
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝直通车怎样出价 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 18:19







findText Method
Searches for text in the document and positions the start and end points of the range to encompass the search string.


bFound = TextRange.findText(sText [, iSearchScope] [, iFlags])


sText Required. String that specifies the text to find.
iSearchScope Optional. Integer that specifies the number of characters to search from the starting point of the range. A positive integer indicates a forward search; a negative integer indicates a backward search. 
iFlags Optional. Integer that specifies one or more of the following flags to indicate the type of search: 0 Default. Match partial words.

0 Default. Match partial words.
1 Match backwards.
2 Match whole words only.
4 Match case.
131072 Match bytes.
536870912 Match diacritical marks.
1073741824 Match Kashida character.
2147483648 Match AlefHamza character.

iFlags 参数为0表示部分匹配,比如

@a,@ADD,@a Abba @AB  超找@a 为四个

iFlags 参数为1表示查找最后一个关键字,比如

@a,@ADD,@a Abba @AB 查找@a 就到 @AB 这里去了

iFlags 参数为2表示全字匹配,比如

@a,@ADD,@a Abba @AB 查找@a 就到 只有一个就是 @a

iFlags 参数为3表示全字匹配,比如

@a,@ADD,@a Abba @AB 查找@a 就到 只有一个就是 @a

iFlags 参数为4表示大小写匹配,比如

@a,@ADD,@a Abba @AB 查找a 就到 只有三个

iFlags 参数为5表示按字节匹配






If oRange.findText(nWord, , 2) Then
    If oRange.findText(nWord, , 4) Then
        nPosBM = oRange.getBookmark
        'Call oRange.moveToBookmark(nPosBM)
        Call oRange.Select
        FindWord2 = True
    End If
    'Set nPosBM = Nothing
    nPosBM = vbNullString
    FindWord2 = False
End If

加个IF 循环就好了






This example creates a TextRange over the body of the document, and then uses the findText method to search for text with various flag combinations. The results are indicated in the example code comments.

<HTML><BODY>Leonardo da Vinci was one of the great masters of the High Renaissance, especially in painting, sculpture, architecture, engineering, and science.</BODY></HTML><SCRIPT>   var oRange = document.body.createTextRange();      // record the current position in a bookmark   var sBookMark = oRange.getBookmark();        // true - case-insensitive and partial word match   oRange.findText('leo');                     // reset the range using the bookmark   oRange.moveToBookmark(sBookMark);      // false - matches whole words only    oRange.findText('engineer', 0, 2);       oRange.moveToBookmark(sBookMark);      // false - case-sensitive   oRange.findText('high', 0, 4);           oRange.moveToBookmark(sBookMark);      // true - case-sensitive and matches whole words   oRange.findText('Leonardo', 0, 6);          // the degenerate case   oRange.moveToBookmark(sBookMark);      // make the range degenerate   oRange.collapse();      // false - must specify large character count in this case   oRange.findText('Leonardo', 0, 6);      // true - no third parameter passed, so no count needed   oRange.findText('Leonardo');      // true - a large count covers the range   oRange.findText('Leonardo', 1000000000, 6);    </SCRIPT>