
来源:互联网 发布:软件腰带价格 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 16:43



An entity defines the interface between a design and the outside world.


entity 实例名 is [ generic ( 类属表); ] [ port ( 端口表); ][ 实例声明][ begin并行语句]end [ entity ] [ 实例名]; 

entity entity_name is [ generic ( generic_list ); ] [ port ( port_list ); ][ entity_declarations ][ beginconcurrent_statements ]end [ entity ] [ entity_name ]; 



An entity is used in combination with an architecture. Together they describe the behaviour or structure of an hierarchical block of hardware (a design entity). The architecture can be assigned to one entity only but one entity may be assigned to multiple architectures.
The entity declares the design name. In addition, it defines generics which provide static information (like timing parameters or bus width) to a design, and ports which provide communication channels between the design and its environment.
The entity declaration may be preceded by the library and use clauses. This way all declarations defined in a package will be visible for the entity and all architectures assigned to it.


library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;  entity BCD_Decoder is  generic (Size: integer := 4);  port (BCD: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);        Enable: in std_logic;        LED: out std_ulogic_vector (Size-1 downto 0));   constant Zero: std_ulogic_vector(Size-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');begin  assert (BCD /= "111") report "BCD is 7" severity note;end BCD_Decoder;


  • 一个实体可以没有类属、端口和语句。实际上,这种用法被用来构建测试程序(testbenches)。
  • It is possible to write an entity without any generics, ports and statements. In fact this is used in constructing testbenches.

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