
来源:互联网 发布:数组去重 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 12:37

Chapter 14 组件模式




  1. 有一个涉及多个域的类。但希望这些域保持解耦;
  2. 这个类很庞大;
  3. 希望定义许多共享不同能力的对象。


 1 class InputComponent 2 { 3  4 public: 5   void update(Bjorn& bjorn) 6   { 7     switch (Controller::getJoystickDirection()) 8     { 9       case DIR_LEFT:10         bjorn.velocity -= WALK_ACCELERATION;11         break;12  13       case DIR_RIGHT:14         bjorn.velocity += WALK_ACCELERATION;15         break;16     }17   } 18 19 private:20   static const int WALK_ACCELERATION = 1;21 22 };23 24 class PhysicsComponent25 {26 27 public:28   void update(Bjorn& bjorn, World& world)29   {30     bjorn.x += bjorn.velocity;31     world.resolveCollision(volume_,32         bjorn.x, bjorn.y, bjorn.velocity);33   }34  35 private:36   Volume volume_;37 38 }; 39 40 class GraphicsComponent41 {42 43 public:44   void update(Bjorn& bjorn, Graphics& graphics)45   {46     Sprite* sprite = &spriteStand_;47     if (bjorn.velocity < 0)48     {49       sprite = &spriteWalkLeft_;50     }51     else if (bjorn.velocity > 0)52     {53       sprite = &spriteWalkRight_;54     } 55 56     graphics.draw(*sprite, bjorn.x, bjorn.y);57   }58 59 private:60   Sprite spriteStand_;61   Sprite spriteWalkLeft_;62   Sprite spriteWalkRight_;63 64 };


 1 class GameObject 2 { 3  4 public: 5   int velocity; 6   int x, y;  7  8   void update(World& world, Graphics& graphics) 9   {10     input_.update(*this);11     physics_.update(*this, world);12     graphics_.update(*this, graphics);13   } 14 15 private:16   InputComponent input_;17   PhysicsComponent physics_;18   GraphicsComponent graphics_;19 20 };



 1 class InputComponent 2 { 3 public: 4   virtual ~InputComponent() {} 5   virtual void update(Bjorn& bjorn) = 0; 6 }; 7  8 class PlayerInputComponent : public InputComponent 9 {10 11 public:12   virtual void update(Bjorn& bjorn)13   {14     switch (Controller::getJoystickDirection())15     {16       case DIR_LEFT:17         bjorn.velocity -= WALK_ACCELERATION;18         break;19 20       case DIR_RIGHT:21         bjorn.velocity += WALK_ACCELERATION;22         break;23     }24   } 25 26 private:27   static const int WALK_ACCELERATION = 1;28 29 };30 31 class DemoInputComponent : public InputComponent32 {33 34 public:35   virtual void update(Bjorn& bjorn)36   {37     // AI to automatically control Bjorn...38   }39 };


 1 class PhysicsComponent 2 { 3 public: 4   virtual ~PhysicsComponent() {} 5   virtual void update(GameObject& obj, World& world) = 0; 6 }; 7  8 class GraphicsComponent 9 {10 public:11   virtual ~GraphicsComponent() {}12   virtual void update(GameObject& obj, Graphics& graphics) = 0;13 };14 15 class BjornPhysicsComponent : public PhysicsComponent16 {17 public:18   virtual void update(GameObject& obj, World& world)19   {20     // Physics code...21   }22 };23 24 class BjornGraphicsComponent : public GraphicsComponent25 {26 public:27   virtual void update(GameObject& obj, Graphics& graphics)28   {29     // Graphics code...30   }31 };


 1 class GameObject 2 { 3  4 public: 5   int velocity; 6   int x, y; 7   8   GameObject(InputComponent* input, 9              PhysicsComponent* physics,10              GraphicsComponent* graphics)11   : input_(input),12     physics_(physics),13     graphics_(graphics)14   {}15 16   void update(World& world, Graphics& graphics)17   {18     input_->update(*this);19     physics_->update(*this, world);20     graphics_->update(*this, graphics);21   }22 23 private:24   InputComponent* input_;25   PhysicsComponent* physics_;26   GraphicsComponent* graphics_;27 28 };29 30 GameObject* createBjorn()31 {32   return new GameObject(new PlayerInputComponent(),33                         new BjornPhysicsComponent(),34                         new BjornGraphicsComponent());35 }



Chapter 15 事件队列






 1 class Audio 2 { 3  4 public: 5   static void init() 6   { 7     head_ = 0; 8     tail_ = 0; 9   }10 11   // Methods...12 13 private:14   static int head_;15   static int tail_; 16 17   static const int MAX_PENDING = 16;18 19   static PlayMessage pending_[MAX_PENDING];20 };21 22 void Audio::playSound(SoundId id, int volume)23 {24   // Walk the pending requests.25   for (int i = head_; i != tail_;26        i = (i + 1) % MAX_PENDING)27   {28     if (pending_[i].id == id)29     {30       // Use the larger of the two volumes.31       pending_[i].volume = max(volume, pending_[i].volume);32  33       // Don't need to enqueue.34       return;35     }36   }37 38   assert((tail_ + 1) % MAX_PENDING != head_);39 40   // Add to the end of the list.41   pending_[tail_].id = id;42   pending_[tail_].volume = volume;43   tail_ = (tail_ + 1) % MAX_PENDING;44 } 45 46 void Audio::update()47 {48   // If there are no pending requests, do nothing.49   if (head_ == tail_) return;50 51   ResourceId resource = loadSound(pending_[head_].id);52   int channel = findOpenChannel();53   if (channel == -1) return;54   startSound(resource, channel, pending_[head_].volume); 55 56   head_ = (head_ + 1) % MAX_PENDING;57 }
  1. 环状缓冲区;
  2. PlaySound只做元素入列,首先要判断是否有重复的,如果有就标记音量高的那个,tail增长时取余;
  3. Update做元素取出,首先判断是否有待取元素,head增长时取余。


Chapter 16 服务定位器




 1 class Audio 2 { 3  4 public: 5   virtual ~Audio() {} 6  7   virtual void playSound(int soundID) = 0; 8   virtual void stopSound(int soundID) = 0; 9   virtual void stopAllSounds() = 0;10 11 };


 1 class ConsoleAudio : public Audio 2 { 3  4 public: 5   virtual void playSound(int soundID) 6   { 7     // Play sound using console audio api... 8   } 9  10   virtual void stopSound(int soundID)11   {12     // Stop sound using console audio api...13   } 14 15   virtual void stopAllSounds()16   {17     // Stop all sounds using console audio api...18   }19 };


 1 class Locator 2 { 3  4 public: 5   static void initialize() { service_ = &nullService_; } 6   7   static Audio& getAudio() { return *service_; } 8   9   static void provide(Audio* service)10   {11     if (service == NULL)12     {13       // Revert to null service.14       service_ = &nullService_;15     }16     else17     {18       service_ = service;19     }20   } 21 22 private:23   static Audio* service_;24   static NullAudio nullService_;25 26 };


1 ConsoleAudio *audio = new ConsoleAudio();2 Locator::provide(audio);


1 Audio *audio = Locator::getAudio();2 audio->playSound(VERY_LOUD_BANG);




1 class NullAudio: public Audio2 {3 public:4   virtual void playSound(int soundID) { /* Do nothing. */ }5   virtual void stopSound(int soundID) { /* Do nothing. */ }6   virtual void stopAllSounds()        { /* Do nothing. */ }7 };



1 Locator::provide(NULL);



 1 class LoggedAudio : public Audio 2 { 3  4 public: 5   LoggedAudio(Audio &wrapped) 6   : wrapped_(wrapped) 7   {}  8  9   virtual void playSound(int soundID)10   {11     log("play sound");12     wrapped_.playSound(soundID);13   }14 15   virtual void stopSound(int soundID)16   {17     log("stop sound");18     wrapped_.stopSound(soundID);19   } 20 21   virtual void stopAllSounds()22   {23     log("stop all sounds");24     wrapped_.stopAllSounds();25   }26 27 private:28   void log(const char* message)29   {30     // Code to log message...31   } 32 33   Audio &wrapped_;34 35 };


1. 如果服务被限制在游戏的一个单独域中,那就把服务的作用域限制到类中




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