
来源:互联网 发布:网络推广协议书 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/07 08:46

To optimize the tradeoff between throughput and latency of the proof-of-work (PoW) driven network, a new blockchain protocol named Bitcoin-Next-Generation (Bitcoin-NG) was proposed by Ittay Eyal and etc. The Bitcoin-NG protocol in general shares the same trust model with PoW protocol. One of the biggest highlights of Bitcoin-NG is that the block of Bitcoin-NG is driven and created by PoW protocol, but its subblocks are not bound by PoW, instead, they are created by its parent block independently. That is a really cool performance improvement strategy.


Fig.1. intutively presents the PoW protocol and the PoW-based Bitcoin-NG protocol, where all of blacks squares represent blocks that are driven by PoW, and all of black circles represent microblocks that are solely and independently created by its block owner.

Q1:“10分钟” 可以被缩短么?

Q2:“10分钟” 的深层含义?(这个问题很好,它隐藏着提高性能的突破口)
难道真的没有办法吗?我们退一万步问问自己:为什么创建一个区块需要10分钟?我们知道其原因是保证每一个区块不是由 “51%攻击” 的黑客所攻击创建的,因此,Bitcoin才会在最终确认之前,对每一个区块重复验证6次,即交易成功需要的总的时间为 10×6 分钟(1小时或更久)。这段时间的作用是什么?这段时间的作用是:只要在这一小时内,网络中正义力量(诚信节点的算力)能有一次掌握主动权的机会(只需要一次),那么,整个黑客的破坏就会被立即瓦解,超过了1小时,破坏就造成永久性伤害(写入区块了)。所以,这段时间短一点怎么样?短一点就意味着诚信节点的算力必须在很短的时间内重新夺回控制权,这会大大降低整个系统的安全性。
总而言之,上面所说的 “十分钟” 的真正目的是保证每一个区块不是黑客攻击所创建的!而非限制说这 “十分钟” 你只能创建一个区块!因此,Bitcoin-NG就是在安全机制上采取和Bitcoin一样的措施,但增加了这 “10分钟” 内创建区块节点的数目!进而不降低保证安全前提下,提高了系统的交易性能。

Bitcoin DVLP:


[1] Nakamoto S. Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system[J]. 2008.
[2] Eyal I, Gencer A E, Sirer E G, et al. Bitcoin-ng: A scalable blockchain protocol[C]//13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 16). USENIX Association, 2016: 45-59.

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