Developer to Designer: GUI Design for the Busy Developer

来源:互联网 发布:win7怎么关闭端口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 05:53
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In a fantasy world, you design and build the core of your application, the parts that do all the heavy lifting. And the graphical user interface? Well, that's the domain of the hot-shot sitting one cube over, who went to school to learn how to give users sensible and effective control over the functionality you construct.

In the real world, there is no hot-shot sitting one cube over, and you have to build the GUI yourself.

Developer to Designer: GUI Design for the Busy Developer is a unique resource designed to help you and other experienced developers build GUIs for your programs that are simple to learn, easy to use, and painless to maintain, even though you're not user interface experts. Inside, the focus is on the essentials of Windows and web GUI design: simple ideas that require modest programming effort but provide enormous payoffs in terms of user success and satisfaction. You'll learn all about:

*Arranging text and controls in a sensible order
*Understanding and making the most of the behavior of windows
*Improving the effectiveness of dialog boxes
*Using advanced controls such as TreeViews, ListViews, and tabs
*Designing menus and toolbars
*Providing users with sensible customization options
*Understanding how the rules change when designing for the Web
*Handling page layout and navigation on the Web
*Anticipating changes in the next version of Windows
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