uva 10746Crime Wave - The Sequel

来源:互联网 发布:计算机编程历史 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 22:25

n banks have been robbed this fine day. m (greater than or equal to n) police cruisers are on duty at various locations in the city. n of the cruisers should be dispatched, one to each of the banks, so as to minimize the average time of arrival at the n banks.
The input file contains several sets of inputs. The description of each set is given below:
The first line of input contains 0 < n ≤ m ≤ 20. n lines follow, each containing m positive real numbers: the travel time for cruiser m to reach bank n.
Input is terminated by a case where m = n = 0. This case should not be processed.
For each set of input output a single number: the minimum average travel time, accurate to 2 fractional digits.
Sample Input
3 4
10.0 23.0 30.0 40.0
5.0 20.0 10.0 60.0
18.0 20.0 20.0 30.0
0 0
Sample Output


#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int maxn=101;const double inf=100000000.000;const double eps = 1e-6;struct Edge//边{    int from,to,cap,flow;//出点,入点,容量,当前流量,费用(也就是权值)    double cost;    Edge(int u,int v,int c,int f,double w):from(u),to(v),cap(c),flow(f),cost(w){}};struct MCMF{    int n,m;    vector<Edge> edges;//保存表    vector<int> G[maxn];//保存邻接关系    int inq[maxn];//判断一个点是否在队列当中(SPFA算法当中要用)    double d[maxn];//起点到d[i]的最短路径保存值    int p[maxn];//用来记录路径,保存上一条弧    int a[maxn];//找到增广路径后的改进量    void init(int n)//初始化    {        this->n=n;        for(int i=0;i<=n;i++)            G[i].clear();        edges.clear();    }    void AddEdge(int from,int to,int cap,double cost)//添加边    {        edges.push_back(Edge(from,to,cap,0,cost));//正向        edges.push_back(Edge(to,from,0,0,-cost));//反向        m=edges.size();        G[from].push_back(m-2);//按照边的编号保存邻接关系        G[to].push_back(m-1);    }    bool BellmanFord(int s,int t,int& flow,double& cost)//最短路径算法    {        for(int i=0;i<=n;i++)            d[i]=inf*1.0;        memset(inq,0,sizeof(inq));        d[s]=0;        inq[s]=1;        p[s]=0;        a[s]=inf;        queue<int> Q;        Q.push(s);        while(!Q.empty())        {            int u=Q.front();            Q.pop();            inq[u]=0;            for(int i=0;i<G[u].size();i++)            {                Edge& e=edges[G[u][i]];                if(e.cap>e.flow&&d[e.to]>d[u]+e.cost+eps)//寻找满足容量大于流量的可松弛边                {                    d[e.to]=d[u]+e.cost;                    p[e.to]=G[u][i];                    a[e.to]=min(a[u],e.cap-e.flow);                    if(!inq[e.to])//是否在队列当中                    {                        Q.push(e.to);                        inq[e.to]=1;                    }                }            }        }        if(d[t]>=inf)//如果d[t]没有被更新,相当于没找到增广路径,则没有最大流也没有最小费用            return false;        flow+=a[t];//更新最大流        cost+=(double )d[t]*(double)a[t];//单位流量乘以单位路径长度用来计算消耗        for(int u=t;u!=s;u=edges[p[u]].from)//通过使用p[]保存的上一个边的值来对刚刚找到的增广路径上面的流量进行更新        {            edges[p[u]].flow+=a[t];//正向变更新            edges[p[u]^1].flow-=a[t];//反向变更新(用位运算实现的)        }        return true;    }    int MincostMaxflow(int s,int t,double& cost)//计算从s到t的最小消耗cost,返回最大流    {        int flow = 0;        cost=0;        while(BellmanFord(s,t,flow,cost));//不断寻找最短增广路径,直到找不到为止        return flow;    }};MCMF mcmf;double tmp[21][21];int main(){    int n,m;    ios::sync_with_stdio(false);    while(cin>>n>>m,n+m)    {        mcmf.init(100);        for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)        {            for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)            {                cin>>tmp[i][j];            }        }        mcmf.AddEdge(0,1,n,0);        for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)            mcmf.AddEdge(1,i+1,1,0);        for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)            for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)                mcmf.AddEdge(1+i,1+m+j,1,tmp[j][i]);        for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)            mcmf.AddEdge(m+1+i,m+n+2,1,0);        double ans;        mcmf.MincostMaxflow(0,m+n+2,ans);        cout<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<(ans/n+eps)<<endl;    }    return 0;}



0 0