
来源:互联网 发布:遗传算法的过程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 05:26


public void setImageResource(int resId) {        // The resource configuration may have changed, so we should always        // try to load the resource even if the resId hasn't changed.        final int oldWidth = mDrawableWidth;        final int oldHeight = mDrawableHeight;        updateDrawable(null);        mResource = resId;        mUri = null;        resolveUri();        if (oldWidth != mDrawableWidth || oldHeight != mDrawableHeight) {            requestLayout();        }        invalidate();    }

private void resolveUri() {        ... ...        if (mResource != 0) {            try {                d = mContext.getDrawable(mResource);            } catch (Exception e) {                Log.w("ImageView", "Unable to find resource: " + mResource, e);                // Don't try again.                mUri = null;            }        } else if (mUri != null) {            ... ...        } else {            ... ...        } else {            return;        }        updateDrawable(d);    }

public final Drawable getDrawable(int id) {        return getResources().getDrawable(id, getTheme());    }

public Drawable getDrawable(int id, @Nullable Theme theme) throws NotFoundException {        TypedValue value;        synchronized (mAccessLock) {            value = mTmpValue;            if (value == null) {                value = new TypedValue();            } else {                mTmpValue = null;            }            getValue(id, value, true);        }        final Drawable res = loadDrawable(value, id, theme);        synchronized (mAccessLock) {            if (mTmpValue == null) {                mTmpValue = value;            }        }        return res;    }

    // Information about preloaded resources.  Note that they are not    // protected by a lock, because while preloading in zygote we are all    // single-threaded, and after that these are immutable.    private static final LongSparseArray<ConstantState>[] sPreloadedDrawables;    private static final LongSparseArray<ConstantState> sPreloadedColorDrawables            = new LongSparseArray<ConstantState>();    private static final LongSparseArray<ColorStateList> sPreloadedColorStateLists            = new LongSparseArray<ColorStateList>();

    private final ArrayMap<String, LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>>> mDrawableCache =            new ArrayMap<String, LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>>>();    private final ArrayMap<String, LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>>> mColorDrawableCache =            new ArrayMap<String, LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>>>();    private final LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ColorStateList>> mColorStateListCache =            new LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ColorStateList>>();    private final ConfigurationBoundResourceCache<Animator> mAnimatorCache =            new ConfigurationBoundResourceCache<Animator>(this);    private final ConfigurationBoundResourceCache<StateListAnimator> mStateListAnimatorCache =            new ConfigurationBoundResourceCache<StateListAnimator>(this);
Drawable loadDrawable(TypedValue value, int id, Theme theme) throws NotFoundException {        ... ...        final boolean isColorDrawable;        final ArrayMap<String, LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>>> caches;        final long key;        if (value.type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT                && value.type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT) {            isColorDrawable = true;            caches = mColorDrawableCache;            key =;        } else {            isColorDrawable = false;            caches = mDrawableCache;            key = (((long) value.assetCookie) << 32) |;        }        // First, check whether we have a cached version of this drawable        // that was inflated against the specified theme.        if (!mPreloading) {            final Drawable cachedDrawable = getCachedDrawable(caches, key, theme);            if (cachedDrawable != null) {                return cachedDrawable;            }        }        // Next, check preloaded drawables. These are unthemed but may have themeable attributes.        final ConstantState cs;        if (isColorDrawable) {            cs = sPreloadedColorDrawables.get(key);        } else {            cs = sPreloadedDrawables[mConfiguration.getLayoutDirection()].get(key);        }        final Drawable dr;        if (cs != null) {            final Drawable clonedDr = cs.newDrawable(this);            if (theme != null) {                dr = clonedDr.mutate();                dr.applyTheme(theme);                dr.clearMutated();            } else {                dr = clonedDr;            }        } else if (isColorDrawable) {            dr = new ColorDrawable(;        } else {            dr = loadDrawableForCookie(value, id, theme);        }        // If we were able to obtain a drawable, store it in the appropriate        // cache (either preload or themed).        if (dr != null) {            dr.setChangingConfigurations(value.changingConfigurations);            cacheDrawable(value, theme, isColorDrawable, caches, key, dr);        }        return dr;    }


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