
来源:互联网 发布:短地址生成算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 15:47




Sink : 接口类,功能上对应OutputStream
Source :接口类,功能上对应InputStream
Buffer:BufferedSink和BufferedSource的最终实现实现类, 实现缓存功能,内部有一个Segment链表
Segment:里面有个byte数组,通过pos,limit控制读写的位置(从byte[]哪里开始读,哪里开始写入),next, prev实现导航到前面或后面的Segment(实现Segment链表结构)


socket = new Socket("", 8080);InputStream inputStream = socket.getInputStream();OutputStream outputStream = socket.getOutputStream();BufferedSource source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(inputStream));BufferedSink sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(outputStream));



import java.io.IOException;import java.net.ServerSocket;import java.net.Socket;import java.nio.charset.Charset;import okio.BufferedSink;import okio.BufferedSource;import okio.Okio;/** * Created by lee on 2017/1/24. */public class Server {    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {        ServerSocket serverSocket = null;        try {            serverSocket = new ServerSocket(8080);            while (true) {                Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();                handleClientSocket(socket);            }        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            if (serverSocket != null) {                try {                    serverSocket.close();                } catch (Exception e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        }    }    private static void handleClientSocket(Socket socket) {        Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                try {                    while (true) {                        BufferedSource source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(socket));                        BufferedSink sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(socket));                        int length = source.readInt();                        String message = source.readString(length, Charset.forName("utf-8"));                        System.out.println("length is: " + length + " , message is : " + message);                        if("error exit".equals(message)){                            break;                        }                        String responseMsg = getResponseAccordMsg(message);                        if (responseMsg != null) {                            int respLength = responseMsg.getBytes().length;                            sink.writeInt(respLength);                            sink.writeString(responseMsg, Charset.forName("utf-8"));                            sink.flush();                        }                        if("error exit".equals(responseMsg)){                            break;                        }                    }                } catch (IOException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }finally {                    if(socket!=null){                        try {                            socket.close();                        } catch (IOException e) {                            e.printStackTrace();                        }                    }                }            }        });        thread.start();    }    private static String getResponseAccordMsg(String msg) {        String result = "";        if (msg != null && msg.length() > 0) {            if (msg.equals("hello")) {                result = "hello";            } else if (msg.equals("nice to meet you")) {                result = "nice to meet you too";            } else if (msg.equals("see you")) {                result = "see you next time";            }        }        if (result.length() == 0) {            result = "error exit";        }        return result;    }}


import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.net.Socket;import java.nio.charset.Charset;import okio.BufferedSink;import okio.BufferedSource;import okio.Okio;/** * Created by lee on 2017/1/24. */public class OkioClient {    public static void main(String[] args) {        Socket socket = null;        try {            socket = new Socket("", 8080);            InputStream inputStream = socket.getInputStream();            OutputStream outputStream = socket.getOutputStream();            BufferedSource source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(inputStream));            BufferedSink sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(outputStream));            writeMsg(sink, "hello");            while (true) {                int length = source.readInt();                String message = source.readString(length, Charset.forName("utf-8"));                System.out.println("length is: "+length+" , message is : "+message);                if ("error exit".equals(message)) {                    break;                }                String respMsg = getResponseAccordMsg(message);                writeMsg(sink, respMsg);                if ("error exit".equals(respMsg)) {                    break;                }            }        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            if (socket != null) {                try {                    socket.close();                } catch (IOException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        }    }    private static void writeMsg(BufferedSink sink, String msg) {        try {            int msgLength = msg.getBytes().length;            sink.writeInt(msgLength);            sink.writeString(msg, Charset.forName("utf-8"));            sink.flush();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    private static String getResponseAccordMsg(String msg) {        String result = "";        if (msg != null && msg.length() > 0) {            if (msg.equals("hello")) {                result = "nice to meet you";            } else if (msg.equals("nice to meet you too")) {                result = "see you";            }        }        if (result.length() == 0) {            result = "error exit";        }        return result;    }}
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