栈 —— 顺序栈 —— 二进制转换成十进制

来源:互联网 发布:黄金软件哪个好 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 03:06



/*    function:sequence stack    created by : xilong    date: 2017.2.7*/#include "iostream"#include <stdlib.h>#include <math.h>using namespace std;#define OK 1#define ERROR 0#define TRUE 1#define FALSE 0#define STACK_INIT_SIZE 20#define SARCKINCREMENT 10typedef int Status;typedef char Elemtype;typedef struct{    Elemtype *base;    Elemtype *top;    int stackSize;} sqStack;/*    function: initialize the stack*/void Stack_Init(sqStack *s){    s->base = (Elemtype *)malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE * sizeof(Elemtype));    if (!s->base)    {        exit(0);    }    s->top = s->base;  // at the very begining, the top of the stack is as same as the base of the stack    s->stackSize = STACK_INIT_SIZE;   // size of the stack}/*    function: push an element "e" into the top of the stack*/int Stack_Push(sqStack *s, Elemtype e){    if (s->top - s->base >= s->stackSize)    {        s->base = (Elemtype *)realloc(s->base, (s->stackSize + SARCKINCREMENT) * sizeof(Elemtype));        if (!s->base)        {            exit(0);        }        s->top = s->base + s->stackSize;  // set the top of the stack because of using the function "realloc"(realloc==>malloc, copy)        s->stackSize = s->stackSize + SARCKINCREMENT;  // set the maximal size of the stack    }    *(s->top) = e;    s->top++;}/*    function: pop the top element*/Status Stack_Pop(sqStack *s, Elemtype *e){    if (s->top == s->base)  // empty stack    {        return ERROR;    }    *e = *--(s->top); // move the pointer top down first, then take away the top element    return OK;}/*    function: clear the stack*/Status Stack_Clear(sqStack *s){    s->base = s->top;    return OK;}/*    function: destory the stack*/Status Stack_Destory(sqStack *s){    int i;    for (i = 0; i < s->stackSize; i++)    {        free(s->base);        s->base++;    }    s->base = s->top = NULL;    s->stackSize = 0;    return OK;}/*    function: return the length of the stack*/int Stack_Length(sqStack s){    return(s.top - s.base);}void main(){    Elemtype c;    sqStack s;    int len, i, sum = 0;    Stack_Init(&s);    cout << "请输入二进制数,输入#符号表示结束!" << endl;    scanf_s("%c", &c);    while (c != '#')    {        Stack_Push(&s, c);        scanf_s("%c", &c);    }    getchar();    cout << "打印当前容量:";    len = Stack_Length(s);    cout << len << endl;    cout << "出栈顺序为:";    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)    {        Stack_Pop(&s, &c);        cout << c << " ";        sum = sum + (c - 48) * pow(2, i);    }    cout << endl;    cout << "二进制转换成十进制为:";    cout << sum << endl;    system("pause");}



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