
来源:互联网 发布:重生进军网络主播 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 16:00





        /// <summary>        /// The NavisWorks Application        /// </summary>        Autodesk.Navisworks.Api.Automation.NavisworksApplication navisworksApplication= Autodesk.Navisworks.Api.Automation.NavisworksApplication.TryGetRunningInstance();        /// <summary>        /// The ID Prefix, or developer friendly name for the plugin we want to call        /// </summary>        const string pluginIDPrefix = "MessageSenderReceiver.MessageReceiver";        /// <summary>        /// The unique GUID for the plugin        /// </summary>        const string pluginGUID = "ADSK";        public MessageSender()        {            InitializeComponent();        }        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            OpenFileDialog openDlg = new OpenFileDialog();            if (openDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)            {                textBox1.Text = openDlg.FileName;                string[] msg = new string[] { "file", textBox1.Text };                if (navisworksApplication != null)                {                    int retval = navisworksApplication.ExecuteAddInPlugin(pluginIDPrefix + "." + pluginGUID, msg);                }                else                {                    navisworksApplication = new NavisworksApplication();                    //使程序可见                    navisworksApplication.Visible = true;                    //打开naviswork文档                    navisworksApplication.OpenFile(textBox1.Text);                }            }        }        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            string[] msg = new string[] { "view", "视图" };            if (navisworksApplication != null)            {                int retval = navisworksApplication.ExecuteAddInPlugin(pluginIDPrefix + "." + pluginGUID, msg);            }            else            {                MessageBox.Show("Naviswork未启动");            }        }        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            string[] msg = new string[] { "view", "视图 (1)" };            if (navisworksApplication != null)            {                int retval = navisworksApplication.ExecuteAddInPlugin(pluginIDPrefix + "." + pluginGUID, msg);            }            else            {                MessageBox.Show("Naviswork未启动");            }        }        private void MessageSender_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)        {            if (navisworksApplication != null)            {                navisworksApplication.Dispose();            }        }       

 #region MessageSenderReceiver_MessageReceiver   [PluginAttribute("MessageSenderReceiver.MessageReceiver",     //Plugin name                    "ADSK")]                                     //4 character Developer ID or GUID   [AddInPluginAttribute(AddInLocation.None)]                    //Identifies this as an Addin Plugin, that will not display in the ribbon   public class MessageReceiver : AddInPlugin                    //Derives from AddInPlugin   {      public override int Execute(params string[] parameters)      {            //获取当前的document            Document oDoc = Autodesk.Navisworks.Api.Application.ActiveDocument;            if (parameters[0]== "file")            {                               if (oDoc.FileName != parameters[1])                {                    oDoc.OpenFile(parameters[1]);                }            }            else if(parameters[0]=="view")            {                SavedViewpoint selectedSavedViewPoint = new SavedViewpoint();                DocumentSavedViewpoints saVP = oDoc.SavedViewpoints;                SavedItemCollection savedviewpointCollection = saVP.ToSavedItemCollection();                foreach(SavedItem si in savedviewpointCollection)                {                    SavedViewpoint savedViewPoint = si as SavedViewpoint;                    if (savedViewPoint.DisplayName == parameters[1])                    {                        selectedSavedViewPoint = savedViewPoint;                        break;                    }                }                if (selectedSavedViewPoint != null)                {                    Viewpoint oSeclectVP = selectedSavedViewPoint.Viewpoint;                    oDoc.CurrentViewpoint.CopyFrom(oSeclectVP);                }            }            return 1;              }   }   #endregion

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