C++ 读入csv 文件程序

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网用户名大全 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 16:21
该类其实是大部分模仿 http://blog.csdn.net/zlhy_/article/details/8764250其中有些许改变;大概思路是:    文件流读入所有内容    根据'\n'获取每行的内容    根据','获取每个单元格内容    将结果存储在(i,j)标记的map 中读入其他文件也可以按照该思路进行#pragma once  //#include "stringparser.h"  #include <assert.h>  #include <map>  #include <vector>  #include <string> #include<fstream>#include<iostream>#include<iomanip>#include <string>#include <cstring>#include <sstream>//#include "SkillRecord.h"  using namespace std; typedef unsigned long   u32; class CReadPFfromCSV{private:  map<u32, map<u32, string>> m_stringMap;  string m_CSVName; public:CReadPFfromCSV(void);CReadPFfromCSV(const char *path)  {  assert(LoadCSV(path));  }  bool LoadCSV(const char *path);  bool SaveCSV(const char *path = NULL);  bool GetIntValue(u32 uiRow, u32 uiCol, int &riValue);  bool GetFloatValue(u32 uiRow, u32 uiCol, float &rfValue);  string* GetStringValue(u32 uiRow, u32 uiCol);  int GetParamFromString(string str, vector<string> &stringVec, char delim  = ',');  map<u32, map<u32, string>>& GetCSVMap()  {  return m_stringMap;  }  ~CReadPFfromCSV(void);};

#include "stdafx.h"#include "ReadPFfromCSV.h"bool CReadPFfromCSV::LoadCSV(const char *path)  {  FILE *pFile = fopen(path, "r");  if (pFile)  {  //read stream from fileifstream in(path, ios::in);istreambuf_iterator<char> beg(in), end;string strdata(beg, end);in.close();//convert from string to char[]const char*cfirst = strdata.c_str();char*fileBuffer = new char[strlen(cfirst) + 1];strcpy( fileBuffer, cfirst);map<u32, string> stringMap;  u32 uiIndex = 1;  char *pBegin = fileBuffer;  char *pEnd = strchr(pBegin, '\n');  pBegin = pEnd + 1;  pEnd = strchr(pBegin, '\n');pBegin = pEnd + 1;  pEnd = strchr(pBegin, '\n');  /*int icount = 0;while(icount<1132){   pBegin = pEnd + 1;     pEnd = strchr(pBegin, '\n');    icount++;}*/while (pEnd)  {  string strTemp;  strTemp.insert(0, pBegin, pEnd-pBegin);  assert(!strTemp.empty());  stringMap[uiIndex++] = strTemp;  pBegin = pEnd + 1;  pEnd = strchr(pBegin, '\n');  //cout<<strTemp<<endl;//cout<<stringMap.size()<<endl;}  delete []fileBuffer;  fileBuffer = NULL;  pBegin = NULL;  pEnd = NULL;  //cout<<stringMap.size()<<endl;//read every element in each line to map:stringMapTemp and to vectormap<u32, string>::iterator iter = stringMap.begin();  for (; iter != stringMap.end(); ++iter)  {  vector<string> stringVec;  map<u32, string> stringMapTemp;  assert(GetParamFromString(iter->second, stringVec) > 0);  vector<string>::size_type idx = 0;  for (; idx != stringVec.size(); ++idx)  {  stringMapTemp[idx + 1] = stringVec[idx];  }  m_stringMap[iter->first] = stringMapTemp;  }  fclose(pFile);  m_CSVName = path;  return true;  }   else  {  return false;  }  }  bool CReadPFfromCSV::SaveCSV(const char *path /* = NULL */)  {  if (path != NULL)  {  m_CSVName = path;  }  FILE *pFile = fopen(m_CSVName.c_str(), "w");  if (pFile)  {  map<u32, map<u32, string>>::iterator iter = m_stringMap.begin();  for (; iter != m_stringMap.end(); ++iter)  {  map<u32, string> &rStringMap = iter->second;  map<u32, string>::iterator it = rStringMap.begin();  for (; it != rStringMap.end(); ++it)  {  string strTemp = it->second;  strTemp += ',';  fwrite(strTemp.c_str(), 1, 1, pFile);  }  char delim = '\n';  fwrite(&delim, 1, 1, pFile);  }  fclose(pFile);  return true;  }   else  {  return false;  }  }  bool CReadPFfromCSV::GetIntValue(u32 uiRow, u32 uiCol, int &riValue)  {  string *pStr = GetStringValue(uiRow, uiCol);  if (pStr)  {  riValue = atoi(pStr->c_str());  return true;  }   else  {  return false;  }  }  bool CReadPFfromCSV::GetFloatValue(u32 uiRow, u32 uiCol, float &rfValue)  {  string *pStr = GetStringValue(uiRow, uiCol);  if (pStr)  {  rfValue = atof(pStr->c_str());  return true;  }   else  {  return false;  }  }  string* CReadPFfromCSV::GetStringValue(u32 uiRow, u32 uiCol)  {  map<u32, map<u32, string>>::iterator iter = m_stringMap.find(uiRow);  if (iter != m_stringMap.end())  {  map<u32, string> &rStrMap = iter->second;  map<u32, string>::iterator it = rStrMap.find(uiCol);  if (it != rStrMap.end())  {  return &(it->second);  }   else  {  return NULL;  }  }   else  {  return NULL;  }  }  //用于分割字符串,将CSV表格中的一行按照规则解析成一组字符串,存储在一个vector中  //根据CSV表格中所存储的数据的不同,重载各函数  int CReadPFfromCSV::GetParamFromString(string str, vector<string> &stringVec, char delim)  {  char *token = strtok(const_cast<char *>(str.c_str()), &delim);  while (token)  {  string strTemp = token;  stringVec.push_back(strTemp);  token = strtok(NULL, &delim); //cout<<strTemp<<endl;}  return stringVec.size();  }  /*void CReadPFfromCSV::GetSkillRecordMapTable(map<int, SkillRecord> &sSkillMapTable)  {  map<u32, map<u32, string>>::iterator iter = m_stringMap.begin();  for (; iter != m_stringMap.end(); ++iter)  {  map<u32, string> strmap = iter->second;  SkillRecord skillTemp;  skillTemp.SetID(atoi(strmap[1].c_str()));  skillTemp.SetPath(strmap[2]);  skillTemp.SetName(strmap[3]);  skillTemp.SetHurt(atoi(strmap[4].c_str()));  skillTemp.SetPlayTime(atoi(strmap[5].c_str()));  sSkillMapTable[skillTemp.GetID()] = skillTemp;  }  }  */CReadPFfromCSV::CReadPFfromCSV(void){}CReadPFfromCSV::~CReadPFfromCSV(void){}

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