
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝上耐克是正品吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:48


yum install -y gcc-c++ wget unzip perl pcre-devel zlib-develyum -y install libevent





wget -O libfastcommon-1.0.7.tar.gz






3.1 解压FastDFS_v5.05.tar.gz

tar -zxvf FastDFS_v5.05.tar.gz 

3.2 查看 解压后 文件夹FastDFS中的 ==INSTALL== 安装步骤

#第一步:安装 libfastcommon#step 1. download libfastcommon source package from github and install it,   the github address:第二步:#step 2. download FastDFS source package and unpack it, tar xzf FastDFS_v5.x.tar.gz#for example:tar xzf FastDFS_v5.08.tar.gz#step 3. enter the FastDFS dircd FastDFS#step 4. execute:./ 5. make install./ install#step 6. edit/modify the config file of tracker and storage#step 7. run server programs#start the tracker server:/usr/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf restart#in Linux, you can start fdfs_trackerd as a service:/sbin/service fdfs_trackerd start#start the storage server:/usr/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf restart#in Linux, you can start fdfs_storaged as a service:/sbin/service fdfs_storaged start#step 8. run test program#run the client test program:/usr/bin/fdfs_test <client_conf_filename> <operation>/usr/bin/fdfs_test1 <client_conf_filename> <operation>#for example, upload a file:/usr/bin/fdfs_test conf/client.conf upload /usr/include/stdlib.h#step 9. run monitor program#run the monitor program:/usr/bin/fdfs_monitor <client_conf_filename>tracker server config file sample please see conf/tracker.confstorage server config file sample please see conf/storage.confclient config file sample please see conf/client.confItem detail1. server common items---------------------------------------------------|  item name            |  type  | default | Must |---------------------------------------------------| base_path             | string |         |  Y   |---------------------------------------------------| disabled              | boolean| false   |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| bind_addr             | string |         |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| network_timeout       | int    | 30(s)   |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| max_connections       | int    | 256     |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| log_level             | string | info    |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| run_by_group          | string |         |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| run_by_user           | string |         |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| allow_hosts           | string |   *     |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| sync_log_buff_interval| int    |  10(s)  |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| thread_stack_size     | string |  1M     |  N   |---------------------------------------------------memo:   * base_path is the base path of sub dirs:      data and logs. base_path must exist and it's sub dirs will      be automatically created if not exist.       $base_path/data: store data files       $base_path/logs: store log files   * log_level is the standard log level as syslog, case insensitive     # emerg: for emergency     # alert     # crit: for critical     # error     # warn: for warning     # notice     # info     # debug   * allow_hosts can ocur more than once, host can be hostname or ip address,     "*" means match all ip addresses, can use range like this: 10.0.1.[1-15,20]      or host[01-08,20-25], for example:        allow_hosts=10.0.1.[1-15,20]        allow_hosts=host[01-08,20-25].domain.com2. tracker server items---------------------------------------------------|  item name            |  type  | default | Must |---------------------------------------------------| port                  | int    | 22000   |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| store_lookup          | int    |  0      |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| store_group           | string |         |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| store_server          | int    |  0      |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| store_path            | int    |  0      |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| download_server       | int    |  0      |  N   |---------------------------------------------------| reserved_storage_space| string |  1GB    |  N   |---------------------------------------------------memo:   * the value of store_lookup is:    0: round robin (default)    1: specify group    2: load balance (supported since V1.1)  * store_group is the name of group to store files.    when store_lookup set to 1(specify group),     store_group must be set to a specified group name.  * reserved_storage_space is the reserved storage space for system     or other applications. if the free(available) space of any stoarge    server in a group <= reserved_storage_space, no file can be uploaded    to this group (since V1.1)    bytes unit can be one of follows:      # G or g for gigabyte(GB)      # M or m for megabyte(MB)      # K or k for kilobyte(KB)      # no unit for byte(B)3. storage server items-------------------------------------------------|  item name          |  type  | default | Must |-------------------------------------------------| group_name          | string |         |  Y   |-------------------------------------------------| tracker_server      | string |         |  Y   |-------------------------------------------------| port                | int    | 23000   |  N   |-------------------------------------------------| heart_beat_interval | int    |  30(s)  |  N   |-------------------------------------------------| stat_report_interval| int    | 300(s)  |  N   |-------------------------------------------------| sync_wait_msec      | int    | 100(ms) |  N   |-------------------------------------------------| sync_interval       | int    |   0(ms) |  N   |-------------------------------------------------| sync_start_time     | string |  00:00  |  N   |-------------------------------------------------| sync_end_time       | string |  23:59  |  N   |-------------------------------------------------| store_path_count    | int    |   1     |  N   |-------------------------------------------------| store_path0         | string |base_path|  N   |-------------------------------------------------| store_path#         | string |         |  N   |-------------------------------------------------|subdir_count_per_path| int    |   256   |  N   |-------------------------------------------------|check_file_duplicate | boolean|    0    |  N   |-------------------------------------------------| key_namespace       | string |         |  N   |-------------------------------------------------| keep_alive          | boolean|    0    |  N   |-------------------------------------------------| sync_binlog_buff_interval| int |   60s |  N   |-------------------------------------------------memo:  * tracker_server can ocur more than once, and tracker_server format is    "host:port", host can be hostname or ip address.  * store_path#, # for digital, based 0  * check_file_duplicate: when set to true, must work with FastDHT server,     more detail please see INSTALL of FastDHT. FastDHT download page:  * key_namespace: FastDHT key namespace, can't be empty when     check_file_duplicate is true. the key namespace should short as possible


4.1 libfastcommon-1.0.7.tar.gz

1.  tar -zxvf libfastcommon-1.0.7.tar.gz 2.  ./ 3.  ./ install#   把/usr/lib64/libfastcommon.so文件向/usr/lib/下复制一份#   libfastcommon安装好后会自动将库文件拷贝至/usr/lib64下,由于FastDFS程序引用usr/lib目录所以需要将/usr/lib64下的库文件拷贝至/usr/lib下4.  cp /usr/lib64/  /usr/lib/

4.2 安装FastDFS

1.  tar -zxvf FastDFS_v5.05.tar.gz  2.  cd FastDFS3.  ./ 4.  ./ install#  /usr/bin/目录下有以fdfs开头的文件都是编译出来的。#  配置文件都放到/etc/fdfs文件夹#  FastDFS/conf目录下的所有的配置文件都复制到/etc/fdfs下5. cp -f conf/* /etc/fdfs/


1. cd /etc/fdfs/     #进入配置文件所在的目录2. mkdir -p /usr/data/fastdfs #创建自定义存放路径3. vim tracker.conf  #tracker.conf中的base_path 为自己路径4. base_path=/usr/data/fastdfs #设置tracker日志存放路径5. /usr/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf #启动6. /usr/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf restart #重启7. /usr/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf stop #停止

4.4配置Storage服务 (如果是在不同的服务器安装,4.3步的1~4需要重新执行)

1. cd /etc/fdfs/    #进入配置文件所在的目2. mkdir -p /usr/data/fastdfs #创建自定义存放路径(以创建不需要再创建)3. vim storage.conf #storage.conf中的base_path 为自己路径4. base_path=/usr/data/fastdfs  #设置storage日志存放路径5. store_path0=/usr/data/fastdfs #设置图片存放路径6. tracker_server= #指定tracker服务器的地址和端口7. /usr/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf #启动storage8. /usr/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf stop #停止storage9. /usr/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf restart #重启storage


1. vim client.conf2. base_path=/usr/data/fastdfs # 设置 客户端日志存放路径3. tracker_server= #设置 tracker 服务器的地址和端口

4.6测试(huluwa.jpg是我自己上传的图片,系统有默认图片也可以测试:/etc/fdfs 下的 anti-steal.jpg )

[root@localhost fdfs]# /usr/bin/fdfs_test /etc/fdfs/client.conf upload huluwa.jpg 


This is FastDFS client test program v5.05Copyright (C) 2008, Happy Fish / YuQingFastDFS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU GeneralPublic License V3, which may be found in the FastDFS source kit.Please visit the FastDFS Home Page for more detail.[2017-02-23 17:55:35] DEBUG - base_path=/usr/data/fastdfs, connect_timeout=30, network_timeout=60, tracker_server_count=1, anti_steal_token=0, anti_steal_secret_key length=0, use_connection_pool=0, g_connection_pool_max_idle_time=3600s, use_storage_id=0, storage server id count: 0tracker_query_storage_store_list_without_group:         server 1. group_name=, ip_addr=, port=23000group_name=group1, ip_addr=, port=23000storage_upload_by_filenamegroup_name=group1, remote_filename=M00/00/00/wKgfZlivkpeAbomSAADgedhzSso810.jpgsource ip address: timestamp=2017-02-23 17:55:35file size=57465file crc32=3631434442example file url:, remote_filename=M00/00/00/wKgfZlivkpeAbomSAADgedhzSso810_big.jpgsource ip address: timestamp=2017-02-23 17:55:35file size=57465file crc32=3631434442example file url:



1.  tar -zxvf fastdfs-nginx-module_v1.16.tar.gz #解压2.  cp -r fastdfs-nginx-module /usr/local/  #将解压后的文件复制到 /usr/local/ 下3.  vim config #去掉/local    ngx_module_incs="/usr/include/fastdfs /usr/include/fastcommon/" #默认安装fastdfs后,如果这里有local要去掉    ngx_module_libs="-lfastcommon -lfdfsclient"

4.7.2 安装ngin

1. tar -zxvf nginx-1.8.0.tar.gz 2. mv  nginx-1.8.0 /usr/local/nginx/3. [root@localhost var]# pwd/var[root@localhost var]#  mkdir -p temp/nginx #创建nginx临时变量存储目录3. 修改参数:./configure \--prefix=/usr/local/nginx \--pid-path=/var/run/nginx/ \--lock-path=/var/lock/nginx.lock \--error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log \--http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log \--with-http_gzip_static_module \--http-client-body-temp-path=/var/temp/nginx/client \--http-proxy-temp-path=/var/temp/nginx/proxy \--http-fastcgi-temp-path=/var/temp/nginx/fastcgi \--http-uwsgi-temp-path=/var/temp/nginx/uwsgi \--http-scgi-temp-path=/var/temp/nginx/scgi \--add-module=/usr/local/fastdfs-nginx-module/src #fastdfs-nginx-module src 所在的目录4. make5. make install

4.7.3 编辑mod_fastdfs.conf

1. cp -p /usr/local/fastdfs-nginx-module/mod_fastdfs.conf  /etc/fdfs/ #复制mod-fastdfs.conf到/etc/fdfs/ 下2. base_path=/tmp #日志存放路径3. tracker_server= #tracker服务器地址和端口号3. store_path0=/usr/data/fastdfs #图片存放路径4. url_have_group_name = true

4.7.4 编辑nginx.conf,添加一个server

 server {        listen       80;        server_name;        location /group1/M00/ {            root /usr/data/fastdfs/data;            ngx_fastdfs_module;        }    }


cp -r /usr/lib64/  /usr/lib/ 

启动trancer 和 storage

[root@localhost /]# cd /usr/local/nginx/sbin/[root@localhost sbin]# ./nginx [root@localhost /]# /usr/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf [root@localhost /]# /usr/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf



1.  vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables2.  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22122 -j ACCEPT #插入此行 开放22122端口3.  service iptables restart


1. vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local 2.  加入:/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx 


  1. java 代码中 出错 connect timed out

插入此行 开放23000端口

  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 23000 -j ACCEPT 
0 0