Git - 如何移除commit

来源:互联网 发布:java互联网架构师课程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 18:51


How to remove file and commit from history in git(git中如何移除 commit 历史纪录)

假设我们的 commit tree 如下:



 rm -rf .git test.txt

 touch test.txt && git init && git add .
 echo "R" >> test.txt && git ci -a -m "R"
 echo "A" >> test.txt && git ci -a -m "A"
 echo "B" >> test.txt && git ci -a -m "B"
 echo "C" >> test.txt && git ci -a -m "C"

 echo "D" >> test.txt && git ci -a -m "D"
 echo "E" >> test.txt && git ci -a -m "E"

接下来要移除 B 跟 C 的 commit tree,变成


这儿有两种方法移除 B & C:


# detach head and move to D commit
git checkout <SHA1-for-D>

# move HEAD to A, but leave the index and working tree as for D
git reset --soft <SHA1-for-A>

# Redo the D commit re-using the commit message, but now on top of A
git commit -C <SHA1-for-D>


# Re-apply everything from the old D onwards onto this new place 
git rebase --onto HEAD <SHA1-for-D> master

# push it
git push --force

方法二:  利用 cherry-pick

git rereset --hard <SHA1 of A>
git cherry-pick <SHA1 of D>
git cherry-pick <SHA1 of E>


If it’s unable to apply the patch directly, then you’ll see a message

like this:

  Automatic cherry-pick failed.  After resolving the conflicts,
  mark the corrected paths with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>' and commit the result.
  When commiting, use the option '-c 94e310d' to retain authorship and message.

This is fairly self-explanatory. Use “git status” to see which files
are problematic:

Edit the file to manually resolve the conflict, add the file, and then
commit with the “-c” option noted in the original message.


这两种方法都会直接忽略 B 跟 C 的 history,,但是B 和C 所做更改依然存在,只是把
commit history移出了而已。

详细资料可以查询 git help cherry-pick 或者是 git help rebase

Git: removing selected commits from repository
Git: how to remove file and commit from history
Re: ! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast forward)

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