kubernetes 简介:API Server 简介

来源:互联网 发布:知乎 英国贵族女子学校 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/04 20:48



这篇文章是整个系统的第二篇,上一篇文章讲解了 kubelet 的功能和使用。

在 kubernetes 集群中,API Server 有着非常重要的角色。API Server 负责和 etcd 交互(其他组件不会直接操作 etcd,只有 API Server 这么做),是整个 kubernetes 集群的数据中心,所有的交互都是以 API Server 为核心的。简单来说,API Server 提供了一下的功能:

  • 整个集群管理的 API 接口:所有对集群进行的查询和管理都要通过 API 来进行
  • 集群内部各个模块之间通信的枢纽:所有模块之前并不会之间互相调用,而是通过和 API Server 打交道来完成自己那部分的工作
  • 集群安全控制:API Server 提供的验证和授权保证了整个集群的安全


我们把要配置的 pod 通过 kubectl 发送给 API Server,里面已经手动指定了要运行的节点。API Server 解析并保存对应的资源,对应的 kubelet 定时拉取数据时候发现 pod 是分配给自己的,会下载对应的配置并执行去生成 pod。


API Server 主要是和 etcd 打交道,并且对外提供 HTTP 服务,以及进行安全控制,因此它的命令行提供的参数也主要和这几个方面有关。下面是一些比较重要的参数以及说明(不同版本参数可能会有不同):

参数含义默认值–advertise-address通过该 ip 地址向集群其他节点公布 api server 的信息,必须能够被其他节点访问nil–allow-privileged是否允许 privileged 容器运行false–admission-control准入控制AlwaysAdmit–authorization-mode授权模式 ,安全接口上的授权AlwaysAllow–bind-addressHTTPS 安全接口的监听地址0.0.0.0–secure-portHTTPS 安全接口的监听端口6443–cert-dirTLS 证书的存放目录/var/run/kubernetes–etcd-prefix信息存放在 etcd 中地址的前缀“/registry”–etcd-servers逗号分割的 etcd server 地址[]–insecure-bind-addressHTTP 访问的地址127.0.0.1–insecure-portHTTP 访问的端口8080–log-dir日志存放的目录 –service-cluster-ip-rangeservice 要使用的网段,使用 CIDR 格式,参考 kubernetes 中 service 的定义 


API Server 是通过提供的 kube-apiserver 二进制文件直接运行的,下面的例子指定了 service 分配的 ip 范围,etcd 的地址,和对外提供服务的 ip 地址:

/usr/bin/kube-apiserver \        --service-cluster-ip-range= \        --etcd-servers= \        --advertise-address= \        --bind-address= \        --insecure-bind-address= \        --v=4

这篇教程不会提供对 API Server 进行 HTTPS 的配置,所有的操作都是直接通过 8080 非安全端口访问的。

直接访问 8080 端口,API Server 会返回它提供了哪些接口:

[root@localhost vagrant]# curl                                                                                                                                 {  "paths": [    "/api",    "/api/v1",    "/apis",    "/apis/apps",    "/apis/apps/v1alpha1",    "/apis/autoscaling",    "/apis/autoscaling/v1",    "/apis/batch",    "/apis/batch/v1",    "/apis/batch/v2alpha1",    "/apis/extensions",    "/apis/extensions/v1beta1",    "/apis/policy",    "/apis/policy/v1alpha1",    "/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io",    "/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1alpha1",    "/healthz",    "/healthz/ping",    "/logs/",    "/metrics",    "/swaggerapi/",    "/ui/",    "/version"  ]}

而目前最重要的路径是 /api/v1,里面包含了 kubernetes 所有资源的操作,比如下面的 nodes:

➜  ~ http 200 OKContent-Length: 112Content-Type: application/jsonDate: Thu, 08 Sep 2016 08:14:45 GMT{    "apiVersion": "v1",    "items": [],    "kind": "NodeList",    "metadata": {        "resourceVersion": "12",        "selfLink": "/api/v1/nodes"    }}

API 以 json 的形式返回,会通过 apiVersion 来说明 API 版本号,kind 说明请求的是什么资源。不过这里面的内容是空的,因为目前还没有任何 kubelet 节点接入到我们的 API Server。对应的,pod 也是空的:

➜  ~ http 200 OKContent-Length: 110Content-Type: application/jsonDate: Thu, 08 Sep 2016 08:18:53 GMT{    "apiVersion": "v1",    "items": [],    "kind": "PodList",    "metadata": {        "resourceVersion": "12",        "selfLink": "/api/v1/pods"    }}


添加节点也非常简单,启动 kubelet 的时候使用 --api-servers 指定要接入的 API Server 就行。kubelet 启动之后,会把自己注册到指定的 API Server,然后监听 API 对应 pod 的变化,根据 API 中 pod 的实际信息来管理节点上 pod 的生命周期。

现在访问 /api/v1/nodes 就能看到已经添加进来的节点:

➜  ~ http 200 OKContent-Type: application/jsonDate: Thu, 08 Sep 2016 08:27:44 GMTTransfer-Encoding: chunked{    "apiVersion": "v1",    "items": [        {            "metadata": {                "annotations": {                    "volumes.kubernetes.io/controller-managed-attach-detach": "true"                },                "creationTimestamp": "2016-09-08T08:23:01Z",                "labels": {                    "beta.kubernetes.io/arch": "amd64",                    "beta.kubernetes.io/os": "linux",                    "kubernetes.io/hostname": ""                },                "name": "",                "resourceVersion": "65",                "selfLink": "/api/v1/nodes/",                "uid": "74e16eba-759d-11e6-b463-080027c09e5b"            },            "spec": {                "externalID": ""            },            "status": {                "addresses": [                    {                        "address": "",                        "type": "LegacyHostIP"                    },                    {                        "address": "",                        "type": "InternalIP"                    }                ],                "allocatable": {                    "alpha.kubernetes.io/nvidia-gpu": "0",                    "cpu": "1",                    "memory": "502164Ki",                    "pods": "110"                },                "capacity": {                    "alpha.kubernetes.io/nvidia-gpu": "0",                    "cpu": "1",                    "memory": "502164Ki",                    "pods": "110"                },                "conditions": [                    {                        "lastHeartbeatTime": "2016-09-08T08:27:36Z",                        "lastTransitionTime": "2016-09-08T08:23:01Z",                        "message": "kubelet has sufficient disk space available",                        "reason": "KubeletHasSufficientDisk",                        "status": "False",                        "type": "OutOfDisk"                    },                    {                        "lastHeartbeatTime": "2016-09-08T08:27:36Z",                        "lastTransitionTime": "2016-09-08T08:23:01Z",                        "message": "kubelet has sufficient memory available",                        "reason": "KubeletHasSufficientMemory",                        "status": "False",                        "type": "MemoryPressure"                    },                    {                        "lastHeartbeatTime": "2016-09-08T08:27:36Z",                        "lastTransitionTime": "2016-09-08T08:24:56Z",                        "message": "kubelet is posting ready status",                        "reason": "KubeletReady",                        "status": "True",                        "type": "Ready"                    }                ],                "daemonEndpoints": {                    "kubeletEndpoint": {                        "Port": 10250                    }                },                "images": [                    {                        "names": [                            ""                        ],                        "sizeBytes": 425626718                    },                    {                        "names": [                            ""                        ],                        "sizeBytes": 207121551                    },                    {                        "names": [                            ""                        ],                        "sizeBytes": 43302056                    },                    {                        "names": [                            ""                        ],                        "sizeBytes": 1092588                    },                    {                        "names": [                            ""                        ],                        "sizeBytes": 241656                    }                ],                "nodeInfo": {                    "architecture": "amd64",                    "bootID": "48955926-11dd-4ad3-8bb0-2585b1c9215d",                    "containerRuntimeVersion": "docker://1.10.3",                    "kernelVersion": "3.10.0-123.13.1.el7.x86_64",                    "kubeProxyVersion": "v1.3.1-beta.0.6+fbf3f3e5292fb0",                    "kubeletVersion": "v1.3.1-beta.0.6+fbf3f3e5292fb0",                    "machineID": "b9597c4ae5f24494833d35e806e00b29",                    "operatingSystem": "linux",                    "osImage": "CentOS Linux 7 (Core)",                    "systemUUID": "823EB67A-057E-4EFF-AE7F-A758140CD2F7"                }            }        }    ],    "kind": "NodeList",    "metadata": {        "resourceVersion": "65",        "selfLink": "/api/v1/nodes"    }}

我们可以看到,kubelet 收集了很多关于自身节点的信息,这些信息也会不断更新。这些信息里面不仅包含节点的系统信息(系统架构,操作系统版本,内核版本等)、还有镜像信息(节点上有哪些已经下载的 docker 镜像)、资源信息(Memory 和 Disk 的总量和可用量)、以及状态信息(是否正常,可以分配 pod等)。

和 API Server 通信

下面我们就通过 API Server 来创建 pod,而不是像上篇文章那样用拷贝文件的方式。我们把编写的 yaml 文件转换成 json 格式,保存到文件里。主要注意的是,我们指定了 nodeName 的名字,这个名字必须和之前通过 /api/v1/nodes 得到的结果中 metadata.labels.kubernetes.io/hostname 保持一致

[root@localhost vagrant]# cat nginx_pod.ymlapiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:  name: nginx-serverspec:  nodeName:  containers:  - name: nginx-server    image:    ports:    - containerPort: 80    volumeMounts:    - mountPath: /var/log/nginx      name: nginx-logs  - name: log-output    image:    command:    - bin/sh    args: [-c, 'tail -f /logdir/access.log']    volumeMounts:    - mountPath: /logdir      name: nginx-logs  volumes:  - name: nginx-logs    emptyDir: {}

使用 curl 执行 POST 请求,设置头部内容为 application/json,传过去文件中的 json 值,可以看到应答(其中 status 为 pending,表示以及接收到请求,正在准备处理):

# curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @nginx_pod.json                           {  "kind": "Pod",  "apiVersion": "v1",  "metadata": {    "name": "nginx-server",    "namespace": "default",    "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/nginx-server",    "uid": "888e95d0-75a9-11e6-b463-080027c09e5b",    "resourceVersion": "573",    "creationTimestamp": "2016-09-08T09:49:28Z"  },  "spec": {    "volumes": [      {        "name": "nginx-logs",        "emptyDir": {}      }    ],    "containers": [      {        "name": "nginx-server",        "image": "",        "ports": [          {            "containerPort": 80,            "protocol": "TCP"          }        ],        "resources": {},        "volumeMounts": [          {            "name": "nginx-logs",            "mountPath": "/var/log/nginx"          }        ],        "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",        "imagePullPolicy": "Always"      }    ],    "restartPolicy": "Always",    "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,    "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",    "nodeName": "",    "securityContext": {}  },  "status": {    "phase": "Pending"  }}

返回中包含了我们提交 pod 的信息,并且添加了 statusmetadata 等额外信息。

等一段时间去查询 pod,就可以看到 pod 的状态已经更新了:

➜  http 200 OKContent-Type: application/jsonDate: Thu, 08 Sep 2016 09:51:29 GMTTransfer-Encoding: chunked{    "apiVersion": "v1",    "items": [        {            "metadata": {                "creationTimestamp": "2016-09-08T09:49:28Z",                "name": "nginx-server",                "namespace": "default",                "resourceVersion": "592",                "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/nginx-server",                "uid": "888e95d0-75a9-11e6-b463-080027c09e5b"            },            "spec": {                "containers": [                    {                        "image": "",                        "imagePullPolicy": "Always",                        "name": "nginx-server",                        "ports": [                            {                                "containerPort": 80,                                "protocol": "TCP"                            }                        ],                        "resources": {},                        "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",                        "volumeMounts": [                            {                                "mountPath": "/var/log/nginx",                                "name": "nginx-logs"                            }                        ]                    },                    {                        "args": [                            "-c",                            "tail -f /logdir/access.log"                        ],                        "command": [                            "bin/sh"                        ],                        "image": "",                        "imagePullPolicy": "Always",                        "name": "log-output",                        "resources": {},                        "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",                        "volumeMounts": [                            {                                "mountPath": "/logdir",                                "name": "nginx-logs"                            }                        ]                    }                ],                "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",                "nodeName": "",                "restartPolicy": "Always",                "securityContext": {},                "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,                "volumes": [                    {                        "emptyDir": {},                        "name": "nginx-logs"                    }                ]            },            "status": {                "conditions": [                    {                        "lastProbeTime": null,                        "lastTransitionTime": "2016-09-08T09:49:28Z",                        "status": "True",                        "type": "Initialized"                    },                    {                        "lastProbeTime": null,                        "lastTransitionTime": "2016-09-08T09:49:44Z",                        "status": "True",                        "type": "Ready"                    },                    {                        "lastProbeTime": null,                        "lastTransitionTime": "2016-09-08T09:49:44Z",                        "status": "True",                        "type": "PodScheduled"                    }                ],                "containerStatuses": [                    {                        "containerID": "docker://8b79eeea60f27b6d3f0a19cbd1b3ee3f83709bcf56574a6e1124c69a6376972d",                        "image": "",                        "imageID": "docker://sha256:8c566faa3abdaebc33d40c1b5e566374c975d17754c69370f78c00c162c1e075",                        "lastState": {},                        "name": "log-output",                        "ready": true,                        "restartCount": 0,                        "state": {                            "running": {                                "startedAt": "2016-09-08T09:49:43Z"                            }                        }                    },                    {                        "containerID": "docker://96e64cdba7b05d4e30710a20e958ff5b8f1f359c8d16d32622b36f0df0cb353c",                        "image": "",                        "imageID": "docker://sha256:51d764c1fd358ce81fd0e728436bd0175ff1f3fd85fc5d1a2f9ba3e7dc6bbaf6",                        "lastState": {},                        "name": "nginx-server",                        "ready": true,                        "restartCount": 0,                        "state": {                            "running": {                                "startedAt": "2016-09-08T09:49:36Z"                            }                        }                    }                ],                "hostIP": "",                "phase": "Running",                "podIP": "",                "startTime": "2016-09-08T09:49:28Z"            }        }    ],    "kind": "PodList",    "metadata": {        "resourceVersion": "602",        "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods"    }}

可以看到 pod 已经在运行,并且给分配了 ip:,通过 curl 也可以访问它的服务:

[root@localhost vagrant]# curl -s | head -n 5<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Welcome to nginx on Debian!</title><style>

关于 API Server 提供的所有接口,可以参考官方的 [API 文档][http://kamalmarhubi.com/blog/2015/09/06/kubernetes-from-the-ground-up-the-api-server/]。

kubectl 命令

理论上,所有 kubernetes 提供的功能都能够直接通过 HTTP API 交互来实现,但是你也看到了,非常复杂。因此 kubernetes 提供了另外了 kubectl 命令行,它封装了 HTTP API 的交互过程,通过一系列的子命令来操作资源。比如我们上面创建 pod 的过程就可以通过

kubectl create -f nginx_pod.yml

一行命令实现,查看 pod 的信息也很简单:

kubectl -s http://ip:8080 get pods

删除已经创建的 pod,可以使用 delete 命令:

kubectl delete pods/nginx-server

kubectl 的用法也有详细的官方文档,这里就不多说了。


  • Kubernetes from the ground up: the API server
  • kubernetes API 文档:swagger-ui

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