浏览广告',0,'','','','','','')");                    }else{                        _query("insert into tb_goodsOrder values(null,4,now(),'来自Android','{$_html3['company']}','{$_clean['userId']}','$_orderNumber','{$_html2['goodsId']}',0,0,0,1,'浏览广告奖励',0,0,1,'浏览广告',1,'','','','','','')");                    }                                    }            }else{                $_data['state'] = 1;                $_data['info'] = '奖励已经发放完了';            }                        $flag=1;            if($flag==1){                mysql_query("COMMIT");                $_data["state"] = 0;                $_data['info'] = '验证成功';            }else{                mysql_query("ROLLBACK");                $_data["state"] = 1;                $_data['info'] = '验证失败';            }        }                $_info['data'] = $_data;        } else {            $_info['state'] = 1;        $_info['info'] = '参数有误!';        }        echo _json($_info);        _free_result($_result);    _free_result($_result1);    _free_result($_result2);    _free_result($_result3);        _close();?>
View Code

判断抽奖一抽未抽   支付等

<?php    require dirname(__FILE__).'/../includes/common.inc.php';    $_clean = array();    $_clean['userId'] = _check($_POST['userId']);    $_clean['prizeId'] = _check($_POST['prizeId']);        $_info = array();    $_data = array();    if ( $_clean['userId'] > 0 && $_clean['prizeId'] > 0 ) {        $_info['state'] = 0;        $_info['info'] = '';        $_sql = "SELECT id FROM tb_thePrize WHERE id = '{$_clean['prizeId']}' AND totalReward > 0 AND State = 1";        $_result = _query($_sql);        $_row = _num_rows($_result);        if ( $_row == 0 ) {            $_data['state'] = 1;            $_data['info'] = '该奖品不存在或已撤销';                        $_info['data'] = $_data;            echo _json($_info);            die;        } else {            $_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM tb_thePrizeLog WHERE userid = '{$_clean['userId']}' AND thePrizeId = '{$_clean['prizeId']}' AND category = 1 AND to_days(now()) = to_days(addTimes)";            $_result1 = _query($_sql1);            $_row1 = _num_rows($_result1);            if ( $_row1 == 0 ) {                            $_data['state'] = 2;                $_data['info'] = '今日已抽取过该奖品';                                $_info['data'] = $_data;                echo _json($_info);                die;            } else {                $_sql2 = "SELECT * FROM tb_thePrize WHERE id = '{$_clean['prizeId']}' AND State = 1";                $_result2 = _query($_sql2);                $_rows2 = _fetch_array($_result2);                $_html2 = array();                $_html2['company'] = $_rows2['company'];                $_html2['useIntegral'] = $_rows2['useIntegral'];                $_html2['adInfoUrl'] = $_rows2['adInfoUrl'];                $_html2['thePrizeChangeOf'] = $_rows2['thePrizeChangeOf'];                $_html2['thePrizeType'] = $_rows2['thePrizeType'];                $_html2 = _html($_html2);                if ( $_html2['company'] == 0 ) {                    $_sql3 = "SELECT integral_easyhunt FROM tb_user WHERE id = '{$_clean['userId']}'";                    $_result3 = _query($_sql3);                    $_rows3 = _fetch_array($_result3);                    if ( $_rows3['integral_easyhunt'] < $_html2['useIntegral'] ) {                                            $_data['state'] = 3;                        $_data['info'] = '易币不足!';                                                $_info['data'] = $_data;                        echo _json($_info);                        die;                    } else {                        $_v1 = $_html2['thePrizeChangeOf'];                        $_v2 = 100 - $_html2['thePrizeChangeOf'];                        $prize_arr = array(                             '0' => array('id'=>1,'min'=>array(1,302,242,182,122,62),'max'=>array(29,328,268,208,148,88),'prize'=>'中奖','v'=>$_v1),                             '1' => array('id'=>2,'min'=>array(32,92,152,212,272,332), 'max'=>array(58,118,178,238,298,358),'prize'=>'谢谢参与','v'=>$_v2)                        );                                                 function getRand($proArr) {                             $result = ''; //概率数组的总概率精度                             $proSum = array_sum($proArr);                              //概率数组循环                             foreach ($proArr as $key => $proCur) {                                 $randNum = mt_rand(1, $proSum);                                 if ($randNum <= $proCur) {                                     $result = $key;                                     break;                                 } else {                                     $proSum -= $proCur;                                 }                             }                             unset ($proArr);                              return $result;                         }                                                foreach ( $prize_arr as $key => $val ) {                             $arr[$val['id']] = $val['v'];                         }                                                 $rid = getRand($arr); //根据概率获取奖项id                         $res = $prize_arr[$rid-1]; //中奖项                         $min = $res['min'];                         $max = $res['max'];                                                 if ( $res['id'] == 2 ) {                             _query("UPDATE tb_user SET integral_easyhunt = integral_easyhunt - '{$_html2['useIntegral']}' WHERE id = '{$_clean['userId']}'");                            //添加易币变动记录(减少记录)                            _query("INSERT INTO tb_cashAndebLog VALUES (null,1,'{$_clean['userId']}',now(),'来自Android','在线抽奖','{$_html2['useIntegral']}',0)");                            //添加奖品抽奖记录                            _query("INSERT INTO tb_thePrizeLog VALUES (null,'{$_clean['userId']}',now(),'来自Android','{$_clean['prizeId']}',1)");                                                        $i = mt_rand(0,5);                             $_data['angle'] = mt_rand($min[$i],$max[$i]);                             $_data['info'] = '未中奖'; //标示未中奖                        }else{                             $i = mt_rand(0,5);                            //$_data['angle'] = mt_rand($min[$i],$max[$i]); //随机生成一个角度                            $_data['type'] = $_html2['thePrizeType'];                             $_data['state'] = 0;                            $_data['info'] = '中奖'; //标示中奖                        }                        $_data["user"] = $_clean['userId'];                        $_data["state1"] = "抽奖成功";                    }                } elseif ( $_html2['company'] > 0 ) {                    $_sql4 = "SELECT * FROM tb_adInfoLog WHERE userid = '{$_clean['userId']}' AND adInfoId IN (SELECT id FROM tb_adInfo WHERE company = '{$_html2['company']}') AND to_days(now()) = to_days(addDates)";                    $_result4 = _query($_sql4);                    $_rows4 = _fetch_array($_result4);                                        if ( $_rows4 == 0 ) {                        $_data['state'] = 4;                        $_data['info'] = '未阅读广告';                        $_data['url'] = $_html2['adInfoUrl'];                                                $_info['data'] = $_data;                        echo _json($_info);                        die;                    } else {                        $_v1 = $_html2['thePrizeChangeOf'];//奖品的中奖几率                        $_v2 = 100 - $_html2['thePrizeChangeOf'];//谢谢参与的几率                        $prize_arr = array(                             '0' => array('id'=>1,'min'=>array(1,302,242,182,122,62),'max'=>array(29,328,268,208,148,88),'prize'=>'中奖','v'=>$_v1),                             '1' => array('id'=>2,'min'=>array(32,92,152,212,272,332), 'max'=>array(58,118,178,238,298,358),'prize'=>'谢谢参与','v'=>$_v2)                         );                                                 function getRand($proArr) {                             $result = '';                             //概率数组的总概率精度                             $proSum = array_sum($proArr);                              //概率数组循环                             foreach ($proArr as $key => $proCur) {                                 $randNum = mt_rand(1, $proSum);                                 if ($randNum <= $proCur) {                                     $result = $key;                                     break;                                 } else {                                     $proSum -= $proCur;                                 }                             }                             unset ($proArr);                              return $result;                         }                                                foreach ($prize_arr as $key => $val) {                         $arr[$val['id']] = $val['v'];                         }                         $rid = getRand($arr); //根据概率获取奖项id                         $res = $prize_arr[$rid-1]; //中奖项                         $min = $res['min'];                         $max = $res['max'];                                                if ( $res['id'] == 2 ) { //谢谢参与                             $i = mt_rand(0,5);                             $_data['angle'] = mt_rand($min[$i],$max[$i]);                             $_data['info'] = '未中奖';                             //添加奖品抽奖记录                            _query("INSERT INTO tb_thePrizeLog VALUES (null,'{$_clean['userId']}',now(),'来自Android','{$_clean['prizeId']}',1)");                        }else{                             $i = mt_rand(0,5);                            //$_data['angle'] = mt_rand($min[$i],$max[$i]); //随机生成一个角度                            $_data['state'] = 0;                             $_data['type'] = $_html2['thePrizeType'];                            $_data['info'] = '中奖';                         }                        $_data["user"] = $_clean['userId'];                        $_data["state1"] = "抽奖成功";                    }                }            }        }        $_info['data'] = $_data;    } else {        $_info['state'] = 1;        $_info['info'] = '参数有误!';    }        echo _json($_info);        _close();?>
View Code

秒杀  未秒杀  已秒杀 开始秒杀

<?php    require dirname(__FILE__).'/../includes/common.inc.php';    $_clean = array();    $_clean['userId'] = _check($_POST['userId']);    $_clean['goodsId'] = _check($_POST['goodsId']);    $_order = array();        $_data = array();        $_now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());    $_now_ymd = date('Y-m-d',time());    $_now_hms = date('H:i:s',time());    $_ymd = explode("-",$_now_ymd);    $_ymd_y = $_ymd[0];    $_ymd_m = $_ymd[1];    $_ymd_d = $_ymd[2];    $_ymd = $_ymd_y.$_ymd_m.$_ymd_d;    $_hms = explode(":",$_now_hms);    $_hms_h = $_hms[0];    $_hms_m = $_hms[1];    $_hms_s = $_hms[2];    $_hms_m1 = $_hms[1] + 45;    if( $_hms_m1 >= 60 ){        $_hms_m1 = $_hms_m1 - 60;        $_hms_h1 = $_hms[0] + 1;        $_now1 = $_now_ymd . ' ' . $_hms_h1 . ':' . $_hms_m1 . ':' . $_hms_s;  //有效期    }else{        $_now1 = $_now_ymd . ' ' . $_hms_h . ':' . $_hms_m1 . ':' . $_hms_s;    }    $_hms = $_hms_h.$_hms_m.$_hms_s;        $year_code = array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z');    $_data['orderNumber'] = $year_code[intval(date('Y'))-2014].strtoupper(dechex(date('m'))).date('d').substr(time(),-5).substr(microtime(),2,5).sprintf('d',rand(0,99));//生成订单号    $_orderBuyCount = 1;//数量为1        if ( $_clean['userId'] != '' && $_clean['goodsId'] != '' ) {        $_order['state'] = 0;        $_order['info'] = '';                $_sql = "SELECT companyId,goodsName,goodsType,goodsMoneyPrice,goodsPicture,goodsIntegralPrice,goodsPostage,goodsInventory FROM tb_goods WHERE goodsId = '{$_clean['goodsId']}' AND goodsShow = 1 LIMIT 1";        $_result = _query($_sql);        $_rows = _fetch_array($_result);        $_html = array();        $_html['companyId'] = $_rows['companyId'];        $_html['title'] = $_rows['goodsName'];        $_html['goodsType'] = $_rows['goodsType'];        $_html['goodsMoneyPrice'] = $_rows['goodsMoneyPrice'];        $_html['pic'] = $_rows['goodsPicture'];        $_html['goodsIntegralPrice'] = $_rows['goodsIntegralPrice'];        $_html['goodsPostage'] = $_rows['goodsPostage'];        $_html['goodsInventory'] = $_rows['goodsInventory'];        $_html = _html($_html);                $_sql2 = "SELECT province,theCity,county,address,phone,realName FROM tb_user WHERE id = '{$_clean['userId']}'";        $_result2 = _query($_sql2);        $_rows2 = _fetch_array($_result2);        $_html2 = array();        $_html2['province'] = $_rows['province'];        $_html2['theCity'] = $_rows['theCity'];        $_html2['county'] = $_rows['county'];        $_html2['address'] = $_rows['address'];        $_html2['phone'] = $_rows['phone'];        $_html2['realName'] = $_rows['realName'];        $_html2 = _html($_html2);                $_data['realName'] = $_html2['realName'];        $_data['address'] = $_html2['province'].$_html2['theCity'].$_html2['county'].$_html2['address'];        $_data['phone'] = $_html2['phone'];                if ( $_now_hms >= '12:00:00' && $_now_hms <= '13:00:00' ) {            if ( $_html['goodsInventory'] >= $_orderBuyCount ) {                $_sql1 = "INSERT INTO tb_goodsOrder (                                                    companyId,                                                    goodsType,                                                    orderDate,                                                    orderIP,                                                    orderNumber,                                                    userId,                                                    goodsId,                                                    goodsName,                                                    goodsPicture,                                                    goodsMoneyPrice,                                                    goodsIntegralPrice,                                                    goodsPostage,                                                    orderBuyCount,                                                    orderNote,                                                    orderPayMoney,                                                    orderPayIntegral,                                                    orderPayWay,                                                    orderStatus,                                                    orderEffectiveDate,                                                    deliveryName,                                                    deliveryAddress,                                                    deliveryPhone,                                                    deliveryCode,                                                    courierCompany,                                                    courierOrderNo                                                    )                                              VALUES (                                                    '{$_html['companyId']}',                                                    '{$_html['goodsType']}',                                                    '$_now',                                                    '来自Android',                                                    '{$_data['orderNumber']}',                                                    '{$_clean['userId']}',                                                    '{$_clean['goodsId']}',                                                    '{$_html['title']}',                                                    '{$_html['pic']}',                                                    '{$_html['goodsMoneyPrice']}',                                                    '{$_html['goodsIntegralPrice']}',                                                    '{$_html['goodsPostage']}',                                                    1,                                                    '',                                                    '',                                                    '',                                                    '',                                                    0,                                                    '$_now1',                                                    '{$_data['realName']}',                                                    '{$_data['address']}',                                                    '{$_data['phone']}',                                                    '',                                                    '',                                                    ''                                                    )";                _query($_sql1);                        if( _affected_rows() == 1 ){                    $_data['state'] = 0;                    $_data['info'] = '订单提交成功!';                }else{                    $_data['state'] = 2;                    $_data['info'] = '订单提交失败!';                }            } else {                $_data['state'] = 2;                $_data['info'] = '库存不足!';                                $_order['data'] = $_data;                echo _json($_order);                die;            }        } else {            $_data['state'] = 1;            $_data['info'] = '秒杀时间已过或者秒杀未开始';                        $_order['data'] = $_data;            echo _json($_order);            die;        }     } else {        $_order['state'] = 1;        $_order['info'] = '参数有误!';    }    $_order['data'] = $_data;    echo _json($_order);    _free_result($_result);        _close();?>
View Code

 砸奖  查出砸奖信息  和中奖信息

<?php    require dirname(__FILE__).'/../includes/common.inc.php';        $_clean = array();    $_clean['model'] = _check($_POST['model']);    $_clean['cityId'] = _check($_POST['cityId']);        $_info = array();    $_data = array();        if ( $_clean['model'] != '' ) {        $_info['state'] = 0;        $_info['info'] = '';        //查出当前数据信息        $_sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_easySmashingInfo WHERE model = '{$_clean['model']}' AND state = 1";        $_result = _query($_sql);        $_rows = _fetch_array($_result);        $_now = array();        $_now['id'] = $_rows['id'];        $_now['nper'] = $_rows['nper'];        $_now['thePrizeInfo'] = $_rows['thePrizeInfo'];        $_now['vodieurl'] = 'http://www.easyhunt.cn/' . $_rows['vodieurl'];                $_now = _html($_now);        //直接打印出        $_data['now'] = $_now;        //查出下期预告数据信息        $_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM tb_easySmashingInfo WHERE model = '{$_clean['model']}' AND state = 0";        $_result1 = _query($_sql1);        $_rows1 = _fetch_array($_result1);        $_next = array();        $_next['id'] = $_rows1['id'];        $_next['nper'] = $_rows1['nper'];        $_next['thePrizeInfo'] = $_rows1['thePrizeInfo'];        $_next['vodieurl'] = 'http://www.easyhunt.cn/' . $_rows1['vodieurl'];                $_next = _html($_next);                $_data['next'] = $_next;        //查询出中奖记录        $_list = array();        $_sql2 = "SELECT * FROM tb_easySmashingwinn";        $_result2 = _query($_sql2);        while ( $_rows2 = _fetch_array($_result2) ) {            $_html2 = array();            $_html2['id'] = $_rows2['id'];            $_html2['addTimes'] = $_rows2['addTimes'];            //奖品信息和领奖方式图片            $_sql3 = "SELECT thePrizeInfo FROM tb_easySmashingInfo WHERE id = '{$_rows2['easySmashingInfoId']}'";            $_result3 = _query($_sql3);            $_rows3 = _fetch_array($_result3);                        $_html2['thePrizeInfo'] = $_rows3['thePrizeInfo'];                                                                    //通过中奖记录查出用户名            $_sql4 = "SELECT userName FROM tb_user WHERE id = '{$_rows2['user']}'";            $_result4 = _query($_sql4);            $_rows4 = _fetch_array($_result4);                        $_html2['userName'] = $_rows4['userName'];                        $_list[] = $_html2;        }                $_data['list'] = $_list;                $_info['data'] = $_data;    } else {        $_info['state'] = 1;        $_info['info'] = '参数有误!';    }        echo _json($_info);        _free_result($_result);    _free_result($_result1);    _close();?>
View Code


<?php    require dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/common.inc.php';    $_clean = array();    $_clean['type'] = _check($_POST['type']);//5.DH;3.MS;4.th 2:ljz 1.djz    $_clean['content'] = _check($_POST['content']);    define('SCRIPT','research');    global $_pagesize,$_pagenum;    $_productList = array();        $_data = array();        if ( $_clean['type'] != '' && $_clean['content'] != '' ) {        $_productList['state'] = 0;        $_productList['info'] = '';            if ( $_clean['type'] < 6 && $_clean['type'] > 2 ) {            $_sql = "SELECT id FROM tb_easyGoods WHERE state = 1 AND goodsModule = '{$_clean['type']}' AND goodsName LIKE '%".$_clean["content"]."%' ORDER BY id DESC";            _page($_sql,4);                        $_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM tb_easyGoods WHERE state = 1 AND goodsModule = '{$_clean['type']}' AND goodsName LIKE '%".$_clean["content"]."%' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $_pagenum,$_pagesize";            $_result1 = _query($_sql1);            while ( $_rows1 = _fetch_array($_result1) ) {                $_html1 = array();                $_html1['id'] = $_rows1['id'];                $_html1['title'] = $_rows1['goodsName'];                $_html1['pic'] = 'http://www.easyhunt.cn/' . $_rows1['goodsPicture'];                $_html1['goodsMoneyPrice'] = $_rows1['goodsMoneyPrice'];                $_html1['beginTime'] = $_rows1['beginTime'];                $_html1['endTime'] = $_rows1['endTime'];                $_html1 = _html($_html1);                    $_data[] = $_html1;            }                    } elseif( $_clean['type'] < 3 && $_clean['type'] > 0 ) {                        $_sql = "SELECT id FROM tb_adInfo WHERE State = 1 AND adInfoType = '{$_clean['type']}' AND merchantName LIKE '%".$_clean["content"]."%' ORDER BY id DESC";            _page($_sql,4);            $_sql1 = "SELECT * FROM tb_adInfo WHERE State = 1 AND adInfoType = '{$_clean['type']}' AND merchantName LIKE '%".$_clean["content"]."%' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $_pagenum,$_pagesize";            $_result1 = _query($_sql1);            while( $_rows1 = _fetch_array($_result1) ) {                $_html1 = array();                $_html1['id'] = $_rows1['id'];                $_html1['buyModule'] = $_rows1['buyModule'];                $_html1['buyGoodsId'] = $_rows1['buyGoodsId'];                $_html1['thePrizeId'] = $_rows1['thePrizeId'];                $_html1['title'] = $_rows1['merchantName'];                $_html1['pic'] = "http://www.easyhunt.cn/" . $_rows1['merchantPic'];                $_html1['totalReward'] = $_rows1['totalReward'];                $_html1['oneReward'] = $_rows1['oneReward'];                $_html1['advertisingType'] = $_rows1['advertisingType'];                $_html1 = _html($_html1);                                $_data[] = $_html1;            }                    }        $_productList['data'] = $_data;    } else {        $_productList['state'] = 1;        $_productList['info'] = '参数有误!';    }    echo _json($_productList);    _free_result($_result1);    _free_result($_result2);    _close();?>
View Code

 查出城市区县  和所有类别

<?php    require dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/common.inc.php';    $_info = array();    $_data = array();        $_clean = array();    $_clean['cityId'] = 2;        if ( $_clean['cityId'] > 0 ) {            $_info['state'] = 0;        $_info['info'] = '';                $_area = array();        $_html2['id'] = '-2';        $_html2['areaId'] = '2';        $_html2['areaName'] = '全部区域';        $_area[] = $_html2;        //区县        $_sql2 = "SELECT id,areaName,areaId,sort FROM tb_earea WHERE  areaType in (3,4) AND state = 0 ORDER BY sort ASC";        $_result2 = _query($_sql2);        while ( $_rows2 = _fetch_array($_result2) ) {            $_html2 = array();            $_html2['id'] = $_rows2['id'];            $_html2['areaId'] = $_rows2['areaId'];            $_html2['areaName'] = $_rows2['areaName'];            $_html2 = _html($_html2);                        //$_region = array();//            $_sql10 = "SELECT id,areaName,areaId,sort FROM tb_earea WHERE areaId = '{$_rows2['id']}' AND areaType = 4 AND state = 0 ORDER BY sort ASC";//            $_result10 = _query($_sql10);//            while($_rows10 = _fetch_array($_result10)){//                $_html0 = array();//                $_html10['id'] = $_rows10['id'];//                $_html10['areaId'] = $_rows10['areaId'];//                $_html10['areaName'] = $_rows10['areaName'];//                $_html10 = _html($_html10);//                //将信息放入$_county数组//                $_region[] = $_html10; //             }        //    $_html2['region'] = $_region;            $_area[] = $_html2;        }        $_data['area'] = $_area;        //点就赚        $_bigClass1 = array();        $_html3 = array();        $_html3['id'] = '-2';        $_html3['categoryName'] = '全部类型';            $_bigClass1[] = $_html3;        $_sql3 = "SELECT id,categoryName FROM tb_ecategory WHERE grade = 1 AND categoryId = 0 AND state = 0 ORDER BY sort ASC";        $_result3 = _query($_sql3);        while ( $_rows3 = _fetch_array($_result3) ) {            $_html3 = array();            $_html3['id'] = $_rows3['id'];            $_html3['categoryName'] = $_rows3['categoryName'];            $_html3 = _html($_html3);                        $_bigClass1[] = $_html3;        }        $_data['djz_bigClass'] = $_bigClass1;                $_smallClass = array();        $_html4 = array();        $_html4['id'] = '-2';        $_html4['categoryName'] = '全部小类';        $_smallClass[] = $_html4;        $_sql4 = "SELECT id,categoryName FROM tb_ecategory WHERE grade=1 and categoryId=1 AND state = 0 ORDER BY sort ASC";        $_result4 = _query($_sql4);        while ( $_rows4 = _fetch_array($_result4) ) {            $_html4 = array();            $_html4['id'] = $_rows4['id'];            $_html4['categoryName'] = $_rows4['categoryName'];            $_html4 = _html($_html4);                        $_smallClass[] = $_html4;        }        $_data['djz_smallClass'] = $_smallClass;        //来就赚大类        $_bigClass2 = array();        $_sql5 = "SELECT id,categoryName FROM tb_ecategory WHERE grade = 2 AND categoryId = 0 AND state = 0 ORDER BY sort ASC";        $_result5= _query($_sql5);        while ( $_rows5 = _fetch_array($_result5) ) {            $_html5 = array();            $_html5['id'] = $_rows5['id'];            $_html5['categoryName'] = $_rows5['categoryName'];            $_html5 = _html($_html5);            $_bigClass2[] = $_html5;        }        $_data['ljz_bigClass'] = $_bigClass2;                $_smallClass1 = array();        $_html9 = array();        $_sql9 = "SELECT id,categoryName FROM tb_ecategory WHERE grade=2 and categoryId=1 AND state = 0 ORDER BY sort ASC";        $_result9 = _query($_sql9);        while ( $_rows9 = _fetch_array($_result9) ) {            $_html9 = array();            $_html9['id'] = $_rows9['id'];            $_html9['categoryName'] = $_rows9['categoryName'];            $_html9 = _html($_html9);                        $_smallClass1[] = $_html9;        }        $_data['ljz_smallClass'] = $_smallClass1;                //秒杀        $_bigClass3 = array();        $_sql6 = "SELECT id,categoryName FROM tb_ecategory WHERE grade = 4 AND categoryId = 0 AND state = 0 ORDER BY sort ASC";        $_result6= _query($_sql6);        while ( $_rows6 = _fetch_array($_result6) ) {            $_html6 = array();            $_html6['id'] = $_rows6['id'];            $_html6['categoryName'] = $_rows6['categoryName'];            $_html6 = _html($_html6);            $_bigClass3[] = $_html6;        }        $_data['ms_bigClass'] = $_bigClass3;                //特惠        $_bigClass4 = array();        $_sql7 = "SELECT id,categoryName FROM tb_ecategory WHERE grade = 5 AND categoryId = 0 AND state = 0 ORDER BY sort ASC";        $_result7= _query($_sql7);        while ( $_rows7 = _fetch_array($_result7) ) {            $_html7 = array();            $_html7['id'] = $_rows7['id'];            $_html7['categoryName'] = $_rows7['categoryName'];            $_html7 = _html($_html7);            $_bigClass4[] = $_html7;        }        $_data['th_bigClass'] = $_bigClass4;        //兑换        $_bigClass5 = array();        $_sql8 = "SELECT id,categoryName FROM tb_ecategory WHERE grade = 6 AND categoryId = 0 AND state = 0 ORDER BY sort ASC";        $_result8= _query($_sql8);        while ( $_rows8 = _fetch_array($_result8) ) {            $_html8 = array();            $_html8['id'] = $_rows8['id'];            $_html8['categoryName'] = $_rows8['categoryName'];            $_html8 = _html($_html8);            $_bigClass5[] = $_html8;        }        $_data['dh_bigClass'] = $_bigClass5;        $_info['data'] = $_data;    } else {        $_info['state'] = 1;        $_info['info'] = '参数有误!';    }    echo _json($_info);    _free_result($_result2);    _free_result($_result3);    _free_result($_result4);    _free_result($_result5);    _free_result($_result6);    _free_result($_result7);    _free_result($_result8);    _free_result($_result9);    _close();?>
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