Effective C#之Cha2:NET Resource Management

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Chapter 2. .NET Resource Management


The simplefact that .NET programs run in a managed environment has a big impact on thekinds of designs that create effective C#. Taking utmost advantage of thatenvironment requires changing your thinking from native environments to the.NET CLR. It means understanding the .NET Garbage Collector. An overview of the.NET memory management environment is necessary to understand the specificrecommendations in this chapter, so let's get on with the overview.

.Net程序运行在一个托管的环境下,这个简单的事实对创建高效C#的设计种类有很大的影响。要想把环境的优势利用到极限,要求你将思考方式从原始的环境转换到.Net CLR来。这意味着要理解.Net的垃圾收集器。对.Net内存管理环境的概览,对于理解该章节内特定的建议非常必要。因此,让我们开始浏览一下整体。

TheGarbage Collector (GC) controls managed memory for you. Unlike nativeenvironments, you are not responsible for memory leaks, dangling pointers,uninitialized pointers, or a host of other memory-management issues. But theGarbage Collector is not magic: You need to clean up after yourself, too. Youare responsible for unmanaged resources such as file handles, databaseconnections, GDI+ objects, COM objects, and other system objects.


Here's thegood news: Because the GC controls memory, certain design idioms are mucheasier to implement. Circular references, both simple relationships and complexwebs of objects, are much easier. The GC's Mark and Compact algorithmefficiently detects these relationships and removes unreachable webs of objectsin their entirety. The GC determines whether an object is reachable by walkingthe object tree from the application's root object instead of forcing eachobject to keep track of references to it, as in COM. The DataSet class providesan example of how this algorithm simplifies object ownership decisions. ADataSet is a collection of DataTables. Each DataTable is a collection ofDataRows. Each DataRow is a collection of DataItems. Each DataTable alsocontains a collection of DataColumns. DataColumns define the types associatedwith each column of data. There are other references from the DataItems to itsappropriate column. Every DataItem also contains a reference to its container,the DataRow. DataRows contain references back to the DataTable, and everythingcontains a reference back to the containing DataSet.


If that's not complicated enough, you can create DataViews that provideaccess to filtered sequences of a data table. Those are all managed by aDataViewManager. There are references all through the web of objects that makeup a DataSet. Releasing memory is the GC's responsibility. Because the .NETFramework designers did not need to free these objects, the complicated web ofobject references did not pose a problem. No decision needed to be maderegarding the proper sequence of freeing this web of objects; it's the GC'sjob. The GC's design simplifies the problem of identifying this kind of web of objectsas garbage. After the application releases its reference to the dataset, noneof the subordinate objects can be reached. It does not matter that there arestill circular references to the DataSet, DataTables, and other objects in theweb. Because these objects cannot be reached from the application, they are allgarbage.


The Garbage Collector runs in its own thread to remove unused memoryfrom your program. It also compacts the managed heap each time it runs.Compacting the heap moves each live object in the managed heap so that the freespace is located in one contiguous block of memory. Figure 2.1 shows twosnapshots of the heap before and after a garbage collection. All free memory isplaced in one contiguous block after each GC operation.

垃圾收集器以自己的线程运行,从程序里移除未使用的内存,每次运行时也压缩托管堆。通过压缩堆,将托管堆里面的活动对象进行移动,可以使得空闲空间集中在一个连续的内存块里。图2.1 展示了堆的在垃圾收集前和垃圾收集后的2个快照。在每次GC进行操作后,所有的自由内存都集中在一个连续的块里面。

Figure 2.1 垃圾收集器不仅移除未使用的内存,而且也移动内存里的其它对象,并对是已经使用的内存进行压缩,从而使得自由空间最大化。


As you've just learned, memory management is completely theresponsibility of the Garbage Collector. All other system resources are yourresponsibility. You can guarantee that you free other system resources bydefining a finalizer in your type. Finalizers are called by the system beforean object that is garbage is removed from memory. You can and mus tuse thesemethods to release any unmanaged resources that an object owns. The finalizerfor an object is called at some time after it becomes garbage and before thesystem reclaims its memory. This nondeterministic finalization means that youcannot control the relationship between when you stop using an object and whenits finalizer executes. That is a big change from C++, and it has importantramifications for your designs. Experienced C++ programmers wrote classes thatallocated a critical resource in its constructor and released it in itsdestructor:


  1. // Good C++, bad C#:
  2. class CriticalSection
  3. {
  4.    public:
  5.       // Constructor acquires the system resource.
  6.       CriticalSection( )
  7.       {
  8.         EnterCriticalSection( );
  9.       }
  10.        // Destructor releases system resource.
  11.       ~CriticalSection( )
  12.       {
  13.         ExitCriticalSection( );
  14.       }
  15. };
  16.      // usage:
  17.     void Func()
  18.     {
  19.         // The lifetime of s controls access to
  20.         // the system resource.
  21.         CriticalSection s;
  22.         // Do work.
  23.         //...
  24.         // compiler generates call to destructor.
  25.         // code exits critical section.
  26.     }

This common C++ idiom ensures thatresource deallocation is exception-proof. This doesn't work in C#, however atleast, not in the same way. Deterministic finalization is not part of the .NETenvironment or the C# language. Trying to force the C++ idiom of deterministicfinalization into the C# language won't work well. In C#, the finalizereventually executes, but it doesn't execute in a timely fashion. In theprevious example, the code eventually exits the critical section, but, in C#,it doesn't exit the critical section when the function exits. That happens atsome unknown time later. You don't know when. You can't know when.


Relying on finalizers also introducesperformance penalties. Objects that require finalization put a performance dragon the Garbage Collector. When the GC finds that an object is garbage but alsorequires finalization, it cannot remove that item from memory just yet. First,it calls the finalizer. Finalizers are not executed by the same thread thatcollects garbage. Instead, the GC places each object that is ready forfinalization in a queue and spawns yet another thread to execute all thefinalizers. It continues with its business, removing other garbage from memory.On the next GC cycle, those objects that have been finalized are removed frommemory. Figure 2.2 shows three different GC operations and the difference inmemory usage. Notice that the objects that require finalizers stay in memoryfor extra cycles.

依赖于终结器也引来了性能上的损失。要求有终结过程的对象在性能上对垃圾收集器产生了拖累。当GC发现一个对象成了垃圾又要求进行终结时,还不能从内存中移除它。首先,它调用了终结器。执行终结器的线程和收集垃圾的线程不是同一个。相反,GC将每个准备要终结的对象放在一个队列里面,生成另一个线程来执行所有的终结器。GC继续自己的工作:从内存中移除其它垃圾。在下一轮的垃圾收集周期内,这些已经被终结的对象才被从内存里移除。图 2.2 展示了3个不同的GC操作,以及它们在内存上的不同。注意,要求终结器的对象会在内存中多停留一个额外的周期。

2.2  这个序列展示了终结器作用在垃圾收集器上的效果。对象会在内存里停留更长,一个额外的线程需要被生成来执行垃圾收集器。

This might lead you to believethat an object that requires finalization lives in memory for one GC cycle morethan necessary. But I simplified things. It's more complicated than thatbecause of another GC design decision. The .NET Garbage Collector definesgenerations to optimize its work. Generations help the GC identify thelikeliest garbage candidates more quickly. Any object created since the lastgarbage collection operation is a generation 0 object. Any object that hassurvived one GC operation is a generation 1 object. Any object that hassurvived two or more GC operations is a generation 2 object. The purpose ofgenerations is to separate local variables and objects that stay around for thelife of the application. Generation 0 objects are mostly local variables.Member variables and global variables quickly enter generation 1 and eventuallyenter generation 2.


The GC optimizes its work bylimiting how often it examines first- and second-generation objects. Every GCcycle examines generation 0 objects. Roughly 1 GC out of 10 examines thegeneration 0 and 1 objects. Roughly 1 GC cycle out of 100 examines all objects.Think about finalization and its cost again: An object that requires finalizationmight stay in memory for nine GC cycles more than it would if it did notrequire finalization. If it still has not been finalized, it moves togeneration 2. In generation 2, an object lives for an extra 100 GC cycles untilthe next generation 2 collection.


To close, remember that a managedenvironment, where the Garbage Collector takes the responsibility for memorymanagement, is a big plus: Memory leaks and a host of other pointer-relatedproblems are no longer your problem. Nonmemory resources force you to createfinalizers to ensure proper cleanup of those nonmemory resources. Finalizerscan have a serious impact on the performance of your program, but you mustwrite them to avoid resource leaks. Implementing and using the IDisposableinterface avoids the performance drain on the Garbage Collector that finalizersintroduce. The next section moves on to the specific items that will help youcreate programs that use this environment more effectively.


