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本内容参考自《 Java Programing language 4th edition》, 英文内容并非全为原文内容



Classes is the foundation of Java programming, programs are built from classes.

We can create any number of objects that are known as instances of that class.

类包含三种成员(member),分别是字段(field)、方法(method)以及嵌套类和嵌套接口(nested class & nested interface),字段和方法分别对应面向对象编程 中的属性(attribution)和行为(behavior)。成员可以隶属于这个类本身或是这个类所生成的对象。
Class contains two kinds of members, field , method, as well as nested class and nested interface. Field and method correspond to attribution and behavior in the concept of object oriented programming. Members can belong to class itself or the object of the class.

We use keyword class to declare a class. It should contain name, body. In generally, class modifier will also be added to declare the attribution of the class.

public class Point{    public int x = 0;    public int y = 0;    public void Move(int delta_x, int delta_y)    {        this.x = this.x+delta_x;        this.y = this.y+delta_y;        return;    }}

Keyword public is the class modifier and Point is the name of the class. All the content within the brace is the body of the class, which shows that there are two fields and one method in the class.


变量(variables)可以是类的对象或者是Java的原始数据类型(primitive data type)。Java支持的原始数据类型如下表:

名称 大小 数据内容 boolean 1-bit true 和 false char 16-bit Unicode 字符 byte 8-bit 字节数据 short 16-bit 带符号的整数 int 32-bit 带符号的整数 long 64-bit 带符号的整数 float 32-bit 浮点数(IEEE754) double 64-bit 浮点数IEEE754)

Variables can be objects of classes or primitive data type of Java. The primitive data types are shown as below:

Name size data type boolean 1-bit true & false char 16-bit Unicode characters byte 8-bit data of one byte short 16-bit signed integer int 32-bit signed integer long 64-bit signed integer float 32-bit floating-point (IEEE 754) double 64-bit floating-point (IEEE 754)

Variables can only be used after it is declared and it can be initialized with a default value. This is how a variables is declared :

int a;int b = 8;

同类型的多个变量可以写在同一个语句中,使用 ” , ” 进行分割。
Multiple variables of the same type can be declared in the same line, using “,” to seperate them.

int a, b = 8;

变量可以进行赋值操作,即可以将一个变量的值赋予到另一个变量上。使用 “=”进行该操作。
The value of variable can be assigned from another variable by using operater “=”, which means the value of the variable is copied to another variable.

//现在a等于8// now a equals to 8 a = b;

Variables can be calulated by using different operators. Operators have their own priority. Operaters of same priority will be calculated from left to right. Operaters and their priority are shown in the following picture.

Operators and their priority

具名常量(Named Constants)

Java allows programmer to name a constant value. It makes some constant term in calaulation more readable. Once the named contants are initialized, they cannot be modified any more. Naming a constant requires keyword final. In general, because we don’t want the named constant field to be associeated with instances of the class, keyword static will be also added in declaration.


We use method to operate the data of an object and obtain the result. It define the behavior of the object. The definition of a methed include name, parameter, result as well as body. In addition, modifier can be also used in the definition in order to declare the attribution of the method.

// Java方法定义示例// An example of definition of method in Javapublic double Distance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){    double xdiff = x1-x2;    double ydiff = y1-y2;    return Math.sqrt(xdiff*xdiff+ydiff*ydiff);}

As we seen in the example, keyword public is the modifier. double declare the type of the result value. distance is the name of the method. Terms x1, x2, y1, y2 in the parentheses are the parameters of the method. Types of these parameters should be declare as we seen in the example as int. Content within the brace is the body, which define the operation of the method. When the method is invoked, it will be executed until it reach the return statement and return a value in the return statement.

Notice that two methods with same name are allowed to create but the parameters must be different from each other. In such situation, two defined methods are regarded as two differnt methods.

While a method is invoked, name of the method is required. Parameters with right types which is defined in the definition of the method should be written in the parenthese in the defined sequence. The statement itself is regarded as a value which is the return value of the method.

double dis = Distance(1,1,2,2);

Notice that above invocation is only legal when such statement and the defined methed is in the same class and when the statement is accessible to the methed. When it comes to method in other class, additional class name or object name is also required.


An object is an instance of a class. It is generated from a class. Using keyword new to create an object.

Point p1 = new Point();

Point() method is the default constructor of class Point. Its name is the same as the class name. Programmers are allowed to create their own customed constructors. Any number of parameter can be added to the constructors. It’s legal to invoke user defined constructor to create an object.

While operating an object, accessible members of the object can be called by using “.” operator.

p1.x = 1;p1.y = 1;p1.Move(1,1);

Variable of an object is a reference to the object rather than the object itself. So assigning a object variable to another variable means copying the reference of the object instead of copying the object itself. When one object variable is assigned to another object variable, two variables represent one specific object. If you modify one object variable, you can see that the other one is also modified.

//将Point对象变量p1赋值给p2//Assign object p1 to p2.Point p2 = p1;//修改p2后,p1.x与p1.y均变为10//After modify p2, p1.x & p1.y also change to 10p2.x = 10;p2.y = 10;System.out.println(p1.x+" "+p1.y);

字符串对象(String Objects)

A String class type object is an data object with sequences of character. It provide language-level support for Java programming.

//声明两个字符串对象//Declare two string objectString a = "hello";String b = "world!";//hello变量内容为"hello world!"//Content of hello is "hello world!"String hello = a+" "+b;

Due to fact that string is a constant and that the variable of a string is an variable of object, the modification of string is not modification the string variable itself, but create a new string object with modified value. Therefore, the reference of the modified variable of string object is actually changed.

//字符串变量b在a被修改前指向同一个字符串//String variable b is refer to the same string as aString a = "hello";String b = a;//字符串变量a被修改,此时a指向的字符串被改变,而b由于还是指向改变前的变量,因此没有变化。//String variable a is modified. Now the reference of a is changed. However, because b is still refer to the unmodified string, b is still unchanged.a = a+" world!";//打印变量a和变量b,a为"hello world!"而b为"hello"//Print variable a and variable b, a shows "hello world!" while b shows "hello"System.out.println(a);System.out.println(b);


Programmers can add some comments in their code to promote readablility. When compiling the code, compiler will ignore the comment. There are three ways to add comment:

The first way is using “/*” and “*/”. Any number of lines of content surrounded by two notation is all regarded as comment, which will be ignored by the compiler.

/* 这些均为注释内容。   All here is comments.   可以添加任意行数的注释。   Any number of lines of comments can be added in it.*/

The second way is using “//” to make the content of a line the comments.

//该内容为注释。//This is content.

第三种方法为使用”/**” 开头并以”*/”结尾。该注释方法通常用于文件开头,被称为文档注释,用于描述文件的声明。许多工具会提取此类注释来生成说明文档。
The third way is using “/**” as begin and “*/” as end. Such kind of comment usually is implemented in the very top of the file, called documentation comment, which is used as the decription of declaration. A number of tools can abtract such comments in order to generate reference document.

/**     这是该文件的声明    Here is the declaration of the document*/

控制流(Control Flow)

控制流用于控制程序的执行。它决定了程序的控制顺序。控制流语句有三种“if else” 语句、“for”语句、“switch”语句以及“do while”语句。
Countrol flow is used in control the execution of the program. It deciede the order of execution. Control flow statement include three kinds of statement: “if” statement, “for” statement, “switch” statement as well as “do while” statement.

“if” 语句用于判断某些程序块是否执行,若“if”语句括号中的值为true,则执行程序块,否则跳过或执行else 语句下的程序块。
If statement serves as the judgement of whether a code block is executed. If the value in paratheses in if statement is true, the block will be executed. If not, it will be ignored or execute the code under else statement.

int i = 0;int j = 1;if(i == 0){    i++;    j--;}else{    i = 0;    j = 1;}


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