Android 在不可操作时 获取Recyclerview的viewholder并动态改变view

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝双十一收货时间 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 17:19

Android 在不可操作时 获取Recyclerview的viewholder并动态改变view


好吧,开始找方法,大体思路就是动态的来获取holder改变布局,但是我需要在外面的物理按键回调里改变Recyclerview里面的view,嗯,一开始还就创建几个,后面的就不能再onBind里拿到了,再看看有没有什么其他方法,看见一个,getChildViewHolder(View child),嗯,看方法名很靠谱,但是参数是view。。。。


    /**     * Return the ViewHolder for the item in the given position of the data set. Unlike     * {@link #findViewHolderForLayoutPosition(int)} this method takes into account any pending     * adapter changes that may not be reflected to the layout yet. On the other hand, if     * {@link Adapter#notifyDataSetChanged()} has been called but the new layout has not been     * calculated yet, this method will return <code>null</code> since the new positions of views     * are unknown until the layout is calculated.     * <p>     * This method checks only the children of RecyclerView. If the item at the given     * <code>position</code> is not laid out, it <em>will not</em> create a new one.     * <p>     * When the ItemAnimator is running a change animation, there might be 2 ViewHolders     * representing the same Item. In this case, the updated ViewHolder will be returned.     *     * @param position The position of the item in the data set of the adapter     * @return The ViewHolder at <code>position</code> or null if there is no such item     */    public ViewHolder findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(int position) {        if (mDataSetHasChangedAfterLayout) {            return null;        }        final int childCount = mChildHelper.getUnfilteredChildCount();        // hidden VHs are not preferred but if that is the only one we find, we rather return it        ViewHolder hidden = null;        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {            final ViewHolder holder = getChildViewHolderInt(mChildHelper.getUnfilteredChildAt(i));            if (holder != null && !holder.isRemoved() && getAdapterPositionFor(holder) == position) {                if (mChildHelper.isHidden(holder.itemView)) {                    hidden = holder;                } else {                    return holder;                }            }        }        return hidden;    }


rvPsytopicList.scrollToPosition(index);RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolderForAdapterPosition = rvPsytopicList.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(index);


for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {            final ViewHolder holder = getChildViewHolderInt(mChildHelper.getUnfilteredChildAt(i));            //这里循环检查已存在的holder            if (holder != null && !holder.isRemoved() && getAdapterPositionFor(holder) == position) {                if (mChildHelper.isHidden(holder.itemView)) {                    hidden = holder;                } else {                    return holder;                }            }        }


rvPsytopicList.scrollToPosition(index+1);RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolderForAdapterPosition = rvPsytopicList.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(index);


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