
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝照片拍摄相机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:20


compile 'com.orhanobut:logger:1.15'

OkHttp 处理了很多网络疑难杂症:会从很多常用的连接问题中自动恢复。如果您的服务器配置了多个IP地址,当第一个IP连接失败的时候,OkHttp会自动尝试下一个IP。OkHttp还处理了代理服务器问题和SSL握手失败问题。

使用 OkHttp 无需重写您程序中的网络代码。OkHttp实现了几乎和java.net.HttpURLConnection一样的API。如果你用了 Apache HttpClient,则OkHttp也提供了一个对应的okhttp-apache 模块。


/** *  * <p> * 描述:api请求log拦截器,使用{@link com.orhanobut.logger.Logger}打印日志 */public class LoggerInterceptor implements Interceptor {    private static final String TAG = "OkHttp";//请求标签    private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");    public enum Level {        /**         * logs request and response basic info         * <p>         * request info [method url Protocol]         * <p>         * response info [code message tookTime responseBody]         */        BASIC,        /**         * include all info{@link #BASIC}         * <p>logs request headers and response headers         */        HEADERS    }    private final Level mLevel;    public LoggerInterceptor() {        this(Level.BASIC);    }    /**     * @param level {@link Level}     */    public LoggerInterceptor(Level level) {        mLevel = level;    }    @Override    public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {        Request request = chain.request();        StringBuilder requestBuilder = new StringBuilder();        Connection connection = chain.connection();        Protocol protocol = connection != null ? connection.protocol() : Protocol.HTTP_1_1;        requestBuilder.append(request.method())                .append(" ")                .append(request.url())                .append(" ")                .append(protocol)                .append("\n");        if (mLevel == Level.HEADERS) {            Headers requestHeaders = request.headers();            for (int i = 0, count = requestHeaders.size(); i < count; i++) {                String name = requestHeaders.name(i);                if (!"Content-Type".equalsIgnoreCase(name) && !"Content-Length".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {                    requestBuilder.append(name)                            .append(": ")                            .append(requestHeaders.value(i))                            .append("\n");                }            }        }        RequestBody requestBody = request.body();        if (requestBody != null) {            if (requestBody.contentType() != null) {                requestBuilder.append("Content-Type: ")                        .append(requestBody.contentType())                        .append("\n");            }            if (requestBody.contentLength() != -1) {                requestBuilder.append("Content-Length: ")                        .append(requestBody.contentLength())                        .append("\n");            }            Buffer buffer = new Buffer();            requestBody.writeTo(buffer);            requestBuilder.append("Request-Body: ")                    .append(buffer.readUtf8())                    .append("\n");        }        Logger.t(TAG).d(requestBuilder.toString());        StringBuilder responseBuilder = new StringBuilder();        long startNs = System.nanoTime();        Response response;        try {            response = chain.proceed(request);        } catch (IOException e) {            Logger.t(TAG).e(e, "HTTP FAILED");            throw e;        }        long tookMs = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startNs);        ResponseBody responseBody = response.body();        long contentLength = responseBody.contentLength();        responseBuilder.append(response.code())                .append(" ")                .append(response.message())                .append(" ")                .append(response.request().url())                .append(" (took: ")                .append(tookMs)                .append("ms")                .append(")\n");        if (mLevel == Level.HEADERS) {            Headers responseHeaders = response.headers();            for (int i = 0, count = responseHeaders.size(); i < count; i++) {                responseBuilder.append(responseHeaders.name(i))                        .append(": ")                        .append(responseHeaders.value(i))                        .append("\n");            }        }        if (bodyEncoded(response.headers())) {            responseBuilder.append("END HTTP (encoded body omitted)");            Logger.t(TAG).d(responseBuilder.toString());        } else {            BufferedSource source = responseBody.source();            source.request(Long.MAX_VALUE); // Buffer the entire body.            Buffer buffer = source.buffer();            Charset charset = UTF8;            MediaType contentType = responseBody.contentType();            if (contentType != null) {                try {                    charset = contentType.charset(UTF8);                } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {                    responseBuilder.append("Couldn't decode the response body; charset is likely malformed.")                            .append("END HTTP");                    Logger.t(TAG).d(responseBuilder.toString());                    return response;                }            }            if (!isPlaintext(buffer)) {                responseBuilder.append("END HTTP (binary ")                        .append(buffer.size())                        .append("-byte body omitted)");                Logger.t(TAG).d(responseBuilder.toString());                return response;            }            responseBuilder.append("END HTTP (")                    .append(buffer.size())                    .append("-byte body)");            Logger.t(TAG).d(responseBuilder.toString());            if (contentLength != 0) {                Logger.t(TAG).json(buffer.clone().readString(charset));            }        }        return response;    }    /**     * Returns true if the body in question probably contains human readable text. Uses a small sample     * of code points to detect unicode control characters commonly used in binary file signatures.     */    private boolean isPlaintext(Buffer buffer) {        try {            Buffer prefix = new Buffer();            long byteCount = buffer.size() < 64 ? buffer.size() : 64;            buffer.copyTo(prefix, 0, byteCount);            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {                if (prefix.exhausted()) {                    break;                }                int codePoint = prefix.readUtf8CodePoint();                if (Character.isISOControl(codePoint) && !Character.isWhitespace(codePoint)) {                    return false;                }            }            return true;        } catch (EOFException e) {            return false; // Truncated UTF-8 sequence.        }    }    private boolean bodyEncoded(Headers headers) {        String contentEncoding = headers.get("Content-Encoding");        return contentEncoding != null && !contentEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase("identity");    }


OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()           .connectTimeout(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)            .readTimeout(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)           .addInterceptor(new LoggerInterceptor(LoggerInterceptor.Level.HEADERS))           .build();


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