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           <h2> 《小夜曲》</h2>
      <p class="a1">  柴刀就那样直直的被握着,血滴滴答,滑坠血泊之中。波纹返荡,荡得心跳更慌。板顶的灯梁碎个巴烂,光轻发芒,照着黝黑的单间露出若隐的屋架,又扑在血淋淋的刀镜上,屠手的慈容正映在其中。他不像是个做错了事的少年,温文尔雅,衣冠整洁,一副灰秀风衣,显得衬衫更白,绅士风手套,显得血色更艳。双眼沉稳,再加上礼貌式地颔首淡笑,好似那人死得尽在情理之中。麻绳将我死死捆住,勒紧那哆嗦的手更是动弹不得,胶带挡去撕喊,堵得那撕心裂肺都全然无济,仅能坐以待毙。到底过了多久?刀上的血跟着挪开了······


            <p class="a2">  As firewood knife straight was holding, blood tick, fall blood. Ripple back swing, swing heart beat more panic. In the top of the light beam crushed a Pakistan rotten, light hair awn, dark room as hidden and exposed if the roof, on the bloody knife mirror, Tu hand benevolent Zhengying in them. He is not a wrong boy, clean clothes, a pair of refined and cultured, ash show coat, shirt is white, gentleman is more brilliant scarlet gloves. Calm eyes, coupled with the courtesy to nod danxiao, like the dead as in reason. I was tied the rope to tighten, the trembling hand is stuck, tape off the tear shout, blocking the piercing is completely useless, can only sit still. How long did it last? The blood on the knife followed away..

The panic came with the smell of assault. I've known footsteps approaching, near A great calamity is at hand., All thoughts are blasted. Close your eyes and try to appease yourself too timid, try to remember his memories, finally let happen again to the next link. But I can not stop the fear of death, shortness of breath, than to see a ghost but also despair, was shocked by the shock of the brain is a blank. "I do not want to die, who can give me a chance to live." A strong desire to survive has no escape from the mercy of fate, I have a feeling that he is only one step away from me, no, half step, perhaps more recent. I do not know why, I suddenly wanted to look at the murderer before death look like, micro head and open his eyes.

At this time, most of the things Goo extremely brutal

"I want you to write this statement, you fucking write what?"

"No, I think his striking literary grace, rendering the atmosphere is enough."

The scene from the suspect style by two police officers to drag out the dialogue.

The bright side walls, no debris, a table and two chairs, two male and one female, male police officers across the leg hip half sitting in the corner, hold together and gather together his confession of female police officers at. This is a police interrogation room, the safest place in the world. The suspect looked at them silently, separated by a table a chair, eyes have been removed from the alert, the crisis is in the past.

"Continue to look at the next page, feeling very exciting." Listen to the front page.

He waved his hand to throw firewood knife, the floor in response, the sudden noise made me like a badly frightened person like scared half-dead, at this time I just died,. Reaching out to the neck, a kiss on my forehead.

That's right, he didn't do it, he just leaned over and kissed my forehead. I think this is the slaughter before the ceremony, dismayed to pray. He then tore up the stick in my mouth the tape.</p>
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