
来源:互联网 发布:mac mini 安装 win10 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 05:27


- 525. Contiguous Array

Given a binary array, find the maximum length of a contiguous subarray with equal number of 0 and 1.


解法:令结果result=0.建立map<int,int> m来记录每个前i项和第一次出现的位置。注意:m[0]=-1(前i项和为0出现在第0项之前。遍历数组,用sum记录前i项和,若m中找到sum:result=max(result,i-m[sum]),否则:m[sum]=i。

class Solution {public:    int findMaxLength(vector<int>& nums) {        for(int i=0;i<nums.size();i++)            if(nums[i]==0)                nums[i]=-1;        int sum=0;        vector<int> sums;        for(int i=0;i<nums.size();i++)        {            sum+=nums[i];            sums.push_back(sum);         }         map<int,int> m;        for(int i=0;i<sums.size();i++)        {            m[sums[i]]=i;        }        int result=0;        for(int i=0;i<sums.size();i++)        {            int temp=sums[i];            if(temp==0)                result=max(result,i+1);            else                 result=max(result,m[temp]-i);        }        return result;    }};

- 508. Most Frequent Subtree Sum

Given the root of a tree, you are asked to find the most frequent subtree sum. The subtree sum of a node is defined as the sum of all the node values formed by the subtree rooted at that node (including the node itself). So what is the most frequent subtree sum value? If there is a tie, return all the values with the highest frequency in any order.

Examples 1

  5 /  \2   -3

return [2, -3, 4], since all the values happen only once, return all of them in any order.
Examples 2

  5 /  \2   -5

return [2], since 2 happens twice, however -5 only occur once.

  • Definition for a binary tree node.
    • struct TreeNode {
    • int val;
    • TreeNode *left;
    • TreeNode *right;
    • TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
    • };


首先使用一个深度优先搜索算法遍历所有子树,将所有根节点的值改为左子树值+右子树值+根值,同时建立一个map<int,int> one每出现一个新值,便让one[root->val]++。最后遍历one,返回出现次数最多的值(若有多个则返回多个)。

class Solution {public:    map<int,int> one;    vector<int> findFrequentTreeSum(TreeNode* root) {        vector<int> result;        int maxone=0;//记录最大出现次数        dfs(root);        map<int,int>::iterator iter;        for(iter=one.begin();iter!=one.end();iter++)        {            maxone=max(maxone,iter->second);        }        for(iter=one.begin();iter!=one.end();iter++)        {            if(iter->second==maxone)                result.push_back(iter->first);        }        return result;    }    void dfs(TreeNode* root)    {        if(root==NULL) return ;        if(root->left)        {            dfs(root->left);            root->val+=root->left->val;        }        if(root->right)        {            dfs(root->right);            root->val+=root->right->val;        }        one[root->val]++;    }};

- 454. 4Sum II

Given four lists A, B, C, D of integer values, compute how many tuples (i, j, k, l) there are such that A[i] + B[j] + C[k] + D[l] is zero.To make problem a bit easier, all A, B, C, D have same length of N where 0 ≤ N ≤ 500. All integers are in the range of -228 to 228 - 1 and the result is guaranteed to be at most 231 - 1.


解题思路:首先想到暴力穷举法,果不其然超时了,使用map来提高效率。建立一个map<int,int> nums,遍历前两个数组,记录其所有出现元素和的个数,再遍历后两个数组,寻找是否存在为相反数的元数和。

class Solution {public:    int fourSumCount(vector<int>& A, vector<int>& B, vector<int>& C, vector<int>& D) {        int sum=0;        int size=A.size();        map<int,int> nums;        for(int i=0;i<size;i++)            for(int j=0;j<size;j++)        {            nums[A[i]+B[j]]=nums[A[i]+B[j]]+1;        }         for(int i=0;i<size;i++)            for(int j=0;j<size;j++)        {            sum+=nums[-C[i]-D[j]];        }        return sum;    }};

- 451. Sort Characters By Frequency

Given a string, sort it in decreasing order based on the frequency of characters.



class Solution {public:    string frequencySort(string s) {        map<char,int> nums;        for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)        {            nums[s[i]]++;        }        char key;        int max=0;        string x="";        while(!nums.empty())        {            map<char,int>::iterator iter;            for(iter=nums.begin();iter!=nums.end();iter++)            {                if(iter->second>max)                {                    max=iter->second;                    key=iter->first;                }            }            while(max!=0)            {                x+=key;                max--;            }            nums.erase(key);        }        return x;    }};

- 380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)

Design a data structure that supports all following operations in average O(1) time.insert(val): Inserts an item val to the set if not already present.remove(val): Removes an item val from the set if present.getRandom: Returns a random element from current set of elements. Each element must have the same probability of being returned.



class RandomizedSet {public:    /** Initialize your data structure here. */    RandomizedSet() {    }    /** Inserts a value to the set. Returns true if the set did not already contain the specified element. */    bool insert(int val) {        if(hash.count(val))            return false;        else        {            hash[val]=v.size();            v.push_back(val);            return true;        }    }    /** Removes a value from the set. Returns true if the set contained the specified element. */    bool remove(int val) {        if(hash.count(val)==0)        {            return false;        }        else        {            int pos=hash[val];            hash[v.back()]=pos;            swap(v[pos],v[v.size()-1]);            hash.erase(val);            v.pop_back();            return true;        }    }    /** Get a random element from the set. */    int getRandom() {        return v[rand()%v.size()];    }private:    map<int,int> hash;    vector<int> v;};
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