
来源:互联网 发布:java售票系统 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 08:27


case CV_MOP_GRADIENT:        erode( src, temp, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );        dilate( src, dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue );        dst -= temp;        break;
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>using namespace std;using namespace cv;int main(){                 //1           read the source image                 Mat src;                src = imread("industrial.png" );                namedWindow( "Src", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );                imshow( "Src", src);                 //2 RGB2GRAY                 Mat dst;                cvtColor(src, dst, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);                 //3           morphology                 Mat edge;                morphologyEx(dst, edge, MORPH_GRADIENT, Mat ());                 //4           threshold                threshold(edge, edge, 40, 255, THRESH_BINARY);                 //5           show the edge                namedWindow( "Edge", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );                imshow( "Edge", edge);                 //6 wait                waitKey();                 return 0;}

#include <iostream>#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>#include <opencv.hpp>using namespace std;using namespace cv;int main(){                 Mat in_frame, out_frame;                 Mat out_edge_l;                 Mat out_edge_s;                 Mat out_edge_m;Mat temp;                 const char win1[] = "Grabbing......", win2[] = "Recording......" ;                 const char win3[] = "Laplacian";                 const char win4[] = "Sobel";                 const char win5[] = "Morphology";                 double fps = 30;//每秒的帧数                 char file_out[] = "Recorded.avi" ;                 VideoCapture inVid(0);//打开默认摄像机                 if (!inVid.isOpened())//检查错误                {                                cout << "发生错误,摄像机无法打开!" << endl;                                 return -1;                }                 //获取视频的宽度和高度                 int width = (int )inVid.get( CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);                 int height = (int )inVid.get( CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);                 VideoWriter recVid(file_out, VideoWriter ::fourcc( 'M', 'S', 'V', 'C'), fps, Size (width, height));                 if (!recVid.isOpened())                {                                cout << "发生错误,视频文件无法打开!" << endl;                                 return -1;                }                 //为原始视频和最终视频创建两个窗口                namedWindow(win1);                namedWindow(win2);                 while (true )                {                                 //从摄像机读取帧(抓取并解码)                                inVid >> in_frame;                                 //将帧转换为灰度                                cvtColor(in_frame, out_frame, COLOR_BGR2GRAY );                                Laplacian(in_frame, out_edge_l, -1);                                Sobel(in_frame, out_edge_s, -1, 1, 1);                                cvtColor(in_frame, temp, COLOR_BGR2GRAY );                                morphologyEx(temp, out_edge_m, MORPH_GRADIENT , Mat ());                                threshold(out_edge_m, out_edge_m, 40, 255, THRESH_BINARY );                                 //将帧写入视频文件(编码并保存)                                 //recVid << out_frame;                                 //recVid << out_edge;                                imshow(win1, in_frame);                                imshow(win2, out_frame); //在窗口中显示帧                                imshow(win3, out_edge_l);                                imshow(win4, out_edge_s);                                imshow(win5, out_edge_m);                                 if (waitKey(1000 / fps) >= 0)                                                 break ;                }                inVid.release(); //关闭摄像机                 return 0;}

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