GRE 21~26

来源:互联网 发布:mac常用的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 04:34

addict=devotee(~ of sth.热衷于某事), enthusiast(XXX ~:XXX爱好者), fanatic(Adj&n 贬义,狂热分子,极端分子), maniac(词根manic:狂躁的,maniac狂躁的,疯狂的而愚蠢的,贬义,adj&n), 对......上瘾的人

adhere to=cleave to=hew to:依附于、粘着于;反义词:detach

hew:vt. 砍;劈;砍倒 vi. 砍;劈;坚持,hewer煤矿工、砍伐者; 

V-T If something is hewn from stone or wood, it is cut from stone or wood. 由(石头或木材)砍成的; 由(由石头或木材)劈出的
...the rock from which the lower chambers and subterranean passageways have been hewn.
...medieval monasteries hewn out of the rockface.


adhere to=comply with=cling to =stand by 服从;反义词:disobey=defy=rebel against(反抗,如压迫、统治等)  defect from:叛变、叛离


adherent=follower 追随者

adjourn(记忆:jour, 含义是“日,一天” journal(日记), journey, adjourn(延期) )=prorogate, prorogue(休会), recess, suspend(停某人的职,暂停,V-T If something is suspended from a high place, it is hanging from that place. 悬挂
..instruments that are suspended on cables.

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