Hough forest编译问题

来源:互联网 发布:php微信一级菜单 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 02:33

Hough Forest链接老出错,尽管已经把opencv的库安装好了,依然出现undefined reference问题。根据经验做了如下试验:由于我在编译opencv的时候将 prefix设置自定义的安装目录,因此在编译hough forest之前我首先将我opencv的安装目录添加到/etc/ld.so.conf目录下,然后ldconfig一下,发现依然不行,最终在网上找打了一个合适的办法成功编译。

I have been working on running CRFOREST in Ubuntu machine for 7 months. Here are some suggestions:

for Makefile:

CRForest-Detector: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(LIBDIRS) -o $@ $+$(OPT) $(LIBS)

NOTE: Please put $(LIBS) at the end, otherwise, I would suggest you re-install the package opencv in Ubuntu following a proper configuration guide.将makefile里面的LIBS环境变量放到最后即可。

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