
来源:互联网 发布:台湾的网络直播平台17 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 17:00
安全简单配(Secure Simple Pairing)采用了四个关联的模型,这四个模式是数字比较(Numeric Comparison),使用简单(Just Works),带外(Out Of Band),秘钥接入(Passkey Entry)。
Bluetooth InBand, OOB Discovery only,OOB Discovery and Authentication。 OOB是out of band,即非蓝牙传输方式如NFC.
2.通过page建立蓝牙物理连接(ACL Link) key生成. key生成后,可通过三种方式进行鉴权:Numeric Compare(6位随机密码比较), Passkey Entry(一方显示数据,另一方输入密码),Just works(不鉴权,直接使用)
bt-btm  : btm_simple_pair_complete()  Pair State: 9  Status:5  sec_state: 1   //配对失败Log  Status:5//鉴权失败
/* Pairing State */ system/bt/stack/btm/btm_int.h
enum{    BTM_PAIR_STATE_IDLE,                        /* Idle                                         */    BTM_PAIR_STATE_GET_REM_NAME,                /* Getting the remote name (to check for SM4)   */    BTM_PAIR_STATE_WAIT_PIN_REQ,                /* Started authentication, waiting for PIN req (PIN is pre-fetched) */    BTM_PAIR_STATE_WAIT_LOCAL_PIN,              /* Waiting for local PIN code                   */    BTM_PAIR_STATE_WAIT_NUMERIC_CONFIRM,        /* Waiting user 'yes' to numeric confirmation   */    BTM_PAIR_STATE_KEY_ENTRY,                   /* Key entry state (we are a keyboard)          */    BTM_PAIR_STATE_WAIT_LOCAL_OOB_RSP,          /* Waiting for local response to peer OOB data  */    BTM_PAIR_STATE_WAIT_LOCAL_IOCAPS,           /* Waiting for local IO capabilities and OOB data */    BTM_PAIR_STATE_INCOMING_SSP,                /* Incoming SSP (got peer IO caps when idle)    */    BTM_PAIR_STATE_WAIT_AUTH_COMPLETE,          /* All done, waiting authentication cpmplete    */    BTM_PAIR_STATE_WAIT_DISCONNECT              /* Waiting to disconnect the ACL                */}; /***  Defentions for HCI Error Codes that are past in the events                  system/bt/stack/include/hcidefs.h*/#define HCI_ERR_AUTH_FAILURE                            0x05                        //鉴权失败
例:手机与蓝牙耳机HAVIT I11(00:0C:8A:48:43:EC)配对不上分析:
点击扫描到的HAVIT I11耳机,无法连接,一直弹出框Couldn't communicate withHAVIT I11.
相关log:1963 2003 I bt_btm : BDA 00:0c:8a:48:43:ec1963 2003 I bt_btm : Inquire BDA 00:0c:8a:48:43:ec1963 2003 I bt_btm : BTM_InqDbRead: bd addr [000c8a4843ec]1963 2003 D bt_btm : btm_find_dev_type - device_type = 1 addr_type = 01963 2003 I bt_btm : btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete1963 2003 D bt_btm : btm_acl_resubmit_page1963 2003 I bt_btm : Security Manager: rmt_name_complete PairState: 1 RemName: status: 4 State:0 p_dev_rec: 0xefc5e06c1963 2003 I bt_btm : btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete() continue bonding sm4: 0x0000, status:0x41963 2003 W bt_btm : btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete() Retrying RNR due to page timeout1963 2003 I bt_btm : BTM_ReadRemoteDeviceName: bd addr [000c8a4843ec]1963 2003 I bt_btm : no device found in inquiry db1963 2003 D bt_btm : btm_acl_paging discing:0, paging:0 BDA: 000c8a4843ec1963 2003 D bt_btm : connecting_bda: 000c8a4843ec1963 2003 I bt_btm : btm_find_or_alloc_dev1963 2003 I bt_btm : BDA 00:0c:8a:48:43:ec1963 2003 I bt_btm : Inquire BDA 00:0c:8a:48:43:ec1963 2003 I bt_btm : BTM_InqDbRead: bd addr [000c8a4843ec]1963 2003 D bt_btm : btm_find_dev_type - device_type = 1 addr_type = 01963 2003 I bt_btm : btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete1963 2003 D bt_btm : btm_acl_resubmit_page1963 2003 I bt_btm : Security Manager: rmt_name_complete PairState: 1 RemName: status: 4 State:0 p_dev_rec: 0xefc5e06c1963 2003 I bt_btm : btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete() continue bonding sm4: 0x0000, status:0x41963 2003 I bt_btm : btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete() reset RNR retry count1963 2003 I bt_btm : btm_sec_change_pairing_state() Old: 11963 2003 I bt_btm : btm_sec_change_pairing_state() New: 0 pairing_flags:0x11963 2003 I bt_btm : BTM_InqDbRead: bd addr [000c8a4843ec]1963 2003 D bt_btm : btm_find_dev_type - device_type = 1 addr_type = 01963 2003 D bt_btif : btif_transfer_context event 3, len 2801963 2003 I bt_btm : BTM_IsAclConnectionUp: RemBdAddr: 000c8a4843ec1963 2003 D bt_btm : btm_sec_clear_ble_keys() Clearing BLE Keys1963 2003 I bt_btm : btm_ble_resolving_list_remove_dev1963 2003 D bt_btm : Device not in resolving list1963 2003 I bt_btm : BTM: BTM_DeleteStoredLinkKey: delete_all_flag: FALSE1963 2003 I bt_btif : BTA got event 0x1f021963 2003 E bt_btif : bta_gattc_mark_bg_conn unable to find the bg connection mask for: 00:0c:8a:48:43:ec1963 2003 I bt_btif : BTA got event 0x1f0c1963 2003 D bt_btif : bta_gattc_co_cache_reset()1963 1990 D bt_btif : btif task fetched event a0011963 1990 D bt_btif : btif_context_switched1963 1990 I bt_btif : btif_dm_upstreams_cback ev: BTA_DM_AUTH_CMPL_EVT1963 1990 D bt_btif : btif_dm_auth_cmpl_evt: bond state=11963 1990 D bt_btif : in, bd addr:00:0c:8a:48:43:ec, prop type:4, len:41963 1990 I bt_btif_dm: check_cod remote_cod = 0x00240404 cod = 0x000005801963 1990 D bt_btif : bond_state_changed: state=0, prev_state=1, sdp_attempts = 01963 1990 I bt_btif : HAL bt_hal_cbacks->bond_state_changed_cb1963 1990 I BluetoothBondStateMachine: bondStateChangeCallback: Status: 10 Address: 00:0C:8A:48:43:EC newState: 01963 1995 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Failed to remove device: 00:0C:8A:48:43:EC
snoop log:获取remote_name超时:

    public static final int BOND_NONE = 10;        public static final int BOND_BONDING = 11;       public static final int BOND_BONDED = 12;packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/        static final int BOND_STATE_NONE = 0;    static final int BOND_STATE_BONDING = 1;    static final int BOND_STATE_BONDED = 2;    private void sendIntent(BluetoothDevice device, int newState, int reason) {        DeviceProperties devProp = mRemoteDevices.getDeviceProperties(device);        int oldState = BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE;        if (devProp != null) {            oldState = devProp.getBondState();        }        if (oldState == newState) return;        mAdapterProperties.onBondStateChanged(device, newState);        Intent intent = new Intent(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED);        intent.putExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE, device);        intent.putExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_BOND_STATE, newState);        intent.putExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_PREVIOUS_BOND_STATE, oldState);        if (newState == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE)            intent.putExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_REASON, reason);        mAdapterService.sendBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL,                AdapterService.BLUETOOTH_PERM);        infoLog("Bond State Change Intent:" + device + " OldState: " + oldState                + " NewState: " + newState);    }     void bondStateChangeCallback(int status, byte[] address, int newState) {        BluetoothDevice device = mRemoteDevices.getDevice(address);        if (device == null) {            infoLog("No record of the device:" + device);            // This device will be added as part of the BONDING_STATE_CHANGE intent processing            // in sendIntent above            device = mAdapter.getRemoteDevice(Utils.getAddressStringFromByte(address));        }        infoLog("bondStateChangeCallback: Status: " + status + " Address: " + device                + " newState: " + newState);        Message msg = obtainMessage(BONDING_STATE_CHANGE);        msg.obj = device;        if (newState == BOND_STATE_BONDED)            msg.arg1 = BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED;        else if (newState == BOND_STATE_BONDING)            msg.arg1 = BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDING;        else            msg.arg1 = BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE;        msg.arg2 = status;        sendMessage(msg);    }system/bt/stack/btm/Btm_sec.c/*********************************************************************************** Function         btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete**** Description      This function is called when remote name was obtained from**                  the peer device**** Returns          void*********************************************************************************/void btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete (UINT8 *p_bd_addr, UINT8 *p_bd_name, UINT8 status){    tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec;    int              i;    DEV_CLASS        dev_class;    UINT8            old_sec_state;    BTM_TRACE_EVENT ("btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete");    if (((p_bd_addr == NULL) && !BTM_ACL_IS_CONNECTED(btm_cb.connecting_bda))        || ((p_bd_addr != NULL) && !BTM_ACL_IS_CONNECTED(p_bd_addr)))    {        btm_acl_resubmit_page();    }    /* If remote name request failed, p_bd_addr is null and we need to search */    /* based on state assuming that we are doing 1 at a time */    if (p_bd_addr)        p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev (p_bd_addr);    else    {        p_dev_rec = &btm_cb.sec_dev_rec[0];        for (i = 0; i < BTM_SEC_MAX_DEVICE_RECORDS; i++, p_dev_rec++)        {            if ((p_dev_rec->sec_flags & BTM_SEC_IN_USE)                && (p_dev_rec->sec_state == BTM_SEC_STATE_GETTING_NAME))            {                p_bd_addr = p_dev_rec->bd_addr;                break;            }        }        if (i == BTM_SEC_MAX_DEVICE_RECORDS)            p_dev_rec = NULL;    }    /* Commenting out trace due to obf/compilation problems.    */#if (BT_USE_TRACES == TRUE)    if (!p_bd_name)        p_bd_name = (UINT8 *)"";    if (p_dev_rec)    {        BTM_TRACE_EVENT ("Security Manager: rmt_name_complete PairState: %s  RemName: %s  status: %d State:%d  p_dev_rec: 0x%08x ",                          btm_pair_state_descr (btm_cb.pairing_state), p_bd_name,                          status, p_dev_rec->sec_state, p_dev_rec);    }    else    {        BTM_TRACE_EVENT ("Security Manager: rmt_name_complete PairState: %s  RemName: %s  status: %d",                          btm_pair_state_descr (btm_cb.pairing_state), p_bd_name,                          status);    }#endif...........................    /* Check if we were delaying bonding because name was not resolved */    if ( btm_cb.pairing_state == BTM_PAIR_STATE_GET_REM_NAME)    {        if (p_bd_addr && memcmp (btm_cb.pairing_bda, p_bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0)        {            BTM_TRACE_EVENT ("btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete() continue bonding sm4: 0x%04x, status:0x%x", p_dev_rec->sm4, status);            if(btm_cb.pairing_flags & BTM_PAIR_FLAGS_WE_CANCEL_DD)            {                btm_sec_bond_cancel_complete();                return;            }            /* Handle RNR with retry mechanism */            if((status == HCI_ERR_PAGE_TIMEOUT) && (p_dev_rec->rnr_retry_cnt < RNR_MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS))            {                BTM_TRACE_WARNING ("btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete() Retrying RNR due to page timeout");                if ((BTM_ReadRemoteDeviceName(p_bd_addr, NULL, BT_TRANSPORT_BR_EDR)) == BTM_CMD_STARTED)                {                    p_dev_rec->rnr_retry_cnt++;                    return;                }            }            else            {                BTM_TRACE_EVENT ("btm_sec_rmt_name_request_complete() reset RNR retry count ");                p_dev_rec->rnr_retry_cnt = 0;            }            if (status != HCI_SUCCESS)            {                btm_sec_change_pairing_state (BTM_PAIR_STATE_IDLE);                if (btm_cb.api.p_auth_complete_callback)                    (*btm_cb.api.p_auth_complete_callback) (p_dev_rec->bd_addr,  p_dev_rec->dev_class,                                                            p_dev_rec->sec_bd_name, status);                return;            }.................................    /* Remote Name succeeded, execute the next security procedure, if any */    status = (UINT8)btm_sec_execute_procedure (p_dev_rec);    /* If result is pending reply from the user or from the device is pending */    if (status == BTM_CMD_STARTED)        return;    /* There is no next procedure or start of procedure failed, notify the waiting layer */    btm_sec_dev_rec_cback_event  (p_dev_rec, status, FALSE);} 
Android 6.0蓝牙配对流程:参考此博客学习

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