NumberBox -TypeScript

来源:互联网 发布:雪梨淘宝店铺地址 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:59
/*! * Numbox * Code By Ahoo Wang * Date 2016-05-10 * Demo: $('[data-numbox]').numbox(); *//// <reference path="../scripts/typings/jquery/jquery.d.ts" />interface NumboxOption {    min: number;    max: number;    step: number;    OnMax?: Function;    OnMin?: Function;}class Numbox {    option: NumboxOption;    wrapper: Element;    $input: JQuery;    $plus: JQuery;    $minus: JQuery;    OnMin: Function;    OnMax: Function;    constructor(wrapper: Element, option: NumboxOption = { min: 1, max: 999999, step: 1 }) {        this.wrapper = wrapper;        option.step = option.step || 1;        option.min = option.min || 1;        option.max = option.max || 999999;        this.option = option;        this.OnMax = option.OnMax;        this.OnMin = option.OnMin;        this.Init();    }    /**     * 初始化Numbox     */    Init() {        this.$input = $('[data-numbox-input]', this.wrapper);        let inputVal = this.$input.val();        if (inputVal == '') {            this.$input.val(this.option.min);        }        this.$plus = $('[data-numbox-plus]', this.wrapper);        this.$minus = $('[data-numbox-minus]', this.wrapper);        this.BindEvent();    }    /**     * 绑定事件     */    BindEvent() {        let that = this;        that.$plus.on('click', function () {            that.Plus();        });        that.$minus.on('click', function () {            that.Minus();        });        that.$input.on('change', function () {            let inputVal = parseInt(that.$input.val());            if (isNaN(inputVal)) {                that.$input.val(that.option.min);            }            if (isNaN(that.$input.val())) {                that.$input.val(inputVal);            }            if (inputVal > that.option.max) {                that.$input.val(that.option.max);                if (that.OnMax) {                    that.OnMax(that.option, this);                }            }            if (inputVal < that.option.min) {                that.$input.val(that.option.min);                if (that.OnMin) {                    that.OnMin(that.option, this);                }            }        });    }    /**     * 加     */    Plus() {        let that = this;        let inputVal = that.$input.val();        inputVal = parseInt(inputVal) + that.option.step;        that.$input.val(inputVal);        that.$input.val(inputVal).trigger('change');    }    /**     * 减     */    Minus() {        let that = this;        let inputVal = that.$input.val();        inputVal = parseInt(inputVal) - that.option.step;        that.$input.val(inputVal).trigger('change');    }}/*** jQuery 扩展函数 numbox*/$.fn.numbox = function (option) {    let defaultOption: NumboxOption = { min: 1, max: 9999999, step: 1 };    option = option || defaultOption;    var instanceArray = [];    //遍历选择的元素    this.each(function (i, element) {        let _option = $.extend({},option);        if (element.numbox) {            return;        }        let eleOptionStr = $(element).attr('data-numbox-option');        if (eleOptionStr) {            let eleOption = JSON.parse(eleOptionStr);            _option = $.extend(_option, eleOption);        }        element.numbox = new Numbox(element, _option);    });    return this;}
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