
来源:互联网 发布:刘嘉玲面膜淘宝店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 16:44

The stats option lets you precisely control what bundle information gets displayed. This can be a nice middle ground if you don’t want to use quiet or noInfo because you want some bundle information, but not all of it.

T> For webpack-dev-server, this property needs to be in the devServer object.

W> This option does not have any effect when using the Node.js API.


object string

There are some presets available to use as a shortcut. Use them like this:

stats: "errors-only"
Preset Alternative Description "errors-only" none Only output when errors happen "minimal" none Only output when errors or new compilation happen "none" false Output nothing "normal" true Standard output "verbose" none Output everything

For more granular control, it is possible to specify exactly what information you want. Please note that all of the options in this object are optional.

stats: {  // Add asset Information  assets: true,  // Sort assets by a field  assetsSort: "field",  // Add information about cached (not built) modules  cached: true,  // Add children information  children: true,  // Add chunk information (setting this to `false` allows for a less verbose output)  chunks: true,  // Add built modules information to chunk information  chunkModules: true,  // Add the origins of chunks and chunk merging info  chunkOrigins: true,  // Sort the chunks by a field  chunksSort: "field",  // Context directory for request shortening  context: "../src/",  // `webpack --colors` equivalent  colors: true,  // Add errors  errors: true,  // Add details to errors (like resolving log)  errorDetails: true,  // Add the hash of the compilation  hash: true,  // Add built modules information  modules: true,  // Sort the modules by a field  modulesSort: "field",  // Add public path information  publicPath: true,  // Add information about the reasons why modules are included  reasons: true,  // Add the source code of modules  source: true,  // Add timing information  timings: true,  // Add webpack version information  version: true,  // Add warnings  warnings: true};
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