小程序 侧滑删除(左滑删除)

来源:互联网 发布:房屋设计用什么软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 15:28



// pages/leftSwiperDel/index.jsvar initdata = function (that) {  var list = that.data.list  for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {    list[i].txtStyle = ""  }  that.setData({ list: list })}Page({  data: {    delBtnWidth: 180,//删除按钮宽度单位(rpx)    list: [      {        txtStyle: "",        icon: "/images/qcm.png",        txt: "指尖快递"      },      {        txtStyle: "",        icon: "/images/qcm.png",        txt: "指尖快递"      },      {        txtStyle: "",        icon: "/images/qcm.png",        txt: "指尖快递"      },      {        txtStyle: "",        icon: "/images/qcm.png",        txt: "指尖快递"      },      {        txtStyle: "",        icon: "/images/qcm.png",        txt: "指尖快递"      },      {        txtStyle: "",        icon: "/images/qcm.png",        txt: "指尖快递"      },      {        txtStyle: "",        icon: "/images/qcm.png",        txt: "指尖快递"      },      {        txtStyle: "",        icon: "/images/qcm.png",        txt: "指尖快递"      },      {        txtStyle: "",        icon: "/images/qcm.png",        txt: "指尖快递"      },      {        txtStyle: "",        icon: "/images/qcm.png",        txt: "指尖快递"      },      {        txtStyle: "",        icon: "/images/qcm.png",        txt: "指尖快递"      },    ]  },  onLoad: function (options) {    // 页面初始化 options为页面跳转所带来的参数    this.initEleWidth();  },  onReady: function () {    // 页面渲染完成  },  onShow: function () {    // 页面显示  },  onHide: function () {    // 页面隐藏  },  onUnload: function () {    // 页面关闭  },  touchS: function (e) {    if (e.touches.length == 1) {      this.setData({        //设置触摸起始点水平方向位置        startX: e.touches[0].clientX      });    }  },  touchM: function (e) {    var that = this    initdata(that)    if (e.touches.length == 1) {      //手指移动时水平方向位置      var moveX = e.touches[0].clientX;      //手指起始点位置与移动期间的差值      var disX = this.data.startX - moveX;      var delBtnWidth = this.data.delBtnWidth;      var txtStyle = "";      if (disX == 0 || disX < 0) {//如果移动距离小于等于0,文本层位置不变        txtStyle = "left:0px";      } else if (disX > 0) {//移动距离大于0,文本层left值等于手指移动距离        txtStyle = "left:-" + disX + "px";        if (disX >= delBtnWidth) {          //控制手指移动距离最大值为删除按钮的宽度          txtStyle = "left:-" + delBtnWidth + "px";        }      }      //获取手指触摸的是哪一项      var index = e.target.dataset.index;      var list = this.data.list;      list[index].txtStyle = txtStyle;      //更新列表的状态      this.setData({        list: list      });    }  },  touchE: function (e) {    if (e.changedTouches.length == 1) {      //手指移动结束后水平位置      var endX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;      //触摸开始与结束,手指移动的距离      var disX = this.data.startX - endX;      var delBtnWidth = this.data.delBtnWidth;      //如果距离小于删除按钮的1/2,不显示删除按钮      var txtStyle = disX > delBtnWidth / 2 ? "left:-" + delBtnWidth + "px" : "left:0px";      //获取手指触摸的是哪一项      var index = e.target.dataset.index;      var list = this.data.list;      list[index].txtStyle = txtStyle;      //更新列表的状态      this.setData({        list: list      });    }  },  //获取元素自适应后的实际宽度  getEleWidth: function (w) {    var real = 0;    try {      var res = wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth;      var scale = (750 / 2) / (w / 2);//以宽度750px设计稿做宽度的自适应      // console.log(scale);      real = Math.floor(res / scale);      return real;    } catch (e) {      return false;      // Do something when catch error    }  },  initEleWidth: function () {    var delBtnWidth = this.getEleWidth(this.data.delBtnWidth);    this.setData({      delBtnWidth: delBtnWidth    });  },  //点击删除按钮事件  delItem: function (e) {    var that = this    wx.showModal({      title: '提示',      content: '是否删除?',      success: function (res) {        if (res.confirm) {          //获取列表中要删除项的下标          var index = e.target.dataset.index;          var list = that.data.list;          //移除列表中下标为index的项          list.splice(index, 1);          //更新列表的状态          that.setData({            list: list          });        } else {          initdata(that)        }      }    })  }})

/* pages/leftSwiperDel/index.wxss */view{    box-sizing: border-box;}.item-box{    width: 700rpx;    margin: 0 auto;    padding:40rpx 0;}.items{    width: 100%;}.item{    position: relative;    border-top: 2rpx solid #eee;    height: 120rpx;    line-height: 120rpx;    overflow: hidden;}.item:last-child{    border-bottom: 2rpx solid #eee;}.inner{    position: absolute;    top:0;}.inner.txt{    background-color: #fff;    width: 100%;    z-index: 5;    padding:0 10rpx;    transition: left 0.2s ease-in-out;    white-space:nowrap;    overflow:hidden;    text-overflow:ellipsis;}.inner.del{    background-color: #e64340;    width: 180rpx;text-align: center;    z-index: 4;    right: 0;    color: #fff}.item-icon{    width: 64rpx;    vertical-align: middle;    margin-right: 16rpx}.thumb{    width: 200px;    height: 200px;    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;    overflow: scroll;}

<view class="item-box">  <view class="items">    <view wx:for="{{list}}"  wx:key="{{index}}"  class="item">      <view bindtouchstart="touchS" bindtouchmove="touchM" bindtouchend="touchE" data-index="{{index}}" style="{{item.txtStyle}}" class="inner txt">      <image class="item-icon" mode="widthFix" src="{{item.icon}}"></image>{{index}}{{item.txt}}</view>      <view data-index="{{index}}" bindtap = "delItem" class="inner del">删除</view>    </view>  </view></view>

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