
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝客推广会亏本吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:49

use anlutro\cURL\cURL;

$curl = new cURL;

$post_data= array ("sname" => "dlrmcf58",

"spwd" => "ZRB2aP8K",

"scorpid" => "1",

"sprdid" => 11,"sdst" => 18601924901,

"smsg" => rawurlencode("zhuce")


//$response = $curl->post("","sname=dlrmcf58&spwd=ZRB2aP8K&scorpid=&sprdid=100&sdst=18601924901&smsg=".rawurlencode("zhuce"));

$response = $curl->post("",$post_data);

 echo $response ;


 composer require anlutro/curl


Optionally, add 'cURL' => 'anlutro\cURL\Laravel\cURL' to the array of aliases inconfig/app.php.




$curl = new anlutro\cURL\cURL;


$response = $curl->get('');


// easily build an url with a query string

$url = $curl->buildUrl('', ['s' => 'curl']);

$response = $curl->get($url);


// the post, put and patch methods takes an array of POST data

$response = $curl->post($url, ['api_key' => 'my_key', 'post' => 'data']);


// add "json" to the start of the method to convert the data to a JSON string

// and send the header "Content-Type: application/json"

$response = $curl->jsonPost($url, ['post' => 'data']);


// if you don't want any conversion to be done to the provided data, for example

// if you want to post an XML string, add "raw" to the start of the method

$response = $curl->rawPost($url, '<?xml version...');


// raw request are also the easiest way to upload files

$file = curl_file_create('/path/to/file');

$response = $curl->rawPost($url, ['file' => $file]);


// a response object is returned

var_dump($response->statusCode); // response status code integer (for example, 200)

var_dump($response->statusText); // full response status (for example, '200 OK')

echo $response->body;

var_dump($response->headers); // array of headers

var_dump($response->info); // array of curl info


If you need to send headers or set cURL options you can manipulate a request object directly. send() finalizes the request and returns the result.


// newRequest, newJsonRequest and newRawRequest returns a Request object

$request = $curl->newRequest('post', $url, ['foo' => 'bar'])

    ->setHeader('Accept-Charset', 'utf-8')

    ->setHeader('Accept-Language', 'en-US')

    ->setOption(CURLOPT_CAINFO, '/path/to/cert')

    ->setOption(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);

$response = $request->send();


You can also use setHeaders(array $headers) and setOptions(array $options) to replace all the existing options.


Note that some curl options are reset when you call send(). Look at the source code of the method cURL::prepareMethod for a full overview of which options are overwritten.


HTTP basic authentication:


$request = $curl->newRequest('post', $url, ['foo' => 'bar'])





The package comes with a facade you can use if you prefer the static method calls over dependency injection.


You do not need to add a service provider.


Optionally, add 'cURL' => 'anlutro\cURL\Laravel\cURL' to the array of aliases in config/app.php.


Replace $curl-> with cURL:: in the examples above.



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